2 These are the elements of an English sentence and the kinds of phrase that we can use for each element.
Subject - the person, place, or thing that does what the verb describes (noun phrase): the flight, I, two stewards
Verb - type of word or phrase that shows an action or a state (verb phrase): is, served, must book
Object - a noun, pronoun, or phrase that is affected in a direct way by the action of a verb (noun phrase): a newspaper, lunch
Complement - a word or phrase after a verb that tells you about the subject (adjective phrase): very good
(noun phrase): a pilot
Adverbial - a word or group of words used as an adverb (adverb phrase): shortly
(prepositional phrase): at three o'clock
(noun phrase): next week
The verb is central to the sentence and we use the word “verb” for both the sentence element – “The verb follows the subject” - and for the word class – “Leave is a verb.”