General microbiology

A. The patient has typhoid fever

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A. The patient has typhoid fever
B. The patient is an acute carrier of typhoid microbes
C. The patient is a chronic carrier of typhoid microbes
D. The patient previously had typhoid fever
E. The patient was previously vaccinated against typhoid fever
3. A patient was brought into the infectional diseases hospital on the 8th day since the disease onset. The patient complains of headache, malaise, and weakness. A sample of blood was taken for the serological test. Widal agglutination test results with blood sample diluted 1:200 and typhoid fever O-diagnosticum were positive. What diagnosis can be made based on the results of this test?
A. Typhoid fever
B. Leptospirosis
C. Tuberculosis
D. Dysentery
E. Cholera
4. To conduct serum diagnostics of typhoid fever a test is carried out, when diagnosticums of three types of microorganisms are being added into different solutions of patient’s serum; then agglutinate formation is checked. Name the author of that test.
A. Widal
B. Wassermann
C. Ouchterlony
D. Wright
E. Sachs-Witebsky
5. A child with diphtheria 10 days after injection of antitoxic antidiphtherial serum has developed skin rash, accompanied by severe itch, rising temperature up to 380C and joints pain. What is the cause of these symptoms?
A. Delayed type of hypersensitivity
B. Anaphylacsis
C. Contact allergy
D. Atopia
E. Serum sickness
6. A toxin neutralized with 0.4% formaldehyde under 37-40°C for 4 weeks is used for vaccination. This preparation was first used by Gaston Ramon for diphtheria prevention. Name this preparation:
A. Immunoglobulin
B. Anatoxin
C. Antitoxic serum
D. Inactivated vaccine E. Adjuvant

E. Serological test

8. There was a record of some anthrax cases among animals in a countryside. The spread of disease can be prevented by means of immunization. What kind of vaccine should be used?

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