Chapter 9
Dynamic programming
Every dynamic-programming algorithm starts with a grid. Here’s a grid
for the knapsack problem.
The rows of the grid are the items, and the columns are knapsack
weights from 1 lb to 4 lb. You need all of those columns because they
will help you calculate the values of the sub-knapsacks.
The grid starts out empty. You’re going to fill in each cell of the grid.
Once the grid is filled in, you’ll have your answer to this problem!
Please follow along. Make your own grid, and we’ll fill it out together.
The guitar row
I’ll show you the exact formula for calculating this grid later. Let’s do a
walkthrough first. Start with the first row.
This is the
row, which means you’re trying to fit the guitar into
the knapsack. At each cell, there’s a simple decision: do you steal the
guitar or not? Remember, you’re trying to find the set of items to steal
that will give you the most value.
The first cell has a knapsack of capacity 1 lb. The guitar is also 1 lb,
which means it fits into the knapsack! So the value of this cell is $1,500,
and it contains a guitar.
The knapsack problem
Let’s start filling in the grid.
Like this, each cell in the grid will contain a list of all the items that fit
into the knapsack at that point.
Let’s look at the next cell. Here you have a knapsack of capacity 2 lb.
Well, the guitar will definitely fit in there!
The same for the rest of the cells in this row. Remember, this is the first
row, so you have
the guitar to choose from. You’re pretending
the other two items aren’t available to steal right now.
At this point, you’re probably confused.
are you doing this for
knapsacks with a capacity of 1 lb, 2 lb, and so on, when the problem
talks about a 4 lb knapsack? Remember how I told you that dynamic
programming starts with a small problem and builds up to the big
problem? You’re solving subproblems here that will help you to solve
the big problem. Read on, and things will become clearer.