General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Actinomycosis B. Tuberculosis C. Lepra
D. Syphilis E. Submandibular abscess

  1. Microscopic examination of pus sample taken from mandibular fistula canal and stained by Gram’s method has revealed druses with gram-positive coloring in the center and cone-shaped structures with gram-negative coloring. Such morphology is characteristic of the agent of:

A. Fusobacteriosis B. Actinomycosis
C. Staphylococcal osteomyelitis
D. Anaerobic infection E. Candidiasis

Physiology of microbes

        1. The sterile Petri dishes and pipettes are necessary to prepare for microbiological tests in bacteriological laboratory. What way of sterilization should be applied in this case?

A. Dry-heat sterilization B. Tyndallization
C. Pasteurization D. Boiling
E. Steam sterilization in autoclave
2. What method should be applied for sterilization of heatproof and moistureproof stomatological instruments in order to ensure total destruction of viruses, vegetative and spore forms of microorganisms?
A. Autoclaving B. Boiling C. Pasteurization
D. Tyndallization E. Burning in the flame of gas burner
3. Which of the following sterilization methods ensures total death of microorganisms and their spores during onetime thermal processing of an object?
A. Autoclaving B. Boiling C. Tyndallization
D. Pasteurization E. –
4. Meat peptone broth is prepared for sterilization in bacteriological laboratory. What sterilization method is advisable?
A. Autoclaving B. Ignition C. Boiling D. Filtering E. Dry heat
5. Bacteriological laboratory has the task to sterilize nutrient mediums containing substances that convert under the temperature over 1000C (urea, carbohydrates). What method of sterilization should be used?
A. Fluid steam sterilization B. Autoclaving
C. Boiling D. Tindalization E. Pasteurization
6. What method of sterilization should be used during the manufacturing liquid dosage forms containing proteins?
A. Filtering B. Boiling C. Gas sterilization
D. Autoclaving E. Pasteurization
7. In order to keep vitality and stability of eubiotics microorganisms in frozen state are dried under conditions of high vacuum. What method is it?
A. Lyophilization B. Pasteurization
C. Tyndallization D. Inactivation E. Hybridization
8. What method ensures reliable sterilization of biological liquids (serums, solutions, enzymes, vitamines etc.) that cannot be exposed to high temperatures?
A. Tyndallization B. Dry heat C. Flowing steam
D. Moist steam under pressure E. Flaming
9. Having completed work in a laboratory, a student must tidy up the workspace, perform disinfection of the workbench and tools. What chemicals should be used for disinfection?

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