General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. P. aeruginosa B. P.vulgaris C. S.aureus D. S.pyogenes E. S.faecalis
A patient of oral surgery department has developed a purulent complication. Bacteriological analysis of the wound discharge allowed to isolate a culture producing a blue-and-green pigment. Which of the listed microorganisms may be a causative agent of the infection?
A. Pseudomonas aeruginosa B. Staph. epidermidis
C. B. subtilis D. Pr. vulgaris E. Klebsiella pneumoniae
A patient in the oral surgery department has got purulent complication. Bacteriological analysis of the wound material found a culture that produces cyan pigment. What microorganism is the most probable causative agent?
A. Pseudomonas aeruginosa B. Staph. epidermidis
C. B. subtilis D. Kleb. pneumoniae E. Pr.vulgaris
A patient being treated in the burns department has suppurative complication. The pus is of bluish-green color that is indicative of infection caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. What factor is typical for this causative agent?
A. Gram-negative stain B. Presense of spores
C. Coccal form D. Cell pairing E. Mycelium formation
Bacteriological inspection of disinfection quality at a pharmacy revealed a microorganism in an utility room (in the sink). The microorganism has the following properties: mobile nonspore-forming gram-negative bacteria that form capsular substance, grow well on ordinary nutrient media, secrete the blue-green pigment. This microorganism is most likely to be of the following genus:
A. Pseudomonas B. Proteus C. Clostridium
D. Shigella E. Vibrio
A sample of a finished dosage form was found to be contaminated with some microorganisms exhibiting the following properties: greenish fluorescent colonies of gram-negative nonsporeforming bacilli that grew on the medium for the detection of pyocyanin. The bacilli release the bluegreen pigment into the medium. What microorganisms contaminated the finished dosage form?
A. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
B. Enterobacteriaceae C. Staphylococcus aureus
D. Staphylococcus epidermidis E. Staph. saprophyticus
During bacteriological examination of the purulent discharge obtained from a postoperative wound an inoculation on meat infusion agar has been performed. The inoculation has resulted in large colorless mucous colonies that in 24 hours with exposure to sunlight developed green-blue pigmentation and smell of honey or jasmine. Bacterioscopy revealed gram-negative lophotrichea. What bacterial culture is contained in purulent discharge?

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