General microbiology

Phase-contrast microscopy

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Phase-contrast microscopy

  • Electron microscopy

  • Immune and electron microscopy

  • Fluorescence microscopy

  • Immersion microscopy

  • Patient with diarrhoea was admitted to the infection unit. Gramnegative curved rod-like bacteria were founded on bacterioscopic examination of faecal masses. What is the most likely disease in this patient?

    1. Typhoid fever

    2. Cholera

    3. Diphtheria

    4. Intestinal form of plague

    5. Salmonellosis gastroenteritis

  • A man is suffering from diarrhea. In summer he spent his vacation in the south at the sea coast. Bacteria with the following properties were detected in his feces: gram-negative curved mobile monotrichous bacilli that do not produce spores or capsules. They are undemanding to nutrient medium but require alkaline reaction (рН 8,5-9,5). Described are the agents of the following enteric infection:

    1. Cholera

    2. Shigellosis

    3. Typhoid fever

    4. Colienteritis

    5. Pseudotuberculosis

  • From the feces of a patient with acute gastroenteritis a pure culture of microorganisms was obtained. The microorganisms are small mobile slightly curved gram-negative bacilli that within 6 hours grow into a light blue film on the 1% alkaline peptone water. Such properties are characteristic of the following microorganism:

    1. Bacillus

    2. Clostridium

    3. Spirochete

    4. Spirillum

    5. Vibrio

  • A child is presumably ill with diphtheria. A specimen of affected mucous membrane of his pharynx was taken for analysis. The smear was stained and microscopic examination revealed yellow rods with dark blue thickenings on their ends. What structural element of a germ cell was revealed in the detected microorganisms?

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