General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. STI live vaccine
B. BCG vaccine
C. Salk vaccine
D. Sabin’s vaccine
E. Diphteria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine
9. In a village, a case of anthrax had been registered. Medical services began epidemiologically indicated specific prophylaxis of population against anthrax. What preparation was used for this purpose?
A. Live vaccine B. Inactivated vaccine
C. Chemical vaccine D. Genetically engineered vaccine
E. Anatoxin
10. An infectious diseases hospital admitted a veterinarian with assumed brucellosis. What serologic test can confirm this diagnosis?
A. Wright’s agglutination reaction
B. Widal’s agglutination reaction
C. Ascoli’s precipitation reaction
D. Weigl’s agglutination reaction
E. Wassermann reaction of complement binding
11. A patient diagnosed with botulism has been prescribed antibotulinic serum for treatment. What immunity will be formed in the given patient?
A. Antitoxic passive immunity B. Infection immunity
C. Antitoxic active immunity D. Antimicrobic active immunity
E. Antimicrobic passive immunity
12. Pathological material (mucosal excretion from the nasal passages) taken obtained from a patient provisionally diagnosed with influenza was delivered to the virological laboratory. What quick test allows detecting specific viral antigen in the investigated material?
A. Direct and indirect immunofluorescence (IF)
B. Reverse indirect haemagglutination (RIHA)
C. Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
D. Direct and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
E. Hemagglutination inhibition assay (HAI)
13. A drugstore received a supply of a drug that is widely used for treatment of many virus diseases since it is not virus specific. What drug is it?
A. Interferon B. Remantadin C. Metisazone
D. Immunoglobulin E. Vaccine
14. Preventive vaccination against poliomyelitis is made with inactivated vaccine introduced parenterally. What immunoglobulins create the postvaccinal immunity in this case?
A. Serum. IgA, IgM B. IgE, IgM C. IgM, secretory IgA
D. IgM, IgG E. IgG, secretory IgA
15. Dentists have high risk of contracting viral hepatitis type B in the course of their duties and therefore are subject to mandatory vaccination. What vaccine is used in such cases?
A. Recombinant vaccine. B. Live vaccine. C. Anatoxin.
D. Inactivated vaccine. E. Chemical vaccine.
16. To determine the functional activity of blood corpuscles, a suspension of microorganisms was introduced into the test tube with packed white cells. In this case, the cytoplasm of some cells will contain phagocytized microorganisms. Which of the following cell types will show phagocytized microorganisms?

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