General microbiology

A. Neutrophils and monocytes

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A. Neutrophils and monocytes B. Lymphocytes and eosinophils
C. Monocytes and lymphocytes D. Lymphocytes and basophils
E. Lymphocytes and neutrophils
17. Some unicellular organisms, i.e. amoebae, feed via phagocytosis. What cells of the human body use this method not as a means of feeding, but as a defensive mechanism against foreign bodies (microorganisms, dust, ect.)?
A. Leucocytes B. Erytrocytes C. Myocytes D. Platelets E. Epithelial cells
18. Dental iplants were installed in a patient. Three weeks later, implant rejection occurred. What blood cells play the largest role in this pathological process?
A. T lymphocytes B. Immunoglobulin E
C. B lymphocytes D. Immunoglobulins M E. Plasmacytes
19. A 20-year-old woman with intestinal polyposis has history of frequent fungal and viral diseases. What part of the immune system is most likely to be deficient in this case?
A. Complement B. B-lymphocytes
C. Natural killers D. T-lymphocytes E. Phagocytes
20. A 16-year-old boy from the rural area entered the technical school. During a regular Mantoux test, it turned out that this boy had a negative reaction. What tactics should the doctor choose as the most rational in this case?
A. Repeat the test in a month B. Serodiagnosis of tuberculosis
C. Urgent isolation of the boy from his groupmates D. BCG vaccination
E. Express diagnostics of tuberculosis using the Price method

1. A patient with streptococcal infection of gums was prescribed a drug that contained beta-lactam ring in its structure. Which drug relates to this group?
A. Benzylpenicillin B. Rifampicin
C. Erythromycin D. Streptomycin sulfate E. Chloramphenicol
2. A patient with streptococcal gingival infection was prescribed a medication that contains beta lactam ring in its structure. What preparation belongs to this group?
A. Benzylpenicillin B. Rifampicin
C. Erythromycin D. Streptomicin sulfate E. Chloramphenicol
3. A patient suffering from syphilis was prescribed a drug the action of which based upon disturbed generation of murein leading to death of the causative agent. What drug is it?

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