General microbiology

A. Neutrophil granulocytes

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A. Neutrophil granulocytes
B. Monocytes
C. Myelocytes
D. Eosinophilic granulocytes
E. Basophils
6. A patient with clinical presentations of immunodeficiency has undergone immunological tests. They revealed significant decrease in number of cells that form rosettes with sheep erythrocytes. What conclusion can be drown on the ground of the analysis data?
A. Decrease in T-lymphocyte level B. Decrease in B-lymphocyte level
C. Decrease in natural killer level (NKcells)
D. Decrease in complement system level
E. Lack of effector cells of the humoral immunity
7. A patient with clinical presentations of immunodeficiency went through immunological examinations. They revealed significant loss of cells that form rosettes with erythrocytes of a ram. What conclusion can be made according to the analysis data?
A. Decrease of T-lymphocytes rate B. Decrease of B-lymphocytes rate
C. Decrease of natural killer cell rate
D. Decrease of complement system rate
E. Insufficiency of effector cells of humoral immunity
8. Donor skin transplantation was performed to a patient with extensive burns. On the 8-th day the graft became swollen and changed colour; on the 11-th day graft rejection started. What cells take part in this process?
A. T-lymphocytes B. Erythrocytes
C. Basophils D. Eosinophils E. B-lymphocytes
9. A female patient underwent liver transplantation. 1,5 month after it her condition became worse because of reaction of transplant rejection. What factor of immune system plays the leading part in this reaction?
A. T-killers B. Interleukin-1 C. Natural killers
D. B-lymphocytes E. T-helpers
10. A patient with skin mycosis has disorder of cellular immunity. The most typical characteristic of it is reduction of the following index:
A. T-lymphocytes B. Immunoglobulin G C. Immunoglobulin E
D. B-lymphocytes E. Plasmocytes
11. Recovery from an infectious disease is accompanied by neutralization of antigens by specific antibodies. What cells produce them?
A. Plasmocytes B. Fibroblasts C. Tissue basophils
D. Eosinophils E. T-lymphocytes
12. Throughout a year a 37-year-old woman periodically got infectious diseases of bacterial origin, their course was extremely lingering, remissions were short. Examination revealed low level of major classes of immunoglobulins. The direct cause of this phenomenon may be the following cell dysfunction:
A. Plasmocytes B. Phagocytes C. Neutrophils
D. Macrophages E. Lymphocytes
13. Loose fibrous connective tissue of salivary glands contains oval average-sized cells which synthesize antibodies. The cells have round eccentric nucleus and "spoke-wheel" chromatin pattern made by small clumps of chromatin. What are these cells called?
A. Plasma cells B. Adipocytes C. Neutrophils
D. Fibroblasts E. Macrophages
14. A 37-year-old woman periodically got infectious diseases of bacterial origin, their course was extremely lingering, remissions were short. Examination revealed low level of major classes of immunoglobulins. The direct cause of this phenomenon may be the following cell dysfunction:
A. Plasmocytes B. Phagocytes C. Neutrophils
D. Macrophages E. Lymphocytes
15. Blood analysis of a 16-year-old girl suffering from the autoimmune inflammation of thyroid gland revealed multiple plasmatic cells. Such increase in plasmocyte number is caused by proliferation and differentiation of the following blood cells:
A. B-lymphocytes B. T-helpers C. Tissue basophils
D. T-killers E. T-supressors
16. Humoral immune response to an antigen results in generation of antibodies produced by plasmacytes. Plasmacytes arise as a result of immunostimulated division from the following cells of immune system:
A. B-lymphocytes B. Monocytes
C. Granulocytes D. T-helpers E. T-killers
17. In a patient with clinical signs of immunodeficiency the number and functional activity of T and B lymphocytes are not changed. Defect with dysfunction of antigen-presentation to the immunocompetent cells was found during investigation on the molecule level. Defect of what cells is the most probable?
A. Т-lymphocytes, В-lymphocytes B. 0-lymphocytes
C. Fibroblasts, Т-lymphocytes, В-lymphocytes
D. NK-cells E. Macrophages, monocytes
18. A patient with clinical presentations of primary immunodeficiency displays disturbance of antigen-presenting function by immunocompetent cells. What cells may have structure defect?
A. Macrophages, monocytes B. T-lymphocytes
C. B-lymphocytes D. Fibroblasts E. 0-lymphocytes
19. Live vaccine is injected into the human body. Increasing activity of what cells of connective tissue can be expected?
A. Fibroblasts and labrocytes B. Adipocytes and adventitious cells
C. Macrophages and fibroblasts D. Plasmocytes and lymphocytes
E. Pigmentocytes and pericytes
20. In order to speed up healing of a wound of oral mucosa a patient was prescribed a drug that is a thermostable protein occurring in tears, saliva, mother’s milk as well as in a new-laid hen’s egg. It is known that this protein is a factor of natural resistance of an organism. What is it called?
A. Lysozyme B. Complement C. Interferon D. Interleukin E. Imanine
21. In order to administer general health improving therapy a parodontist intends to study factors of nonspecific resistance of saliva and mucous secretion. Which of the following factors of nonspecific resistance should be studied in the first line?
A. Lysozyme B. Secretory IgA
C. Properdin D. Interferon E. Complement
22. Lymphocytes and other cells of our body synthesize universal antiviral agents as a response to viral invasion. Name these protein factors:
A. Interferon B. Interleukin-2 C. Cytokines
D. Interleukin-4 E. Tumor necrosis factor
23. Examination of patients with periodontitis revealed the interdependence between the rate of affection of periodontal tissues and the amount of lysozymes in saliva and gingival liquid. These results can be obtained during studying the following protection system of an organism:
A. Non-specific resistance B. Humoral immunity
C. Cellular immunity D. Autoresponsiveness E. Tolerance
24. Blood serum of a newborn contains antibodies to measles virus. What kind of immunity is this indicative of?
A. Natural passive B. Natural active C. Artificial passive
D. Artificial active E. Heredoimmunity
25. A patient diagnosed with botulism has been prescribed antibotulinic serum for treatment. What immunity will be formed in the given patient?
A. Antitoxic passive immunity B. Infection immunity
C. Antitoxic active immunity D. Antimicrobic active immunity
E. Antimicrobic passive immunity
26. For the specific prevention of influenza, the employees of an enterprise were vaccinated with "Influvac". What type of immunity will develop in the body of the vaccinated?
A. Artificial active B. Innate congenital
C. Artificial passive D. Natural active E. Natural passive
27. In our country, routine preventive vaccinations against poliomyelitis involve using live vaccine that is administered orally. What immunoglobulins are responsible for the development of local post-vaccination immunity in this case?
A. Secretory IgA B. IgM C. IgG D. Serum IgA E. IgE
28. Various cells of the oral mucous membrane and antimicrobial substances synthesized by these cells play an important part in the local immunity of the oral cavity. Specify the key factors for the local immunity:
A. Secretory IgA B. B-lymphocytes C. IgG D. Macrophages E. Eosinophils
29. A child cut his leg with a piece of glass while playing and was brought to the clinic for the injection of tetanus serum. In order to prevent the development of anaphylactic shock the serum was administered by Bezredka method. What mechanism underlies this method of desensitization of the body?
A. Binding of IgE fixed to the mast cells
B. Blocking the mediator synthesis in the mast cells
C. Stimulation of immune tolerance to the antigen
D. Stimulation of the synthesis of antigenspecific IgG
E. Binding of IgE receptors to the mast cells
30. A 10-year-old child cut his leg with a piece of glass and was sent to a clinic for an anti-tetanus serum injection. In order to prevent the development of anaphylactic shock, the Besredka desensitization method was applied. What mechanism underlies this method?
A. Binding to IgE fixed to mast cells
B. Inhibited synthesis of mast cells mediators
C. Stimulation of the immunological antigen tolerance
D. Stimulation of antigen-specific IgG2 synthesis
E. Binding of IgE receptors on mast cells.
31. A 10-year-old child cut his leg with a glass shard, when playing, and was delivered to outpatient department to receive anti-tetanus serum. To prevent development of anaphylactic shock the serum was introduced by Bezredka method. This method of organism hyposensitization is based on the following mechanism:
A. Stimulation of antigen-specific IgG2
B. Stimulation of the immunological antigen tolerance
C. Stabilization of mast cell membranes
D. Blocking of mast cell mediators synthesis

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