Chapter 8
Greedy algorithms
Let’s see how this problem looks in code.
Code for setup
For this example, I’m going to use a subset of
the states and the stations
to keep things simple.
First, make a list of the states you want to cover:
states_needed = set([“mt”, “wa”, “or”, “id”, “nv”, “ut”,
“ca”, “az”])
You pass an array in, and it gets converted to a set.
I used a set for this. A set is like a list, except
that each item can show up
only once in a set.
Sets can’t have duplicates.
For example, suppose you
had this list:
>>> arr = [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
And you converted it to a set:
>>> set(arr)
set([1, 2, 3])
1, 2, and 3 all show up just once in a set.
You also need the list of stations that you’re choosing from. I chose to
use a hash for this:
stations = {}
stations[“kone”] = set([“id”, “nv”, “ut”])
stations[“ktwo”] = set([“wa”, “id”, “mt”])
stations[“kthree”] = set([“or”, “nv”, “ca”])
stations[“kfour”] = set([“nv”, “ut”])
stations[“kfive”] = set([“ca”, “az”])
keys are station names, and the values are the states they cover.
So in this example, the kone station covers Idaho, Nevada, and Utah.
the values are sets, too. Making everything a set will make your life
easier, as you’ll see soon.
Finally, you need something to hold the final set of stations you’ll use:
final_stations = set()