General microbiology

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D. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
E. Trichomonas vaginalis

  1. Microscopic study of discharges from urethra of a patient suffering from acute urethritis revealed bean-shaped microorganisms up to 1 micrometer in diameter arranged in pairs and placed inside the leukocytes. What microorganisms are these?

    1. Gonococci

    2. Meningococci

    3. Tetracocci

    4. Streptococci

    5. Staphylococci

  2. While studying blood and mucus samples from the nasopharynx, a bacteriologist took certain measures to conserve the pathogens in the material. Bacterioscopic study revealed the presence of gram-negative cocci looking like coffee beans and arranged in pairs or tetrads. Name the pathogen that was isolated by the bacteriologist:

    1. Neisseria meningitidis

    2. Staphilococcus aureus

    3. Neisseria gonorrhoeae

    4. Moraxella lacunata

    5. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus

  3. A young woman suddenly developed fever up to 39oC accompanied by a strong headache. Examination revealed marked nuchal rigidity. Spinal puncture was performed. Gram-stained smear of cerebrospinal fluid contained many neutrophils and Gram-negative diplococci. What bacteria could be the cause of this disease?

    1. Neisseria meningitidis

    2. Streptococcus pneumoniae

    3. Haemophilus influenza

    4. Staphylococcus aureus

    5. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

  4. Microscopy of a smear taken from the film that appeared on the peptone water 6 hours after seeding and culturing of a fecal sample in a thermostat revealed mobile gram-negative bacteria curved in form of a comma that didn’t make spores or capsules. What microorganisms were revealed?

    1. Vibrios

    2. Spirochetes

    3. Clostridia

    4. Corynebacteria

    5. Spirilla

  5. Vomiting matters of a patient suspected of having cholera were delivered to the bacteriological laboratory. The material was used for preparing a "hanging drop" specimen. What type of microscopy will be applied for identification of the causative agent by its mobility?

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