General microbiology

Polar placement of volutin granules

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Polar placement of volutin granules

  • Presence of the capsule

  • During the staining of sputum smear of a patient with suspected croupous pneumonia the following reactives and stainers were used: gential violet solution, Lugol's solution, 960 spiritus and water fuchsin. What method of staining is used in this case?

    A. Leffler's B. Gram's C. Ziehl-Neelsen's
    D. Neisser's E. Romanovsky's

    1. A smear of sputum from the patient with suspected lobar pneumonia was stained with the use of the following stains and reagents: solution of gentian violet, Lugol’s solution, 96o alcohol, watermagenta. What staining method was applied in this case?

    A. Gram B. Ziehl-Nielsen C. Romanovsky D. Neisser E. Leffler

    1. In a bacteriological laboratory some bacterial smears had to be stained by Gram’s method. For this purpose the following reagents were prepared: gentian violet, Lugol’s solution, aqueous fuchsin solution. What other reagent is required?

    A. 96% ethanol B. 5% sulfuric acid
    C. Methylene blue solution
    D. Carbolic fuchsin E. 3%hydrogen peroxide

    1. When preparing a dental plague smear and staining it according the gram method, a student during microscopy detected there various violet and pink microorganisms. What structural component of microorganisms causes different response to stains?

    A. Cell wall B. Cytoplasm
    C. Cytoplasmic membrane D. Internal periplasmic space
    E. Outer membrane

    1. A smear of streptobacillus preparation stained by Ozheshko method has been studied microscopically with oil immersion. What structural feature of the bacteria has been studied?

    A. Spores B. Capsule C. Flagella
    D. Inclusions E. Structure of cell wall

    1. A specimen stained by Ozheshko method contains rod-like microorganisms stained blue with round terminal components stained red. What are these components called?

    A. Spores B. Cilia C. Flagella D. Capsules E. Mesosomas

    1. The laboratory for especially dangerous infections conducts microscopic examination of pathological material from a patient with suspected plague. The sample was stained by Burri-Gins technique. What property of the causative agent can be identified by this technique?

    A. Capsule formation B. Spore formation
    C. Acid resistance D. Alkali resistance
    E. Presence of volutin granules

    1. When a smear is stained by Burry- Gins method a mucous structure that is tightly bound with the cellular wall of bacteria and has well-defined outer boundaries can be detected. This element of a bacteria cell is called:

    A. Capsule B. Spore C. Filaments
    D. Ribosomes E. Episomes

    1. Capsuliferous bacteria has been detected during microbiological inspection of crude drugs. What method of staining has been used to detect capsules?

    A. Burri-Gins B. Ziehl–Neelsen
    C. Neisser D. Gram E. Aujeszky

    1. During microbiological inspection of crude drugs encapsulated bacteria were revealed. What method was applied for capsule detection?

    A. Burry-Gins B. Ziehl-Neelsen
    C. Neisser D. Gram E. Ozheshko

    1. Microbiological analysis of medicinal raw materials revealed capsular bacteria. What stain method was used to detect the capsules?

    A. Gin’s B. Ziehl-Neelsen’s
    C. Neisser’s D. Gram’s E. Ozheshko’s

    1. In course of long-term treatment of an infectious patient with penicillin, the pathogen transformed into the L-form. What changes occur in the pathogen cell in case of L-transformation?

    A. Absence of a cell wall B. Absence of flagella
    C. Absence of a capsule D. Absence of a spore
    E. Absence of inclusions
    19. The cell surface of pathogenic gram-negative bacteria can be covered in villi and cilia. What function do these structures have?
    A. RNA exchange between cells B. Inhibition of complement activity
    C. Nutrient transport into the cell D. Resistance to antibody opsonization
    E. Bacterial adhesion to the surface of the host cells, conjugation
    20. During the skill-building session in microbiology the students need to stain the prepared and fixed sputum smears obtained from a tuberculosis patient. What staining technique should be used in this case?
    A. Gram B. Giemsa C. Ziehl-Neelsen D. Burry E. Gins

    1. Microscopy of a smear obtained from a patient with acute purulent periostitis revealed gram-positive bacteria arranged in clusters resembling bunch of grapes. What microorganisms is this morphology typical for?

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