Letter number 95 You have rented an apartment and the neighbours are disturbing you. Write a letter to your landlord explaining what the problem is, what did you do to solve the problem and what action you want the owner to take. Dear Mr. James, I am your new tenant from apartment number 341, Harrison Street. I moved in with my family one month ago. I am writing this letter to appraise you with some problems that we are facing because of the neighbours. When I signed the lease it was told to me that there could be no more than two persons living full time in a studio apartment. That is definitely not the case in the apartment directly above mine, 337. During the one month I have been here there must have been at least 6 adults and three young children somehow squeezed into that studio apartment. The constant noise and the traffic into and out of the apartment and the four cars they use, is very annoying. Last week I politely told them about the rules of tenancy of these studio apartments, but they just ignored what I said. Please look into the matter soon and either change their apartment or move us to the apartment in the far right hand corner which is away from this entire disturbance. This problem needs immediate action. I have signed a lease of one year with you and the rent is also on the higher side because the area is very good but if you don’t do anything