General microbiology

E. Circular precipitation

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E. Circular precipitation
111. In order to determine toxigenicity of diphtheria bacilli a strip of filter paper impregnated with antitoxic diphtheria serum was put on the dense nutrient medium. There were also inoculated a microbial culture under examination and a strain that is known to be toxigenic. If the microbial culture under examination produces exotoxin, this will result in formation of:
A. Precipitin lines B. Haemolysis zones
C. Zones of diffuse opacification
D. Zones of lecithovitellinous activity E. Precipitin ring
112. In order to estimate toxogenicity of diphtheria agents obtained from patients the cultures were inoculated on Petri dish with nutrient agar on either side of a filter paper strip that was put into the center and moistened with antidiphtheric antitoxic serum. After incubation of inoculations in agar the strip-like areas of medium turbidity were found between separate cultures and the strip of filter paper. What immunological reaction was conducted?
A. Precipitation gel reaction B. Coomb’s test
C. Agglutination reaction D. Rings precipitation reaction
E. Opsonization reaction
113. A 7 year old girl was taken to an infectious diseases hospital. She had complaints of high temperature, sore throat, general weakness. A doctor assumed diphtheria. What will be crucial proof of diagnosis after defining pure culture of pathogenic organism?
A. Toxigenity test B. Detection of volutine granules
C. Cystinase test D. Hemolytic ability of pathogenic orhanism
E. Phagolysability
114. When examining a child the dentist found the deposit on both tonsils and suspected atypical form of diphtheria. A smear was taken, and after the nutrient media inoculation the toxicity of the isolated pure culture was determined. What reaction was used to determine the toxigenicity of the isolated strain of diphtheria bacillus?
A. Gel precipitation reaction B. Agglutination reaction on a glass slide
C. Complement binding reaction
D. Hemolysis reaction E. Ring precipitation reaction
115. A patient has pure culture of diphtheria corynebacteria. What immunological reaction should be used in order to determine bacteria toxigenity?
A. Precipitation in agar B. Agglutination
C. Complement binding D. Inhibition of hemagglutination
E. Indirect hemagglutination
116. A pregnant woman applied to a doctor with complaints typical for toxoplasmosis. The doctor took a sample of her blood. What serological tests should be performed in this case?
A. Complement binding assay
B. Precipitation test C. Neutralization test
D. Widal’s test E. Wassermann test
117. A patient who came to the doctor because of his infertility was administered to make tests for toxoplasmosis and chronic gonorrhoea. Which reaction should be performed to reveal latent toxoplasmosis and chronic gonorrhoea in this patient?
A. RIHA - Reverse indirect hemagglutination assay
B. IFA - Immunofluorescence assay
C. RDHA - Reverse direct hemagglutination assay
D. Immunoblot analysis E. (R)CFT- Reiter's complement fixation test
118. Researchers of a bacteriological laboratory examine tinned meat for botulinic toxin. For this purpose a group of mice was injected with an extract of the material under examination and antitoxic antibotulinic serum of A, B, E types. A control group of mice was injected with the same extract but without antibotulinic serum. What serological reaction was applied?
A. Neutralization B. Precipitation C. Complement binding
D. Opsonocytophagic E. Double immune diffusion
119. Bacteriological laboratory examines canned meat whether it contains botulinum toxin. For this purpose an extract of test specimen and antitoxic antibotulinic serum of A, B, E types were introduced to a group of mice under examination; a control group of mice got the extract without antibotulinic serum. What serological reaction was applied?
A. Neutralization B. Precipitation C. Complement binding
D. Opsono-phagocytic E. Double immune diffusion
120. A patient has been hospitalized with provisional diagnosis of botulism. What serological reaction should be used to reveal botulinum toxin?
A. Neutralization reaction B. Agglutination reaction
C. Bordet-Gengou test D. Precipitation reaction
E. Immunofluorescence test
121. Antigens of Sonne shigella placed on the objects of outdoor environment and foodstuffs can be revealed by means of a certain test with application of a diagnostic test system that includes a polystyrene tray with adsorbed specific antibodies. What reaction is it?
A. Immune-enzyme assay B. Immunofluorescence test
C. Passive inverse hemagglutination test
D. Direct hemagglutination test E. Immunoelectrophoresis test
122. In case of many infectious diseases patient’s blood may contain antigens of causative agents. What reaction should be applied provided that the level of antigenemia is low?
A. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
B. Agglutination test C. Indirect hemagglutination test
D. Latex agglutination test E. Immunoelectrophoresis
123. During many infectious diseases patient’s blood may contain antigenes of pathogens. What reaction should be applied provided that antigenemia is at a low level?
A. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
B. Agglutination reaction C. Indirect hemagglutination
D. Latex-agglutination E. Immunoelectrophoresis
124. Mass serological diagnosis of HIV infection is made by means of enzymelinked immunosorbent assay techniques. What standard component of the reaction must be adsorbed on the solid phase of the test system?
A. HIV antigens B. Monoclonal HIV antibodies
C. Enzyme-marked HIV antibodies
D. Specific immunoglobulins E. Substrates to determine enzyme
125. A patient has been hospitalized with provisional diagnosis of virus B hepatitis. Serological reaction based on complementation of antigen with antibody chemically bound to peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase has been used for disease diagnostics. Name this serological reaction:
A. Immune-enzyme analysis B. Radioimmunoassay technique
C. Immunofluorescence test D. Bordet-Gengou test
E. Antigen-binding assay
126. Professional dentists belong to the risk group concerning professional infection with viral hepatitis type B. Name an effective method for active prevention of this disease among the dentists:
A. Vaccination with recombinant vaccine
B. Secure sterilization of medical instruments
C. Working with gum gloves on
D. Introduction of specific immunoglobuline
E. Introduction of interferonogenes
127. In order to eliminate occupational risks dental workers underwent vaccination. The vaccine should protect them from a viral infection, whose pathogen may be found in blood of dental patients who had had this infection or who are its chronic carriers. What vaccine was used?
A. Genetically engineered HBs antigen
B. Live measles vaccine C. Inactivated hepatitis A vaccine
D. Anti-rabies vaccine E. Subunit influenza vaccine
128. Specific prophylaxis involved application of a vaccine containing microorganisms and exotoxin detoxicated by formalin. It relates to the following type of vaccine:
A. Combined B. Genetically engineered
C. Anatoxin D. Chemical E. Live
129. To prevent the seasonal influenza epidemics in the city hospitals, sanitary epidemic station gave orders to immunize health care workers. Which of the following preparations should be used for immunization?
A. Subunit vaccine B. Interferon C. Gamma-globulin
D. Rimantadine E. Amantadine
130. Bacterioscopic examination of a smear from the pharynx of a diphtheria suspect revealed bacilli with volutine granules. What etiotropic drug should be chosen in this case?
A. Antidiphtheritic antitoxic serum B. Bacteriophage
C. Diphtheritic anatoxin D. Eubiotic E. Interferon
131. A patient with suspected diphtheria went through bacterioscopic examination. Examination of throat swab revealed rod-shaped bacteria with volutin granules. What etiotropic preparation should be chosen in this case?
A. Antidiphtheric antitoxic serum B. Bacteriophage
C. Diphtheria antitoxin D. Eubiotic E. Interferon
132. It is necessary to carry out preventive vaccination of a student group because of an occurrence of diphtheria. Which preparation should be used for the creation of the artificial active immunity?
A. Diphtheria anatoxin B. Specific immunoglobulin
C. DTP vaccine D. Inactivated bacteria vaccine
E. Anti-diphtheria serum
133. What preventive medications should be injected to a patient with open maxillofacial trauma provided that he has never got prophylactic vaccination before?
A. Antitetanus immunoglobulin and anatoxin
B. Anticonvulsive drugs and anatoxin
C. Antitetanus serum and antibiotics
D. Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine and antibiotics
E. Tetanus anatoxin and antibiotics
134. A laboratory received a food product that had been taken from the focus of food poisoning and presumably contained botulinum toxin. To identify the type of toxin, the neutralization reaction must be performed on white mice. What biological product is used in this reaction?
A. Antitoxic serum B. Normal serum
C. Antibacterial serum D. Diagnosticum E. Allergen
135. Vaccination is done by means of a toxin that has been neutralized by a formaldehyde (0,4%) at a temperature 37 – 400C for four weeks. Ramond was the first to apply this preparation for diphtheria prophylaxis. What preparation is it?
A. Anatoxin B. Immunoglobulin
C. Antitoxic serum D. Adjuvant E. Inactivated vaccine
136. Diphtheria exotoxin had been treated with 0,3-0,4% formalin and kept in a thermostat for 30 days at a temperature of 40oC.What preparation was obtained as a result of these manipulations?
A. Anatoxin B. Antitoxin C. Diagnosticum
D. Therapeutic serum E. Diagnostic serum
137. Biological preparations are subdivided into groups according to their purpose and production principles. What group do the preparations for initiation of active immunity relate to?
A. Vaccines B. Immune sera C. Immunoglobulins
D. Monoclonal antibodies E. Bacteriophages
138. A pharmaceutical company received from a laboratory a delivery order of diagnostic medications used for studying antigenic properties of causative agent. Name these preparations:
A. Diagnostic sera B. Allergens C. Diagnosticums
D. Immunoglobulins E. Bacteriophages
139. In an inhabited locality there is an increase of diphtheria during the last 3 years with separate outbursts in families. What measure can effectively influence the epidemic process of diphtheria and reduce the morbidity rate to single cases?
A. Immunization of the population
B. Hospitalization of patients C. Detection of carriers
D. Early diagnostics E. Disinfection in disease focus
140. An 11-year-old girl has been immunized according to her age and in compliance with the calendar dates. What vaccinations should the children receive at this age?
A. Diphtheria and tetanus B. TB C. Polio D. Hepatitis B E. Pertussis
141. One of mass production drugs is produced by inactivation of bacterial exotoxin by formalin. What is this drug for?
A. For active immunization B. For serodiagnostic assay
C. For passive immunization D. For toxinemia treatment
E. For immunocorrection
142. Anti-tetanus gamma globulin is produced by hyperimmunization of donors with tetanus anatoxin. What class of immunoglobulins prevails in this preparation?
A. IgG B. IgA C. IgM D. IgE E. IgD
143. Vaccines are the artificial or natural preparations produced from bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, their chemical components and waste products. They are used for the active immunization of humans and animals for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. The attenuated vaccines consist of:
A. Viable microbes B. Dead microbes C. Anatoxin
D. Dead microbes and toxoid E. Immunoglobulins
144. A person has been in contact with influenza patient. What drug should be administered for specific passive influenza prophylaxis?
A. Antigrippal immunoglobulin
B. Vaccine influenza virus inactivated
C. Leukocytic interferon D. Amizon E. Anaferon
145. A patient has been diagnosed with ARVI. Blood serum contains immunoglobulin M. What stage of infection is it?
A. Acute B. Prodromal C. Incubation
D. Reconvalescence E. Carriage
146. A pregnant woman was detected with IgM to rubella virus. An obstetrician-gynecologist recommended therapeutic abortion due to the high risk of teratogenic affection of the fetus. Detection of IgM was of great importance as it is these specific immunoglobulins that:

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