General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Kitt-Tarozzi medium. B. Endo agar.
C. Sabouraud agar. D. Egg-yolk salt agar. E. Hiss medium
A bacteriological laboratory received a sample of dried fish from an outbreak of food poisoning. Inoculation of the sample on Kitt-Tarozzi medium revealed microorganisms resembling tennis racket. These microorganisms are causative agents of the following disease:
A. Botulism. B. Diphtheria. C. Typhoid fever.
D. Salmonellosis. E. Dysentery.
During inspectation of dental tools for sterility in one case gram-positive cocci were detected. They were situated in clusters and yielded positive plasma coagulation reaction; the cocci were fermenting mannitol in anaerobic conditions and exhibiting lecithinase activity. What microorganism as detected?
A. St. saprophiticus
B. St. epidermidis
C. Corynebacterium xerosis
D. Staph. aureus
E. Str. pyogenes
Microbiological purity of tableted drugs had been tested at factory. Samples cultivation in mannitol salt agar resulted in growth of golden-yellow colonies, microscopic examination of colonies detected grampositive globular bacteria positioned in clusters; microorganisms had plasma coagulation properties. What pure bacterial culture was obtained?
A. Staphylococcus aureus
B. Enterobacteriaceae
C. Staphylococcus epidermidis
D. Staph. saprophyticus
E. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Bacilli were extracted from investigated sample. The bacilli are curved, extremely mobile, gram-negative, form no spores or capsules, have anaerobic form of respiration. They form transparent smooth colonies in alkaline agar, ferment saccharose and mannose into acid, produce exotoxin, fibrinolysin, collagenase, and
hyaluronidase. What
agent was extracted?
A. Comma bacillus
B. Proteus
C. Dysentery bacillus
D. Blue pus bacillus
E. Colibacillus
Initial inoculation of water in 1% peptone water resulted in growth of a thin film on the medium surface in 6 hours. Such cultural properties are characteristic of causative agent of the following disesase:
A. Cholera
B. Plague
C. Tuberculosis
D. Dysentery
E. Pseudotuberculosis
A 4-year-old child presents with general weakness, sore throat and deglutitive problem. After his examination a doctor suspected diphtheria and sent the material to the bacteriological laboratory. In order to determine the diphtheria causative agent the material should be inoculated into the following differential diagnostic medium:

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