General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Staphylococcus aureus B. Streptococcus agalactiae
C. Streptococcus pyogenes D. Staphylococcus epidermidis
E. Staphylococcus saprophyticus
48. Purulent discharges of a patient with a mandibulofacial phlegmon contain spheroid microorganisms making S-shaped colonies with golden pigment that produce lecithinase, plasmocoagulase, hemolysin and decompose mannitol under anaerobic conditions. Specify the kind of microorganisms that had caused the suppuration:
A. S. aureus B. Str. pyogenes C. Str. mutans
D. S. epidermidis E. Str. sanguis
49. From the purulent exudate of a patient with odontogenic phlegmon a pure culture of Gram(+) microorganisms was segregated. This culture was lecithinously active, coagulated plasma of a rabbit, decomposed mannitol under anaerobe conditions. What microorganism may have contributed to the origin of suppurative complication?
A. S.aureus B. S.epidermidis
C. S.pyogenes D. S.viridans E. S.mutans
50. After inoculation of feces sample into the 1% alkaline peptonic water and 8-hour incubation in the thermostat at a temperature of 37oC a culture in form of a tender bluish film has grown. Such cultural properties are typical for the causative agent of the following disease:
A. Cholera B.Plague C.Typhoid fever D.Paratyphoid fever E.Dysentery
From the feces of a patient with acute gastroenteritis a pure culture of microorganisms was obtained. The microorganisms are small mobile slightly curved gram-negative bacilli that within 6 hours grow into a light blue film on the 1% alkaline peptone water. Such properties are characteristic of the following microorganism:
A. Bacillus B. Clostridium C. Spirochete D. Spirillum E. Vibrio
Initial inoculation of water in 1% peptone water resulted in growth of a thin film on the medium surface in 6 hours. Such cultural properties are characteristic of causative agent of the following disease:
A. Dysentery B. Pseudotuberculosis C. Tuberculosis
D. Plague E. Cholera
In 8 days after a surgery the patient developed tetanus. The surgeon suspects this condition to be caused by suture material contaminated by tetanus agent. The material is delivered to a bacteriological laboratory. What nutrient medium is required for primary inoculation of the suture material?

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