General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Lamblia B. Toxoplasma C. Leishmania
D. Intestinal trichomonad E. Trypanosome

  1. A duodenal content smear of a patient with indigestion contains protozoa 10-18 mcm large. They have piriform bodies, 4 pairs of filaments, two symmetrically located nuclei in the broadened part of body. What kind of the lowest organisms is it?

    1. Lamblia

    2. Dysentery ameba

    3. Trichomonas

    4. Intestinal ameba

    5. Balantidium

  2. A 13 year old child complains about poor appetite, pain in the right subcostal area. Microscopical examination of duodenal contents revealed big pyriform cells with two nuclei. What microorganism was revealed?

    1. Lamblia

    2. Trichomonas

    3. Amoeba

    4. Trypanosoma

    5. Toxoplasma

  3. Sanitary assessment of a pond, where the children from a recreation summer camp take their swims, detected there oval cysts 50-60 micron in diameter, with 2 nuclei visible in their cytoplasm (macronucleus and micronucleus). What protozoa do these cysts belong to?

A. Toxoplasma B. Amoeba
C. Balantidium D. Lamblia E. Euglena

  1. A patient working at a pig farm complains about paroxysmal abdominal pain, liquid feces with admixtures of mucus and blood, headache, weakness, fever. Examination of large intestine revealed ulcers from 1 mm up to several cm large, feces contained oval unicellular organisms with cilia. What disease should be suspected?

    1. Balantidiasis

    2. Amebiasis

    3. Toxoplasmosis

    4. Lambliasis

    5. Trichomoniasis

  2. Slime, blood and protozoa 30-200 microns of length have been revealed in a man’s feces. The body is covered with cilias and has correct oval form with a little bit narrowed forward and wide round shaped back end. On the forward end a mouth is visible. In cytoplasm there are two nucleuses and two short vacuoles. For whom are the described attributes typical?

    1. Balantidium

    2. Lamblia

    3. Dysenteric amoeba

    4. Trichomonas

    5. Intestinal amoeba

  3. A patient has symptoms of inflammation of urogenital tracts. Examination of a vaginal smear revealed big monocellular, pear-shaped organisms with the pointed spike at the posterior end of body, big nucleus and undulating membrane. What protozoa were found in the smear?

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