Systemic scleroderma

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2001. Which definition of systemic sclerosis is correct

  1. Systemic illness of Connective tissue with progressive fibrosis of internal organs, obliterating vasculitis of small arteries

  2. Diffuse disease of connective tissue with focal and systemic fibrosis of internal organs

  3. Diffuse connective tissue disease, mainly affecting small vessels, joints, skin, kidneys and lungs

  4. Diffuse disease of connective tissue with fibrous sclerotic changes in the skin and internal organs, vasculitis of small vessels in the form of obliterating endarteritis*

  5. Systemic connective tissue disease with lesions of the skin, muscles, joints, involving in pathological process of internal organs

2002. By what name is registered systemic scleroderma in the international classification ICD10

  1. systemic scleroderma

  2. systemic scleroderma

  3. systemic sclerosis*

  4. lipodermatosclerosis

  5. fibrous dermatitis

2003. What factors may be ejected to play a role in the etiology of systemic sclerosis

  1. Infection of unknown RNA virus

  2. Occupational ensure to polyvinyl chloride

  3. Continuous operation under vibration

  4. None of the above factors

  5. All the above factors*

2004. What factors may play a role in the occurrence of systemic sclerosis

  1. The presence of histocompatibility antigens HLA B35

  2. The presence of histocompatibility antigens HLA Cw4

  3. Chromosomal aberrations (chromatid breaks, ring chromosomes)

  4. None of the above factors

  5. All the above factors*

2005. For a type of scleroderma characterized by the appearance in the blood of specific antibodies to Scl70

  1. Tearshaped local scleroderma

  2. Diffuse form of systemic sclerosis

  3. Limited form of systemic sclerosis

  4. Ringshaped local scleroderma

  5. The linear form of local scleroderma

2006.That does not apply to the determination of CREST syndrome

  1. Accompanied by the appearance of calcifications near places increased trauma fingertips, elbows, knees

  2. Accompanied by Raynaud's syndrome

  3. Accompanied by a lesion of the esophagus

  4. Accompanied by a lesion of the spleen and peripheral lymph nodes*

  5. Accompanied by telangiectasia

2007. What is the definition of a CREST syndrome

  1. This is a limited (limited) form of systemic sclerosis

  2. Damage to internal organs are rare

  3. There is a scleroderma defeat only the face and hands distal to the metacarpophalangeal joints

  4. Accompanied by the formation sclerodactyly

  5. All of the above refers to the definition of the syndrome*

2008. What is the definition of a diffuse form of systemic sclerosis

  1. Is characterized by sclerotic changes of the skin of the upper extremities proximal metacarpal joint*

  2. Not accompanied by a lesion of the breast skin

  3. Is not accompanied by skin lesions back

  4. It is not accompanied by lesions of the skin of the whole body of the patient

  5. Is not accompanied by lesions of the lungs and kidneys

2009. What forms of clinical course of the disease is not typical for systemic sclerosis

  1. The acute form

  2. Sub acute form

  3. The chronic form

  4. Latent form*

  5. All forms of typical clinical course of the disease

2010.What is not typical for the acute form of the clinical course of systemic sclerosis

  1. Quick, for less than 1 year of all phases of the development of skin lesions

  2. Simultaneously with skin manifestations occur lesions of the internal organs

  3. Laboratory and biochemical indicators of high activity of the pathological process

  4. Formation of CRESTsyndrome*

  5. All the symptoms are typical

2011.What is characteristic of subacute form of the clinical course of systemic sclerosis

  1. Gradual development of cutaneous and systemic failures

  2. Required the formation of Raynaud's syndrome

  3. Laboratory abnormalities and biochemical parameters typical of moderate activity of the pathological process

  4. All the mentioned characteristic of this form of the disease*

  5. Nothing said is not typical for this form of the disease

2012.What features are typical of chronic course of systemic sclerosis

  1. Formation of CRESTsyndrome*

  2. The tendency to form kidney scleroderma

  3. The lack of propensity to pulmonary fibrosis

  4. Do not characteristic lesions of the pulmonary artery

  5. All features are typical of chronic course of the disease

2013.What are the pathological processes characteristic of the initial period of systemic sclerosis

  1. Cutaneous fingers to metacarpophalangeal joint

  2. Symmetrical loss of both hands

  3. The defeat of the skin at the beginning of the disease

  4. All the abnormalities characteristic*

  5. None of these abnormalities are not typical

2014. What are the pathological changes are not typical induratumsclerotic skin lesions in patients with systemic sclerosis

  1. hyperemia, hot in the touching*

  2. Dry, smooth and shiny

  3. Is not taken into the fold

  4. Junction with the underlying fascia, joint capsule, periosteum

  5. No vellus hair

2015.What are the pathological changes are not characteristic of systemic sclerosis

  1. Deformation of the fingernails

  2. Telangiectasia on the skin

  3. Pustular skin lesions

  4. Light skin trauma with the formation of nonhealing ulcers

  5. All the lesions are characteristic*

2016.What are the features of skin lesions are not typical of systemic sclerosis

  1. Periorbital edema*

  2. Radial folds around the mouth ("pouch")

  3. Masklike face

  4. Pointed nose ("bird's beak")

  5. Outbreaks telangiectasia

2017.What's syndrome associated with the appearance of patients with systemic sclerosis dryness, lack of saliva in the mouth, inability to cry

  1. Raynaud's Syndrome

  2. Shegren's syndrome*

  3. Jakko syndrome

  4. TiberzheWeissenbach syndrome

  5. CRESTsyndrome

2018.What's syndrome associated with the appearance of patients with systemic sclerosis attacks pallor, numbness of fingers, toes, ears, nose after eosure to cold

  1. Jakko syndrome

  2. TiberzheWeissenbach syndrome

  3. CRESTsyndrome

  4. Raynaud's syndrome*

  5. Shegren's syndrome

2019.What forms of joint syndrome are typical of patients with systemic scleroderma

  1. Poliarthralgia

  2. Fibrosing arthritis of small joints of the fingers of the hands

  3. Pseudarthritis

  4. These options are not typical for this disease

  5. All the mentioned forms of joint syndrome are typical for this disease*

2020. Which of these pathological changes hands is not typical of systemic sclerosis

  1. Sclerodactyly

  2. Osteolysis terminal phalanges with their shortening

  3. Carpal tunnel syndrome

  4. Flexion contracture of the hand

  5. Deviation brush in the direction of the ulna (ulnar deviation)*

2021.What are the symptoms of muscle pathology typical of systemic sclerosis

  1. Muscle weakness

  2. Muscle atrophy

  3. Noninflammatory muscle fibrosis

  4. Inflammatory myopathies

  5. All the listed options*

2022.Where are not there calcifications in patients with systemic sclerosis

  1. In the field of natural limb trauma

  2. In the tissues of the fingertips

  3. On the outer surface of the elbow

  4. The front surface of the knee

  5. On the ears*

2023.What is the syndrome in which revealed calcifications in tissues of patients with systemic sclerosis

  1. Jakko syndrome

  2. TiberzheWeissenbach syndrome*

  3. Felty's syndrome

  4. Raynaud's Syndrome

  5. Shegren's syndrome

2024.What kind of destruction pertaining of lungs are not typical for systemic sclerosis

  1. Basal fibrosis

  2. Diffuse fibrosis

  3. Dry pleurisy

  4. Occlusive disease of the pulmonary artery and its branches

  5. Empyema*

2025.What kind of heart disease is not typical for systemic sclerosis

  1. Myocarditis

  2. Myocardial fibrosis

  3. Obliterating vasculitis of the coronary arteries with myocardial ischemia

  4. Failure of the mitral valve

  5. Warty endocarditis*

2026.What are kidney damage typical for systemic sclerosis

  1. Affects the blood vessels of the kidneys

  2. Affects the glomeruli

  3. Interstitial tissue is affected

  4. All the lesions typical*

  5. None of these lesions are not typical

2027.What are the blood count abnormalities characteristic of the acute form of the clinical course of systemic sclerosis with high activity of the pathological process

  1. Increased ESR

  2. Moderate leukocytosis

  3. Mild hypochromic anemia

  4. All the mentioned deviations are typical*

  5. None of these abnormalities are not typical

2028.What are the abnormalities in the urine analysis are not typical of patients with systemic scleroderma

  1. Proteinuria

  2. Cylindruria

  3. Reduction of specific gravity

  4. Increase the excretion of hydroxyproline

  5. Positive reaction to the BenceJones protein*

2029.What are the biochemical analysis of blood abnormalities are not typical of systemic sclerosis

  1. increasing of fibrinogen

  2. increasing of alpha2 and gamma globulin

  3. increasing of the seromucoid, haptoglobins

  4. increasing of the hydroxyproline content

  5. All the mentioned deviations are typical*

2030.What is the immunological parameters specific to the diffuse form of systemic sclerosis

  1. Autoantibodies to centromeres

  2. Nuclear antibodies

  3. Autoantibodies to Scl70*

  4. All of the above

  5. None of the above

2031.What are the deviations biopsy skinmuscle flap characteristic of systemic sclerosis

  1. Obliterans small vessel vasculitis, fibrosclerotic changes in the structure of tissues*

  2. Granulomatous vasculitis of small arteries, perivascular infiltration of tissues

  3. Giant cell vasculitis, vascular thrombosis, perivascular infiltration

  4. All these deviations are typical

  5. None of these deviations are typical

2032.What are the radiographic findings are not typical of systemic sclerosis

  1. Calcinates tissues terminal phalanges, elbow, knee joints

  2. "Stamped" pockets of osteoporosis in the flat bones (skull, sternum, etc)*

  3. Osteolysis of the distal phalanges of the fingers

  4. Osteoporosis, joint space narrowing, joint ankylosis

  5. Interpleural spikes, basal, diffuse, often cystic fibrosis (honeycomb lung)

2033.What ECG abnormalities can be detected in patients with systemic sclerosis

  1. Signs of myocardial dystrophy

  2. Signs of ischemia

  3. Violations of the conductivity and excitability

  4. Left ventricular hypertrophy and left atrium

  5. Any of these abnormalities*

2034.Which of the following indicators correspond to the I st activity of systemic sclerosis

  1. Fever, polyarthritis with erosive lesions, macrofocal or diffuse cardiosclerosis, mitral insufficiency, scleroderma kidney, ESR greater than 35 mm / h

  2. The absence of laboratory abnormalities

  3. Moderate trophic disorders, arthralgia, vasospastic Raynaud's syndrome, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 20 mm / h*

  4. Arthralgia and / or arthritis, adhesive pleurisy, cardio, ESR 2035 mm / hour

  5. These laboratory results do not reflect the activity of the pathological process in this disease

2035.Which of the following indicators correspond to the II activity of systemic sclerosis

  1. Fever, polyarthritis with erosive lesions, macrofocal or diffuse cardiosclerosis, mitral insufficiency, scleroderma kidney, ESR greater than 35 mm / h

  2. Moderate trophic disorders, arthralgia, vasospastic Raynaud's syndrome, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 20 mm / h

  3. Arthralgia and / or arthritis, adhesive pleurisy, cardio, ESR 2035 mm / hour*

  4. The absence of laboratory abnormalities

  5. These laboratory results do not reflect the activity of the pathological process in this disease

2036.Which of the following indicators correspond to the III activity of systemic sclerosis

  1. Moderate trophic disorders, arthralgia, vasospastic Raynaud's syndrome, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 20 mm / h

  2. Arthralgia and / or arthritis, adhesive pleurisy, cardio, ESR 2035 mm / hour

  3. The absence of laboratory abnormalities

  4. Fever, polyarthritis with erosive lesions, macrofocal or diffuse cardiosclerosis, mitral insufficiency, scleroderma kidney, ESR greater than 35 mm / h*

  5. These laboratory results do not reflect the activity of the pathological process in this disease

2037.What medications appropriate to prescribe in diffuse form of SS with severe and severe systemic manifestations, the high activity of the pathological process

  1. DPenicillamine

  2. Kolhitsin

  3. Hlorohin (Delagil)

  4. Prednisolone*

  5. All Indicated

2038.What drugs should be used in the treatment of systemic sclerosis for the symptomatic improvement of hemodynamics in the affected blood vessels and tissue structures

  1. Nifedipine

  2. Lisinopril

  3. Glockenspiel

  4. All the specified*

  5. None of the above

2039.What methods are indicated for the topical treatment of systemic sclerosis

  1. Applications Dimexidum solution to the affected skin

  2. Lubrication skin ointments containing sulfated glycosaminoglycans

  3. Injecting the affected skin enzyme Lydasum

  4. Electrophoresis, phonophoresis lidazy in induratum altered skin

  5. All the listed methods are indicated for use in this disease*

2040.What is the causative factor of dermato myositispolymyositis

  1. Infection of picarnovirus

  2. Infection with Coxsackie virus group

  3. Neoplastic processes in the body

  4. Any of the above factors*

  5. None of the above factors

2041.What circumstances predispose to disease, dermatomyositis, polymyositis

  1. Availability histocompatibility antigen HLA B8

  2. Availability histocompatibility antigen DR3

  3. Clinically latent lesions of the elderly

  4. Any mentioned circumstances*

  5. None of the above circumstances

2042.What types of clinical course are not typical for dermatomyositis, polymyositis

  1. Latent*

  2. Acute

  3. Sub acute

  4. Chronic

  5. All of these forms are characteristic clinical course

2043.What are the symptoms are not typical for the beginning of the acute form of dermatomyositispolymyositis

  1. Fever with body temperature up to 3940 S

  2. Acute pain, muscle weakness

  3. Arthralgia, arthritis

  4. Skin erythema

  5. Haemorrhagic rash*

2044.What is the life eectancy at acute dermatomyositis, polymyositis

  1. Up to 2 months

  2. 36 months*

  3. 712 months

  4. 25 years

  5. More than 6 years

2045.What are the symptoms are not typical of the sub acute form of dermatomyositispolymyositis

  1. In the debut of the disease occur gradually myalgia, arthralgia

  2. Not to remember the beginning of the disease

  3. Fever with body temperature to 390S*

  4. After insolation erythema occurs on the face, eosed surfaces of the chest

  5. Full deployment of clinical disease and death occur within 12 years

2046.What is not typical of the chronic form of dermatomyositispolymyositis

  1. Benign

  2. Cyclic flow

  3. Moderation atrophic changes of muscles

  4. Appears local atrophic changes of the skin

  5. Accompanied by a fever of 370 to 37,50S*

2047.What are the symptoms are not typical for muscle pathology in patients with dermatomyositis, polymyositis

  1. Progressiv Weakness

  2. Especially Defeat distal limb muscle groups

  3. Mialgii

  4. All Typical symptoms

  5. None of the symptoms are not typical*

2048.What are the symptoms are not typical for muscle pathology in patients with dermatomyositis, polymyositis

  1. Progressiv Weakness

  2. Especially Defeat distal limb muscle groups

  3. Mialgii

  4. All Typical symptoms

  5. None of the symptoms are not typical*

2049.What are the typical lesions of dermatomyositis

  1. Miopathy

  2. The skin lesions

  3. Arthropathy

  4. Vasculitis

  5. All the listed*

2050.Which muscles are affected primarily in patients dermatomyositis, polymyositis

  1. Oculomotor

  2. Proximal muscle groups of the upper and lower extremities*

  3. Distal muscle groups of the upper and lower extremities

  4. All of these muscle groups

  5. None of these muscle groups

2051.What are the skin lesions are not typical for dermatomyositis, polymyositis

  1. Erythema in the skin extensor surface of elbow and knee joints

  2. Redness and scaling of the skin of palms ("hand mechanics")

  3. Telangiectasia

  4. All the lesions typical*

  5. All the lesions are not typical

2052.What kind of joint damage not typical for dermatomyositis, polymyositis

  1. Arthralgia

  2. Symmetrical erosive arthritis of small joints of the hand*

  3. Nonerosive arthritis, elbow, shoulder, knee, ankle joints

  4. All lesions typical

  5. All the lesions are not typical

2053.In some cases, there is usually a focal calcification of muscles in patients with dermatomyositis, polymyositis

  1. Elderly patients with paraneoplastic syndrome

  2. Young patients with juvenile dermatopolimiozitom*

  3. After a traumatic muscle injury

  4. In all the cases mentioned

  5. None of the above circumstances

2054.In the form of the syndrome is most often seen immune complex vasculitis of small vessels in patients with dermatomyositis, polymyositis

  1. Sindrom Shegren

  2. Raynaud's syndrome*

  3. Sindrom Lyell

  4. SindromHenoch purpura

  5. Sindrom Felty

2055.What kind of lesion is not characteristic of heart disease in patients with dermatomyositis, polymyositis

  1. Myocarditis

  2. Myocardial fibrosis

  3. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy*

  4. Dilated cardiomyopathy

  5. Severe arrhythmias and conduction

2056.What are the symptoms indicative of pulmonary lesions in patients with dermatomyositis, polymyositis

  1. Nonproductive cough

  2. Diffuse cyanosis

  3. Dyspnea

  4. All the listed*

  5. None of the above

2057.What are the variations in the biochemical analysis of blood is not typical for dermatomyositis, polymyositis

  1. increasing of Myoglobin content

  2. increasing of Creatine content

  3. increasing of Uric acid

  4. BOOST cholesterol*

  5. All Mentioned deviations are typical

2058.What drugs are used to suppress immune inflammatory fibrosing process in the patient's body dermatomyositis, polymyositis

  1. Glyucocorticoid (Prednisone, methylprednisolone)

  2. Immune depressant (Azathioprine, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide)

  3. Aminochinolin Drugs (delagil, Plaquenil)

  4. Representatives of all these groups*

  5. Drugs of these groups are not intended to treatment of the disease

2059.What method of therapy can quickly reduce the content in the blood of patients with dermatomyositis, polymyositis immune complexes

  1. Plasmapheresis*

  2. therapy with Glucocorticoids

  3. therapy with Immunosuppressants

  4. therapy with Aminochinolin drugs

  5. therapy with Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs

2060.The presence of fecal unsplit starch it

  1. amylorrhea*

  2. diarrhea

  3. kreatoreya

  4. steatoreya

  5. colit

2061.Liquid, tarry stools it

  1. amiloreya

  2. diarrhea*

  3. melena

  4. kreatoreya

  5. aminoreya

2062. Amylorrhea, kreatoreya, observed in chronic steatorrhea

  1. gastrite

  2. gepatite

  3. holetsistite

  4. pancreatitis*

  5. enterit

2063.When the chronic pancreatitis is prescribed diet number

  1. 2

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