General microbiology

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  • Relapsing fever

  • In a microslide of the patient’s regional lymph node stained with Giemsa method a doctor detected thin microorganisms with 12-14 uniform tendrils with pointed tips, 10-13 micrometers in length, pale pink in color. In this case they can be identified as infectious agents of the following disease:

    A. Syphilis B. Trypanosomiasis
    C. Leptospirosis D. Relapsing fever E. Leishmaniasis

    1. Bacterioscopic examination of chancre material revealed some mobile, long, convoluted microorganisms with 8-12 regular coils. These features are typical for:

      1. Treponema

      2. Borrellia

      3. Leptospira

      4. Vibrios

      5. Campylobacter

    2. A man died from an acute infectious disease accompanied by fever, jaundice, haemorrhagic rash on the skin and mucous membranes as well as by acute renal insufficiency. Histological examination of renal tissue (stained by Romanovsky-Giemsa method) revealed some convoluted bacteria looking like C and S letters. What bacteria were revealed?

      1. Leptospira

      2. Treponema

      3. Spirilla

      4. Borrelia

      5. Campilobacteria

    3. Patients with similar complaints applied to the doctor: weakness, pain in the intestines, disorder of GIT. Examination of the feces revealed that one patient with four nucleus cysts should be hospitalized immediately. For what protozoa are such cysts typical?

    A. Lamblia B. Dysenteric amoeba
    C. Balantidium D. Trichomonas
    E. Intestinal amoeba

    1. Several patients with similar complaints came to the doctor. They all present with weakness, pain in the intestines, indigestion. Feces analysis revealed the need for urgent hospitalization of the patient, who had microbial cysts with four nuclei detected in his samples. Such cysts are characteristic of the following protozoon:

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