General microbiology

A. Method of Ziel-Neelsen

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A. Method of Ziel-Neelsen B. Method of Romanowsky-Giemsa
C. Method of Gram D. Method of Neisser
E. Method of Burry-Gins

  1. A centrifugate of urine sample obtained from patient with suspected renal tuberculosis was used to make a slide mount for microscopy. What method should be used to stain the slide and detect the causative agent?

A. Zielh-Neelsen stain B. Loeffler stain
C. Gram stain D. Aujeszky stain E. Burri stain

  1. A patient complained about a carbuncle on his face. Examination results: neither dense nor painful edema of subcutaneous cellular tissue, there is black crust in the middle of the carbuncle and peripheral vesicular rash around it. Bacteriological examination revealed presence of immobile streptobacilli able of capsulation. What microorganisms are causative agents of this disease?

    1. Bacillus antracis

    2. Staptylococcus aureus

    3. Bacillus anthracoides

    4. Bacillus megaterium

    5. Bacillus subtilis

  2. A 34 year old male patient consulted a doctor about face carbuncle. Objectively: a loose, painless edema of hypodermic tissue; black crust in the center of carbuncle, vesicular rash around it. Microbiological examination revealed static streptobacilli capable of capsule building. What microorganisms are the causative agents of this disease?

A. Bacillus antracis B. Staptylococcus aureus
C. Bacillus subtilis D. Bacillus anthracoides
E. Bacillus megaterium

  1. Microscopic examination of a microbial culture revealed fusiform spore-forming microorganisms

that get violet-blue Gram’s stain. What microorganisms were revealed?

    1. Clostridia

    2. Streptococci

    3. Spirochaete

    4. Actinomycete

    5. Diplococci

  1. On microscopic examination of leftovers of the canned meat eaten by patient with severe food toxicoinfection the following was detected: gram-positive bacilli with subterminal staining defect and configuration alteration of bacilli generally resembling a tennis racket. What agent was detected?

    1. C.botulinum

    2. P.vulgaris

    3. E.coli

    4. S.aureus

    5. S.enteritidis

  2. Botulism agent causes severe food toxicoinfection. Point out the most characteristic morphologic feature of botulism agent.

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