General microbiology

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C. Allergy
D. Iflammation
E. Circulatory deficiency
52. A patient has been administered conduction anesthesia with novocaine in preparation for tooth extraction. After the anesthesia administration the patient developed swelling and hyperemy around the injection site, skin itch, general fatigue, motor agitation. Name the developed complication:
A. Allergy
B. Idiosyncrasy
C. Tachyphylaxis
D. Drug dependence
E. Inflammation
53. A man with a long-term history of bronchial asthma died from asphyxia. What mechanism accounts for the development of hypersensitivity reaction?
A. Reagine reaction B. Cytotoxic reaction
C. Immune complex reaction D. Lymphocyte-mediated cytolysis
E. Granulomatosis
In a woman with bronchial asthma, a viral infection provoked a fatal status asthmaticus. Pulmonary histology shows a spasm and an edema of bronchioles. A marked infiltration with lymphocytes, eosinophils, and other leukocytes, as well as degranulation of mast cells, can be observed in their walls. What mechanism of hypersensitivity underlies the described changes?
A. Immune-mediated cytolysis
B. Immune complex mechanism
C. Reaginic hypersensitivity reaction
D. Inflammatory mechanism
E. Autoimmune mechanism
54. A 38 year old patient died during intractable attack of bronchial asthma. Histological examination revealed mucus accumulations in bronchi’s lumen, a lot of mast cells (labrocytes) in bronchi’s wall, some of these cells are degranulated, there are also many eosinophils. Name pathogenesis of these changes in bronchi:
A. Atopy, anaphylaxis B. Cytotoxic, cytolytic effect of antibodies
C. Immune complex mechanism
D. Cell-mediated cytolysis E. Granulematosis
55. For the purpose of anaesthetization a patient got injection of local anesthetic. A few minutes later the patient got dyspnea and tachycardia; he lost consciousness. What type of shock is it?
A. Anaphylactic B. Cardiogenic C. Haemorrhagic
D. Traumatic E. Burn
56. In order to estimate antibiotic susceptibility of a patient doctors introduced him intracutaneously 0,2 ml of penicillin solution. Ten minutes after introduction there appeared hyperemy and edema. What type does this reaction relate to (according to Coomb’s and Gell’s classification)?
A. Anaphylactic reaction B. Cytotoxic reaction
C. Reaction of Arthus phenomenon type
D. Delayed-type hypersensitivity E. Tuberculine reaction
57. A patient with acute bronchitis has been prescribed sulfanilamide drugs for treatment. In an hour after administration the patient developed itching and vesicles filled with light transparent liquid on the face, palms and soles. Name the mechanism of immune response:
A. Reaginic reaction
B. -
C. Antibody-mediated cytolysis
D. Immune complex-mediated hypersensitivity
E. Cell cytotoxicity
58. A few minutes afer repeated introduction of penicillin a patient got dyspnea, tongue numbness, hyperemia and then skin pallor. The patient also lost consciousness. What is the cause of such a grave condition?
A. Anaphylactic shock B. Serum sickness C. Hemolytic anemia
D. Acute glomerulonephritis E. Bronchial asthma
59. After a 10-year-old child had been bitten by a bee, he was delivered to a hospital. There were lip, face and neck edemata. The patient felt hot and short of breath. Objectively: breathing was laboured and noisy. There were foamy discharges from the mouth, cough. The skin was pale and cold. There was bradypnoea. Heart sounds were muffled and arrhythmic. Thready pulse was present. What diagnosis was made by the expert in resuscitation?
A. Anaphylactic shock B. Quincke’s edema C. Bronchial asthma
D. Acute cardiovascular collapse E. Cerebral coma
60. Every year during the plant blossoming a female patient develops acute catarrhal inflammation of conjunctiva and nasal mucosa that is the clinical presentation of an allergy. These symptoms relate to the following type of allergic reactions:
A. Anaphylactic B. Cytotoxic C. Immune complex
D. Cell-mediated E. Cellular dysfunction
61. After eating strawberries a child presented with itchy red spots on the skin (hives). According to the classification of Coombs and Jell this reaction relates to the following type of allergic reactions:
A. Reagin (anaphylactic) B. Immunocomplex
C. Cytotoxic D. Cell-mediated E. Stimulating
62. 30 minutes after drinking mango juice a child suddenly developed a local swelling in the area of the soft palate, which impeded swallowing and, eventually, respiration. Mucosa of the swollen area was hyperemic and painless. Blood test revealed moderate eosinophilia. Body temperature was normal. Anamnesis states that the elder sister of the child has been suffering from bronchial asthma attacks. What kind of edema has developed in the child?

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