General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Paschen bodies B. Babes-Negri bodies
C. Guarnieri bodies D. Babes-Ernst bodies
E. Syncytium

  1. A three-year-old child has had marked diarrhea for three days. Immune electron microscopy of his excrements revealed bilayer pseudocovered capsid viruses that looked like small spoke wheels. What viruses have been revealed?

A. Rotaviruses B. Coxsackie viruses C. ECHO viruses
D. Coronaviruse E. Reoviruses

  1. An outbreak of an intestinal infection occurred in a kindergarten on the eve of New Year holidays. Bacteriological examination of patients’ feces didn’t reveal any pathogenic bacteria. Electron microscopy revealed roundish structures with clear outer edges and a thick core resembling a wheel. Specify the most likely causative agent of this infection:

A. Rotavirus B. Adenovirus C. Coxsacki-virus
D. E. coli E. P.vulgaris

  1. A 40 year old man noticed a reddening and an edema of skin in the area of his neck that later developed into a small abscess. The incised focus is dense, yellowish-green. The pus contains white granules. Histological examination revealed drusen of a fungus, plasmatic and xanthome cells, macrophages. What type of mycosis is the most probable?

Actinomycosis'>A. Actinomycosis B. Aspergillosis C. Candidosis
D. Sporotrichosis E. Coccidioidomycosis

  1. A 40-year-old man developed skin redness and an swelling in the neck area, where eventually a small abscess appeared. The section the focus is dense and yellow-green colored. In the purulent masses there are white granules. Histologically there are fungal druses, plasma and xanthome cells, and macrophages detected. Specify the most correct etiological name of this pathological process?

A. Actinomycosis B. Furuncle
C. Carbuncle D. Syphilis E. Leprosy

  1. Microscopical examination of an infiltrate removed from the submandibular skin area of a 30 y.o. man revealed foci of purulent fluxing surrounded by maturing granulations and mature connective tissue, the pus contains druses consisting of multiple short rod-like elements with one end attached to the homogenous centre. What disease is it?

    1. Actinomycosis

B. Tuberculosis C. Syphilis
D. Candidosis E. –

  1. A 32-year-old patient who lives in the countryside consulted a doctor about a painful swelling and a fistula in the submandibular region. Examination revealed an infiltration with a fistula discharging thick pus and containing white granules. On dissection the infiltration tissues turned out to be dense, yellow-green and had honeycomb structure because of multiple abscesses. What is the most likely diagnosis?

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