General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Chloramine
B. Hydrochloric acid
C. Formalin
D. Chloroform
E. Ether
10. In the surgical ward, the dressing material was undergoing sterilization in an autoclave. Through an oversight of a nurse the mode of sterilization was changed and the temperature in the autoclave reached only 100°C instead of the due 120°C.What microorganisms can stay viable under these conditions?
A. Bacilli and clostridia B. Staphylococci and streptococci
C. Mold and yeast fungi D. Salmonella and klebsiella
E. Corynebacteria and mycobacteria
11. Passive and active transport of substances is realized through the cell membrane. Name the type of active transport by which the membrane changes its structure:
A. Endocytosis B. Osmosis C. Filtration
D. Diffusion E. Facilitated diffusion
12. Those organisms which in the process of evolution failed to develop protection from H2O2 can exist only in anaerobic conditions. Which of the following enzymes can break hydrogen peroxide down?
A. Peroxidase and catalase B. Oxygenase and hydroxylase
C. Cytochrome oxidase, cytochrome B5
D. Oxygenase and catalase E. Flavin-dependent oxidase
13. A bacterial cell obtains nutrients by different ways. One of them is the facilitated diffusion that is realized by special membrane carrier proteins. What are these proteins called?
A. Permeases B. Lyases C. Oxidoreductases D. Isomerases E. Ligases
14. Pathogenic microorganisms produce various enzymes in order to penetrate body tissues and spread there. Point out these enzymes among those named below.
A. Hyaluronidase, lecithinase
B. Lyase, ligase C. Transferase, nuclease
D. Oxydase, catalase E. Esterase, protease
15. Pathogenic microorganisms are characterized by presence of aggression enzymes that determine their virulence. Select an aggression enzyme:
A. Hyaluronidase B. Carbohydrase C. Transferase D. Oxidase E. Lyase
16. Pathological material taken from a patient suffering from pulpitis was inoculated onto Kitt-Tarozzi cultural medium. It is planned to find the following microorganisms:
A. Anaerobic B. Acid-resistant
C. Acidophilic D. Haemolytic E. Aerobic
17. A patient was taken to a hospital with acute food poisoning caused by homemade canned mushrooms. The product analysis revealed some microorganisms that develop only in the absence of oxygen. What microorganisms caused the poisoning?
A. Obligate anaerobes B. Facultative anaerobes
C. Microaerophiles D. Obligate aerobes
E. Capnophiles
18. The causative agents of intestinal infections can grow at refrigerator temperatures, which may cause infection in people. What type of temperature optimum do these microorganisms relate to?
A. Psychrophilic B. Mesophilic C. Thermophilic
D. Anthropophilic E. Necrophilic
19. For cultivation of Brucella, pure cultures should be incubated in CO2 enriched atmosphere. What type of breathing is typical for Brucella?
A. Capnophilic B. Facultative anaerobic
C. Obligate anaerobic D. Obligate aerobic E. Any
20. A patient underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Analysis of the biopsy material enabled doctors to diagnose him with helicobacteriosis. What property of the bacteria found in this patient had to be obligatory taken into account during their cultivation?
A. Microaerophilic ability B. Presence of urease
C. Colonisation of gastral cells
D. Absence of spores and capsules
E. Presence of six polar flagella
21. In microbiology class students had been growing pure bacterial culture. Bacterial inoculation of solid medium was performed to obtain separate visible colonies, resulting in two colonies, R-type and S-type, grown in thermostat after one day of incubation. What microorganism properties were described by students?
A. Cultural B. Tinctorial C. Biochemical
D. Morphologic E. Antigenic
22. A 55-year-old male patient was hospitalized to a surgical clinic for suspected septicemia. What material should be taken for analysis?
A. Blood, sugar broth B. Liquor, serum agar
C. Urine, beef-extract broth
D. Pus, yolk saline agar E. Lymph node punctate, cysteine agar
23. A patient operated for acute paraproctitis undergoes antibacterial and detoxification therapy. According patient state doctor suspected sepsis. What study will confirm the diagnosis?
A. Blood culture for a pathogen
B. X-ray of lungs C. Liver ultrasound
D. Determining the rate of microbial contamination of wound
E. Determining the rate of average-weight molecules
24. A 4-year-old child presents with general weakness, sore throat and deglutitive problem. After his examination a doctor suspected diphtheria and sent the material to the bacteriological laboratory. In order to determine the diphtheria causative agent the material should be inoculated into the following differential diagnostic medium:
A. Blood tellurite agar B. Endo’s agar
C. Ploskyrev’s agar D. Sabouraud’s agar
E. Levenshtein-Yessen agar
25. It is suspected that the workers of a serum drugs plant at a regional hemotransfusion station are carriers of pathogenic staphylococcus aureus. In order to detect staphylococcus carriage, the material from the nasopharynx of the workers should be inoculated into the
following medium:
A. Egg-yolk-salt agar B. Endo agar
C. Meat infusion broth D. Kessler medium E. Blood agar
26. Microbiological studies of air in the pharmacy room revealed the presence of pathogenic staphylococci. Select the medium in which you can detect the lecithinase activity of the isolated microorganism:
A. Yolk-salt agar B. Blood agar
C. Bismuth sulfite agar D. Sugar agar E. Meat-extract agar
27. It was suspected that among workers of serum medications factory of regional hemotransfusion station there are carriers of pathogenic cocci. What medium should the material from nasopharynx of workers be inoculated of in order to reveal Staphylococcous carriage?
A. Yolk-salt medium B. Endo agar
C. Beef-extract broth D. Ressler’s medium E. Blood agar
28. Examination of air state in drugstore premises for preparation of injection drugs was done by method of sedimentation. It revealed 5 small roundish colonies with zone of hemolysis around them. Inoculations were made on the following cultural medium:
A. Blood agar B. Endo agar
C. Meat infusion agar D. Egg yolk and salt agar
E. Lewin’s agar
29. In order to establish the possible contamination of a medication with fungi, a nutrient medium was inoculated, which resulted in growth of large cream-like colonies. What nutrient medium was used in this case?
A. Sabouraud B. Lowenstein-Jensen
C. Roux D. Loeffler E. Finn-2
30. Crude herbal drugs must be examined for yeast-like fungi. What agar can ensure development of these microorganisms so that associating microflora will grow very slowly or won’t grow at all?
A. Sabouraud’s peptone agar
B. Endo agar C. Meat infusion agar
D. Milk-salt agar E. Blood agar
31. A 3 month old infant has got a white deposition on the mucous membrane of his mouth, tongue and lips. The doctor suspected candidosis. What nutrient medium should be used for inoculation of the material under examination in order to confirm this diagnosis?
A. Sabouraud B. Endo
C. Loewenstein-Jensen D. Roux E. Clauberg
32. A patient has a necrotizing phlegmon of his lower extremity. A doctor suspects a gas gangrene. Microscopy reveals grampositive bacilli. In order to confirm the diagnosis further bacteriological tests should include inoculation of the material into the following nutrient medium:
A. Kitt-Tarozzi medium B. Endo agar C. Levine agar
D. Meat-peptone agar E. Milk-salt agar
33. A lot of pyoinflammatory processes in oral cavity are caused by anaerobes. What nutrient medium can be used for control of wound textile contamination by anaerobes?
A. Kitt-Tarozzi B. Endo C. Roux
D. Sabouraud’s E. Ploskirev’s
34. In 8 days after a surgery the patient develops tetatus. The surgeon suspects this condition to be caused by suture material contaminated by tetanus agent. The material is delivered to a bacteriological laboratory. What nutrient medium is required for primary inoculation of the suture material?
A. Kitt-Tarozzi medium B. Endo agar C. Hiss medium
D. Sabouraud agar E. Egg-yolk salt agar
35. A 12-year-old boy has been hospitalized for suspected food poisoning. The fecal samples were inoculated on the Endo agar, which resulted in growth of a large number of colorless colonies. What microorganism is most likely to be EXCLUDED from the list of possible causative agents of the disease?
A. Escherichia coli B. Salmonella enteritidis
C. Proteus vulgaris D. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
E. Yersinia enterocolitica
36. Red colonies spread in the large quantity in the Endo culture medium were revealed on bacteriological stool examination of a 4-month-old baby with the symptoms of acute bowel infection. What microorganism can it be?
A. Escherichia B. Salmonella C. Staphylococcus
D. Streptococcus E. Shigella
37. On bacteriological examination of the defecation of a 4-months-old baby with the symptoms of acute bowel infection there were revealed red colonies spread in the large quantity in the Endo environment. What microorganism can it be?
A. Staphylococcus B. Streptococcus
C. Shigella D. Salmonella E. Escherichia
38. During bacteriological examination of solutions prepared in a drug-store there appeared red colonies with metallic shining that grew on Endo agar. What bacteria can they be?
A. Escherichia B. Shigella C. Staphylococci
D. Streptococci E. Salmonella
39. During bacteriological analysis of solutions prepared in a pharmacy some red colonies with metallic glitter have grown on Endo agar. What microbes were revealed?
A.Escherichia B.Shigella C.Staphylococci D.Streptococci E. Salmonellа
40. Bacteriological examination of a patient with food poisoning required inoculation of a pure culture of bacteria with the following properties: gramnegative movable bacillus that grows in the Endo’s medium in form of colourless colonies. A representative of which species caused this disease?
A. Salmonella B. Shigella C. Yersinia D. Esherichia E. Citrobacter
41. On bacteriological study of rinsing water of the patient with food poisoning, the pure bacterial culture was inoculated with the following properties: gram-negative motile bacillus in the Endo environment grows like achromic colony. Representative of what genus has caused the illness?
A. Yersinia B. Citrobacter C. Salmonella D. Shigella E. Escherichia
42. A patient was admitted to the infectious department of a hospital. His provisional diagnosis was "acute gastroenteritis". Inoculation of feces on bismuth-sulfite agar induced growth of black colonies with metallic glitter. What microorganisms should you think of?

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