Grammar Notes: ???? Dars #213 Ingliz tilida gap bo'laklari tartibi

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Grammar Notes:

📖 Dars #213 Ingliz tilida gap bo'laklari tartibi

1️⃣ Umumiy qoidaga ko'ra ingliz tilida kesim (fe'l) va to'ldiruvchi (ot, olmosh, otli birikma) gap tuzilmasida ketma-ket keladi.

🔸I like my job very much.

🔸Our guide spoke English fluently.

🔸I didn't use my phone yesterday.

2️⃣ Joyni bildiruvchi o'rin-joy holi kesimdan (fe'ldan) keyin keladi. (go home, live in a city, walk to work)

🔸 I want to go home.

🔸 Sarah lives in London.

⚠️ Agar kesim to'ldiruvchi bilan qo'llanilsa, o'rin-joy holi ulardan keyin keladi. (Ega+kesim+to'ldiruvchi+o'rin-joy holi)

🔸 We took the children to the zoo.

🔸Don't put anything on the table.

🔸 Did you learn English at school?

3️⃣ Voqea sodir bo'lish paytini bildiruvchi payt hollari (when/how long/how often so'roqlariga javob bo'luvchi payt hollari) gapda o'rin-joy hollaridan keyin keladi.

🔸Ben walks to work every morning.

🔸I'm going to Paris on Monday.

🔸They've lived in the same house for a long time.

🔸Sarah gave me a lift home after the party.

⚠️ Ba'zan payt hollari gap boshida boshqa barcha gap bo'laklaridan oldin kelishi mumkin.

🔸On Monday I'm going to Paris.

🔸After the party Sarah gave me a lift home.

⚠️Umumiy qoidaga ko'ra aniqlovchi gap bo'lagi (sifat) o'zi sifatlab kelayotgan otdan oldin keladi.

🔸He asked me some difficult questions.

🔸Yesterday I bought an interesting book.

🔸He was waiting for me in front of an old house.

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🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇

📖 Dars #214 Ingliz tilida ba'zi ravishlarning gapdagi o'rni

1️⃣ Ingliz tilida ba'zi payt va boshqa ravishlar (always, often, also, probably) gap o'rtasida fe'l bilan keladi.

🔸 Emily always drives to work.

🔸 We were feeling very tired and we were also hungry.

🔸The meeting will probably be cancelled.

2️⃣ Bunday holatlarda agar gap kesimi bitta fe'ldan tashkil topgan bo'lsa, ravish undan oldin keladi.

🔸I cleaned the house and also cooked the dinner.

🔸Laura hardly ever watches television and rarely reads newspapers.

⚠️ Yuqoridagi qoida modal fe'l sifatida kelgan 'have to' fe'liga ham tegishli.

🔸Joe never phones me. I always have to phone him.

⚠️ Lekin mazkur ravishlar to be fe'lining shakllaridan (am/is/are/was/were) keyin qo'llanishi lozim.

🔸We were feeling very tired and we were also hungry.

🔸You're always late. You're never on time.

🔸The traffic isn't usually as bad as it was this morning.

3️⃣ Agar gap kesimi ikkita va undan ortiq fe'l (asosiy va yordamchi fe'llardan) iborat bo'lsa, yuqoridagi ravishlar yordamchi fe'ldan keyin, agar yordamchi fe'llar bittadan ko'p bo'lsa, birinchi yordamchi fe'ldan keyin keladi.

🔸I can never remember her name.

🔸Clare doesn't usually drive to work.

🔸Are you definitely going away next week?

🔸The meeting will probably be cancelled.

⚠️ Agar yordamchi fe'l inkor shaklda bo'lsa, probably ravishi undan oldin keladi.

🔸I probably won't see you.

🔸I'll probably not see you.

⚠️ Avvalgi darslarda biz yordamchi fe'llar asosiy fe'lni qayta takrorlamaslik uchun ishlatilishini o'rgangan edik. Bunday holatlarda ravishlar barcha turdagi fe'llardan, shu jumladan to be fe'lidan ham oldin keladi.

🔸He always says he won't be late, but he always is.

🔸I've never done it and I never will.

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🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇

📖 Dars #215 Ingliz tilida even so'zining qo'llanishi

1️⃣ Ingliz tilida even - hattoki, hatto ma'nosida o'zbek tilida yuklama vazifasiga o'xshash holatlarda ishlatiladi.

🔸She has a television in every room of the house, even the bathroom. (hatto yuvinish xonasida ham bor)

🔸These pictures are really awful. Even I take better pictures than these.

🔸He always wears a coat, even in hot weather.

🔸Not even her best friend would help her. (Hatto eng yaqin do'sti ham unga yordam bermaydi)

2️⃣ even so'zi fe'l bilan kelganda gap o'rtasida ham kelishi mumkin.

🔸Laura has travelled all over the world. She's even been to the Antarctic.

🔸They are very rich. They even have their own private jet.

3️⃣ Even inkor fe'llar bilan ham ishlatilishi mumkin.

🔸I can't cook. I can't even boil an egg.

🔸They weren't very friendly to us. They didn't even say hello.

4️⃣ Even qiyosiy darajadagi sifat va ravishlar bilan ham qo'llaniladi va '(un)dan ham ertaroq, balandroq...' degan ma'nolarda ishlatiladi.

🔸I got up early, but Jack got up even earlier.

🔸I knew I didn't have much money, but I have even less than I thought.

5️⃣ even though/even when/even if bog'lovchili birikmalaridan keyin gap qo'llash lozim.

🔸Even though Tina can't drive, she has a car.

🔸He never shouts, even when he's angry.

⚠️ Even so'zi yolg'iz bog'lovchi sifatida ishlatilmaydi, ya'ni undan keyin gap kelmaydi.

🔸I can't reach the shelf even if I stand on a chair. (even I stand emas)

⚖️ even if va even so'zlarini qiyoslaymiz.

🔸It's dangerous to swim here even if you're a strong swimmer. (even if+gap)

🔸The river is dangerous, even for strong swimmers.(even+ot, otli birikma)

⚖️ even if va if bog'lovchilarini qiyoslaymiz:

🔸We’re going to the beach tomorrow. It doesn’t matter what the weather is like. We’re going even if the weather is bad. (Ob-havo yomon bo'lsa ham, ketamiz)

🔸We want to go to the beach tomorrow, but we won’t go if the weather is bad. (Ob-havo yomon bo'lsa, ketmaymiz)

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🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇

📖 Dars #216 Ingliz tilida like va as so'zlarining qo'llanishi

1️⃣ like - -dek, o'xshash degan ma'nolarda odatda ko'makchi bo'lib keladi va o'zidan keyin ot, otli birikma, olmosh, gerundiy talab qiladi.

🔸 What a beautiful house! It's like a palace. (not as a palace)

🔸 Be careful! The floor has been polished. It's like walking on ice. (not as walking)

🔸 It's raining again. I hate weather like this. (not as this)

🔸 What's that noise? 'It sounds like a baby crying.

2️⃣ like - 'misol uchun' degan ma'noda qo'llaniladi va 'such as' birikmasi ma'nosini beradi.

🔸 I enjoy water sports, like surfing, scuba diving and water-skiing.

🔸 I enjoy water sports, such as surfing, scuba diving and water-skiing.

3️⃣ as - '-dek, shunday tarzda' degan ma'nolarda keladi va o'zidan keyin gap talab qiladi.

🔸I didn't move anything. I left everything as it was.

🔸You should have done as I showed you.

⚠️ Mazkur vaziyatda 'like' so'zini ishlatsa ham bo'ladi.

🔸I left everything like it was.

4️⃣ as usual va as always birikmalari ham mavjud:

🔸You're late as usual.

🔸As always, Nick was the first to complain.

5️⃣ the same as birikmasida ham faqat 'as' so'zi ishlatiladi.

🔸Your phone is the same as mine. (the same like mine emas)

6️⃣ as so'zi ba'zi fe'llar bilan ishlatilganida o'zidan keyin gap bilan '-dek, huddi shunday' degan ma'noda qo'llaniladi. (do/expect/think fe'llari bilan)

🔸 You can do as you like.

🔸 They did as they promised.

⚠️Yuqoridagi ma'noda (as you know/as I said/as she expected/as I thought) gaplari ham ko'p qo'llaniladi.

🔸 As you know, it's Emma's birthday next week.

🔸Andy failed his driving test, as he expected.

⚠️ Like bunday holatlarda faqat say fe'li bilan ishlatilishi mumkin. (As I said=Like I said)

🔸As I said yesterday, I'm sure we can solve the problem. (Like I said ... )

7️⃣ as so'zi ko'makchi sifatida ishlatilishi mumkin, unda 'sifatida' degan ma'noda qo'llaniladi va 'like' so'zidan umuman farq qiladi.

🔸As a taxi-driver, I spend most of my working life in a car. (taksi haydovchisi sifatida, taksi haydovchisiman)

🔸Everyone in the family wants me to drive them to places. I’m like a taxi driver. (taksi haydovchisidek, aslida unday emasman)

✳️Yana misollar:

🔸Many years ago I worked as a photographer. (I was a photographer)

🔸Many words, for example ‘work’ and ‘rain’, can be used as verbs or nouns.

🔸London is fine as a place to visit, but I wouldn’t like to live there.

🔸The news of the tragedy came as a great shock.

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🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇

📖 Dars #217 Ingliz tilida 'in case' bog'lovchisining ishlatilishi

✳️ Ingliz tilida 'in case' bog'lovchisi 'biror bir ish-harakat bo'lishini hisobga olib', 'har ehtimolga qarshi' degan ma'nolarda ishlatiladi.

🔸 Your car should have a spare wheel in case you have a puncture. (Mashinangizda qo'shimcha balon bo'lishi kerak, mashina baloni dami chiqib qolishi mumkinligini hisobga olgan holda)


🔸I’d better write down my password in case I forget it. (Esimdan chiqib ketishi mumkinligini hisobga olib kalit so'zni yozib olganim yaxshi)

🔸Shall I draw a map for you in case you have a problem finding our house?

🔸I’ll remind them about the meeting in case they’ve forgotten.

✳️ just in case esa kamroq ehtimolni bildirib keladi.

🔸I don’t think it will rain, but I’ll take an umbrella just in case (it rains).

✳️ 'in case' bog'lovchisi ergashtirib kelgan gaplarda ish-harakat kelajak zamonda bo'lsa ham, grammatik qoidalarga ko'ra, hozirgi zamon qolipida yoziladi, ya'ni will/shall ishlatilmaydi.

🔸I'll write down my password in case I forget it. (will forget emas)

⚖️ 'in case' va 'if' bog'lovchilarini qiyoslaymiz.

▪️in case ishlatilganida biz keyin sodir bo'ladigan ishni ehtimolini hisobga olgan holda oldindan biror ish-harakatni amalga oshiramiz .

🔸We'll buy some more food in case Tom comes. (Tom kelishini hisobga olgan holda ko'proq ovqat sotib olamiz, ya'ni ovqatni oldindan olamiz)

▪️if ishlatilganda oddiy shart nazarda tutiladi, ya'ni biror ish-harakat sodir bo'lsa, ikkinchi ish-harakat sodir bo'ladi.

🔸We'll buy some more food if Tom comes. (Tom kelsa, ko'proq ovqat sotib olamiz, ya'ni Tom oldin keladi, keyin unga ovqat sotib olamiz)


🔸I will give you my phone number in case you need to contact me.

🔸You can call me on this number if you need to contact me.

🔸You should insure you bike in case it is stolen. (o'g'irlanishi mumkinligini hisobga olib sug'urta qilish)

🔸You should inform the police if your bike is stolen. (o'g'irlansa)

✳️ 'in case' bog'lovchisi o'tgan zamonda ham ishlatilishi mumkin, bunday holatlarda biz nima uchun biror ish-harakatni qilganimizni izohlaymiz.

🔸I gave him my phone number in case he needed to contact me.

🔸We rang the doorbell again in case they hadn't heard it the first time.

✳️ 'in case of' - 'holatida' degan ma'noda ko'makchili birikma hisoblanib, o'zidan keyin ot, otli birikma talab qiladi. Odatda e'lon taxtalari, yo'riqnomalarda ishlatiladi.

🔸In case of fire, please leave the building as quickly as possible. (Yong'in holatida...)

🔸In case of emergency, call this number. (Favqulodda holatda, ushbu raqamni tering)

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🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇

📖 Dars #218 Ingliz tilida like va as if so'zlarining qo'llanishi

✳️ Ingliz tilida like va as if bog'lovchilari (-dek, go'yoki) biror ish-harakatning qay tarzda qilinishi, ko'rinishi, his qilinishi ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi.

🔸 That house looks like it’s going to fall down

yoki That house looks as if it’s going to fall down

🔸 Amy sounded like she had a cold, didn’t she?

yoki Amy sounded as if she had a cold, didn’t she?

🔸 I’ve just had a holiday, but I feel very tired. I don’t feel like I’ve had a holiday.

yoki I don’t feel as if I’ve had a holiday.

✳️ Yuqoridagi holatda 'as though' bog'lovchisini ham ishlatish mumkin.

🔸I don’t feel as though I’ve had a holiday.

⚖️ Qiyoslang:

🔸You look tired. (look + adjective)

🔸 You look like you haven’t slept.

yoki You look as if you haven’t slept. (like/as if+gap)

✳️ like va as if bog'lovchilari odatda look/sound/feel va shunga o'xshash fe'llar bilan ishlatiladi.

🔸 Sarah is very late. It looks like she isn’t coming

yoki It looks as if she isn’t coming.

🔸The noise is very loud next door. It sounds like they’re having a party.

yoki It sounds as if they’re having a party.

✳️ like/as if/as though birovning ish-harakatini amalga oshirish tarzini bildirish uchun ishlatiladi:

🔸He ran like he was running for his life.

🔸After the interruption, the speaker went on talking as if nothing had happened.

🔸When I told them my plan, they looked at me as though I was mad.

✳️ as if bog'lovchisidan keyin ba'zan hozirgi zamondagi holatlar uchun o'tgan zamondagi fe'l ishlatishi mumkin. Bunday holatda noreal vaziyatlar uchun ishlatiladi.

🔸I don’t like him. He talks as if he knew everything. (U menga yoqmaydi, u go'yo hamma narsani bilgandek gapiradi)

🔸She’s always asking me to do things for her – as if I didn’t have enough to do already.

🔸 Joe’s only 40. Why do you talk about him as if he was an old man? (qari odamdek)

✳️ Mazkur holatda 'was' o'rnida 'were' ishlatilishi mumkin.

🔸Why do you talk about him as if he were an old man?

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🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇

📖 Dars #219 Ingliz tilida during, for va while so'zlarining qo'llanishi

1️⃣ during - 'davomida' biror voqea, narsaning boshidan oxirigacha bo'lgan davr ichida degan ma'noda ishlatiladi.

🔸 I fell asleep during the movie. (film davomida)

🔸 We met some really nice people during our holiday. (ta'til davomida)

🔸 The ground is wet. It must have rained during the night. (tunda (davomida)

2️⃣ Paytni bildiradigan so'zlar (the morning, the night, the summer) bilan in yoki during bir xil ma'noda ishlatilishi mumkin.

🔸 It rained in the night. (= during the night)

🔸 It’s lovely here during the summer. (=in the summer)

3️⃣ for+muddat biror ish-harakatning qancha davom etganligini ko'rsatadi.

🔸 We watched TV for two hours last night. (ikki soat davomida)

🔸 Jess is going away for a week in September. (bir hafta davomida)

🔸 How are you? I haven’t seen you for ages.

4️⃣ Ammo 'during' so'zini ish-harakat qancha davom etganligini bildirish uchun ishlatilmaydi. Demak, 'during two hours', 'during five years' degan birikmalarni ishlatib bo'lmaydi.

🔸It rained for three days without stopping. (= during three days emas)

5️⃣ 'during' - ish-harakatning qachon bo'lishini bildirsa, 'for' - ish-harakatning qancha davom etganligini bildiradi.

🔸 When did you fall asleep?’ ‘During the movie.’ (film davomida)

🔸 ‘How long were you asleep?’ ‘For half an hour.’ (bir soatga, bir soat davomida)

6️⃣ 'during' va 'while' so'zlari o'zbek tilida bir xil - 'davomida' deb tarjima qilinadi, lekin ishlatilishida farq mavjud.

during o'zidan keyin ot, otli birikma talab qilsa, while'dan keyin gap kelishi lozim.

🔸I fell asleep during the movie.

yoki I fell asleep while I was watching TV.

🔸We met a lot of interesting people during our holiday.

yoki We met a lot of interesting people while we were on holiday.

🔸 Robert suddenly began to feel ill during the exam.

yoki Robert suddenly began to feel ill while he was doing the exam.

⚠️ 'while' bog'lovchisidan keyin ish-harakat kelajak zamonda sodir bo'lsa ham, hozirgi zamon qolipi ishlatiladi.

🔸 I’m going to Moscow next week. I hope the weather will be good while I’m there. (while I will be ... emas)

🔸 What are you going to do while you’re waiting? (while you'll be waiting emas)

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🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇

📖 Dars #220 Ingliz tilida by va until (till) so'zlarining qo'llanishi

1️⃣ by - -gacha degan ma'noda ish-harakat qaysi vaqtga borib (kun/oy/yil) bajarilishi yoki tugashini bildiradi.

🔸 I sent the documents today, so they should arrive by Monday. (... dushanbagacha yetib kelishi kerak)

🔸 We’d better hurry. We have to be home by 5 o’clock. (beshgacha uyda bo'lishimiz kerak)

🔸 Where’s Sarah? She should be here by now.

2️⃣ until (till) - -gacha degan ma'noda ish-harakat qaysi vaqtgacha (kun/oy/yil) davom etishini bildiradi.

🔸A: Shall we go now?

B: No, let’s wait until it stops raining.

🔸I was very tired this morning. I stayed in bed until half past ten. (o'n yarimgacha yotoqda qoldim)

yoki I didn’t get up until half past ten.(o'n yarimgacha o'rnimdan turmadim)

⚖️ by va until ni qiyoslaymiz.

▪️ until kelajakda biror vaqtgacha davom etadigan ish-harakatni bildiradi.

🔸 Joe will be away until Monday. (... dushanbagacha uzoqda bo'ladi)

🔸 I’ll be working until 11.30. (11:30 gacha ishim davom etadi va men 11:30 da ishimni tugataman)

▪️ by kelajakda biror vaqtgacha sodir bo'ladigan ish-harakatni bildiradi.

🔸Joe will be back by Monday. (Jo dushanbagacha qaytib keladi)

🔸I’ll have finished my work by 11.30. (Men ishimni soat 11:30 gacha tugataman)

3️⃣ by the time - '-gacha, ushbu vaqtgacha' birikmasi ingliz tilida bog'lovchi sifatida ishlatiladi. Bu bog'lovchidan keyin ish-harakat kelajak zamonda bo'lsa ham, hozirgi zamon qolipida ishlatiladi. (by the time something happens)

🔸It’s too late to go to the bank now. By the time we get there, it will be closed.

🔸You’ll need plenty of time at the airport. By the time you check in and go through security, it will be time for your flight.

🔸Hurry up! By the time we get to the cinema, the film will already have started.

4️⃣ by the time bog'lovchisi o'tgan zamonda ham ishlatilishi mumkin. Unda mazkur bog'lovchidan keyin oddiy o'tgan zamon, ikkinchi gapda esa odatda uzoq o'tgan zamon (Past perfect simple or continuous) ishlatiladi.

🔸 Karen’s car broke down on the way to the party last night. By the time she arrived, most of the other guests had left.

🔸We went to the cinema last night. It took us a long time to find somewhere to park the car. By the time we got to the cinema, the film had already started.

🔸I had a lot of work to do yesterday evening. I was very tired by the time I finished.

5️⃣ by then yoki by that time birikmalari o'zidan oldingi paytga ishora qiladi va 'ushbu vaqtgacha' deb tarjima qilinadi.

🔸Karen finally got to the party at midnight, but by then most of the other guests had left .

yoki … but by that time, most of the other guests had left.

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🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇

📖 Dars #221 Ingliz tilida quite, pretty, rather va fairly so'zlarining qo'llanishi

1️⃣ quite va pretty so'zlari bir-biriga yaqin so'zlar bo'lib, 'judaga qaraganda kamroq, birozdan ko'proq' degan ma'nolarda sifat va ravishlardan oldin keladi.

🔸 I’m surprised you haven’t heard of her. She’s quite famous. yoki She’s pretty famous. (ancha mashhur - juda mashhurmas, yetarlicha mashhur)

🔸 Anna lives quite near me, so we see each other pretty often.

⚠️ pretty so'zi ushbu ma'noda norasmiy hisoblanadi, asosan og'zaki nutqda ishlatiladi.

2️⃣ quite so'zi a/an artikli bilan ko'p ishlatiladi va undan oldin keladi.

🔸We live in quite an old house. (a quite old house emas)

⚖️ Qiyoslang:

🔸 Sarah has quite a good job.

🔸Sarah has a pretty good job.

3️⃣ quite so'zi (pretty emas) quyidagi holatlarda ham ishlatiladi.

▪️ quite a/an + ot (sifat so'z turkumisiz)

🔸 I didn’t expect to see them. It was quite a surprise. (= quite a big surprise)

▪️ quite a lot (of...) - ancha (ko'p degan ma'noda)

🔸There were quite a lot of guests at the wedding.

⚠️quite a bit/few birikmalari ham norasmiy ingliz tilida quite a lot of ma'nosida ishlatiladi.

🔸 We are having quite a bit of trouble with the kids just now.

🔸We thought nobody would be there, but actually quite a few people came.

▪️quite + verb, odatda like va enjoy fe'llari bilan:

🔸I quite like tennis, but it’s not my favourite sport.

4️⃣ rather so'zi ham quite va pretty so'zlariga o'xshash ma'noni beradi, lekin odatda salbiy ma'nodagi so'zlar bilan ishlatiladi.

🔸The weather isn’t so good. It’s rather cloudy.

🔸Paul is rather shy. He doesn’t talk very much.

⚠️Yuqoridagi holatlarda quite so'zini ham ishlatsa bo'ladi, lekin rather ishlatilishi ommaviyroq.

5️⃣ rather so'zi ijobiy ma'nodagi so'zlar bilan ishlatilganida 'kutilmaganda, g'alati tarzda' degan ma'noda ishlatiladi.

🔸These oranges are rather good. Where did you get them?

6️⃣ fairly so'zi quite/rather/pretty so'zlaridan kuchsizroq. Agar nimagadir fairly good deb ta'rif berilsa, u uncha yaxshimas, lekin yaxshiroq bo'lsa bo'lardi degan ma'no anglashiladi.

🔸My room is fairly big, but I’d prefer a bigger one.

🔸We see each other fairly often, but not as often as we used to.

7️⃣ quite so'zi 'juda/haqiqatan/butunlay' degan ma'nolarda ham qo'llaniladi.

🔸‘Are you sure?’ ‘Yes, quite sure.’ (= completely sure)

✳️ Quyidagi sifatlar bilan ishlatilganda quite so'zi 'juda/haqiqatan/butunlay' degan ma'noni beradi.Bunday sifatlar ingliz tilida nisbiy bo'lmagan(non-gradable) sifatlar deb yuritiladi, ya'ni ularni qiyoslash, orttirma darajasini yasash imkoni yo'q.

▫️sure ▫️right ▫️ true ▫️clear ▫️ different ▫️incredible ▫️amazing ▫️certain ▫️wrong ▫️safe ▫️obvious ▫️unnecessary ▫️extraordinary ▫️impossible

🔸She was quite different from what I expected. (= completely different)

🔸Everything they said was quite true. (= completely true)

⚠️ Nisbiy bo'lmagan sifatlar bilan ishlatilganda, quite so'zi artikldan keyin keladi (BrE).

🔸It was a quite perfect day. (BrE)

🔸It was quite a perfect day. (AmE)

⚠️ Mazkur ma'noda 'quite' ba'zi fe'llar bilan ham ishlatilishi mumkin.

🔸 I quite agree with you. (= I completely agree, to'liq qo'shilaman)

⚠️ Fe'l bilan ishlatilganida inkor gapda esa 'to'liqmas, unchalik emas' degan ma'nolarda keladi.

🔸 I don’t quite understand what you mean.

🔸‘Are you ready yet?’ ‘Not quite.’ (= not completely)

⚖️ Qiyoslang:

🔸The story is quite interesting. (= less than ‘very interesting’)

🔸The story is quite true. (= completely true)

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🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇
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