General microbiology

Mononuclear cells, T-lymphocytes and lymphokines

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microb krok-1 dent 2

. Mononuclear cells, T-lymphocytes and lymphokines
B. Granulocytes, T-lymphocytes and IgG
C. Plasma cells, T-lymphocytes and lymphokines
D. B-lymphocytes, IgM
E. Macrophages, B-lymphocytes and monocytes
87. A child entering the school for the first time was given Mantoux test in order to determine if there was a need for revaccination. The reaction was negative. What is the meaning of this test result?
A. No cell-mediated immunity to tuberculosis
B. Availability of cell-mediated immunity to tuberculosis
C. No antibodies to the tuberculosis bacteria
D. No anti-toxic immunity to tuberculosis
E. Presence of antibodies to the tuberculosis bacteria
88. While registering the child to the school Mantoux's test was made to define whether revaccination was needed test result is negative. What does this result of the test mean?
A. Absence of antitoxic immunity to the tuberculosis
B. Presence of antibodies for tubercle bacillus
C. Absence of antibodies for tubercle bacillus
D. Presence of cell immunity to the tuberculosis
E. Absence of cell immunity to the tuberculosis
89. A 16 y.o. boy from a countryside entered an educational establishment. Scheduled Manteux test revealed that the boy had negative reaction. What are the most reasonable actions in this case?
A. To perform BCG vaccination B. To repeat the reaction in a month
C. To perform serodiagnostics of tuberculosis
D. To isolate the boy temporarily from his mates
E. To perform rapid Price diagnostics
90. Medical examination of the first-year pupils included Mantoux test. 15 pupils out of 35 had negative reaction. What actions should be taken against children with negative reaction?
A. BCG vaccination B. Antitoxin vaccination
C. Rabies vaccination D. Repeat Mantoux test
E. Examination of blood serum
91. Planned mass vaccination of all newborn 5-7 day old children against tuberulosis plays an important role in tuberculosis prevention. In this case the following vaccine is applied:
B. Diphteria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine
C. Diphtheria and tetanus anatoxin vaccine
D. Adsorbed diphtheria vaccine E. –
92. For tuberculosis prevention the newborns got an injection of a vaccine. What vaccine was used?
A. BCG B. Mantoux C. DTaP vaccine
D. Anatoxin E. Oral polio vaccine (Sabin vaccine)
93. In a maternity hospital a newborn should receive vaccination against tuberculosis. What vaccine should be chosen?

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