Chapter 9
Dynamic programming
Remember, the values for the cells are usually what you’re trying to
In this case, the values will probably be a number: the length
of the longest substring that the two strings have in common.
How do you divide this problem into subproblems? You could compare
substrings. Instead of comparing
you could compare
first. Each cell will contain the length of the longest substring
that two substrings have in common. This also gives you a clue that the
axes will probably be the two words. So the grid probably looks like this.
If this seems like black magic to you, don’t worry. This is hard stuff—
that’s why I’m teaching it so late in the book! Later, I’ll
give you an
exercise so you can practice dynamic programming yourself.
Filling in the grid
Now you have a good idea of what the grid should look like. What’s the
formula for filling in each cell of the grid? You can cheat a little, because
you already know what the solution should be—
have a
substring of length 3 in common:
But that still doesn’t tell you the formula to use.
Computer scientists
sometimes joke about using the Feynman algorithm. The
is named after the famous physicist Richard Feynman, and
it works like this:
1. Write down the problem.
2. Think real hard.
3. Write down the solution.
Longest common substring
Computer scientists are a fun bunch!
The truth is, there’s no easy way to calculate the formula here. You
have to experiment and try to find something that works. Sometimes
algorithms aren’t an exact recipe. They’re
a framework that you build
your idea on top of.
Try to come up with a solution to this problem yourself. I’ll give you a
hint—part of the grid looks like this.
What are the other values? Remember that each cell is the value of a
Why does cell (3, 3) have a value of 2? Why does cell (3, 4)
have a value of 0?
Read on after you’ve tried to come up with a formula yourself. Even if
you don’t get it right, my explanation will make a lot more sense.