for women my age. Miscarriage is also
common for post-abortive women. No one
told me that…
By the grace of God I was
allowed to have one son, my precious boy
who will never have a brother or sister —
and that‘s my fault.
I got pregnant again in May 2008. I was
so excited words couldn't describe it. I
ended up having a miscarriage. I was so
This so-called "safe" and legal abortion
landed me with an infection. These [
abortions damaged my cervix, and badly
scarred my womb/uterus…
Born again, the Lord found me a
wonderful husband at the age of 34 and ten
months later blessed us with a precious
child, a son, by C-section! I so love being a
, and we wanted to have more
children, siblings for Shawn. But sadly,
specialists said that my cervix and uterus
were so damaged and scarred that they
could hardly believe I had him.
Which reminds me of these famous last
words by an abortion clinic:
A very small percent of women
experience minor complications that will
not affect the ability to become pregnant in
the future.
A few years after the abortion, I tried
desperately to get pregnant. I wanted a
quick fix for my loss, but as much as I tried,
it never worked… I have tried to get
pregnant again, but I haven't. Now when I
think of it, I never want a child, because I'll
feel like I'm trying to replace the one I've
My grief for all my children is beyond
degree, especially what I felt when I was
forced into the 2 abortions. I finally
understood and was able to cope with how
the abortions affected me spiritually. I
know that God understands the emotional
pain that I have, and I know that
me. I just wished that those 2 abortions
had never happened. At this point in my
life, I feel that the reason that I can't carry
to term and have a healthy baby is because
of the 2 abortions....
I did name my children. Their names
are Peyton Elizabeth, Sean Patrick,
Matthew Luke, Dream Marie and Destiny
Ann, Isaiah Joel, Gabriella Faith, Joel Pate
and Abagail Grace, Madison Hope, Morgan
Elisa, and Whisper Faith, Haven Olivia, and
Kelsey Elise.
I botched my one chance at
being a mother
―When I had my abortion 55 years ago
there was no one I could even talk to. I
cried so much for that baby and I
regretted my decision so much. You see,
I have never married or had a child
again. That was my only chance of being
a mother and I botched it up. I have
lived all these years and not a single day
has gone by without me remembering
my baby… I am much older now and as
I come nearer to the end I seem to think
about it more often. I wonder what
might have been. I miss my girl so
much. I have friends and nephews and
nieces and I love them dearly, but I
would give anything to have my
daughter back. I have never been a
religious person, but what if there is a
God and he hates me and my daughter
hates me.‖
—―Valerie‖ quoted in post-abortion newsletter
Broken Branches
A couple of weeks after the abortion I
knew something was wrong. I was bleeding
excessively heavy. Many weeks went by
and I was still bleeding heavily. I finally
went to the doctor. He told me that my
abortion had not been a total abortion and
there were still parts of the baby that were
left inside of me, and that I could have an
infection. He did the best he could do in his
office but couldn't guarantee anything.
Three more weeks pasted. Now I was pale
and weak. I had just married the man who I
had become pregnant with. It was time to
go to a specialist. He immediately put me in
the hospital for a DNC to scrape all the
mess left inside of me. As I woke from the
anesthesia the doctor told me that I had a
lot of scar tissue, and that I would probably
never be able to have any more children. I
was devastated and heartbroken.
…Today I am a happy, healthy mother
of 3 biological children and 2 stepchildren.
What a blessing they are to me, but I will
always think about my first child and what
a terrible thing I did to him or her.
Two years after Jess was born, I was
pregnant again. This time it was an ectopic
pregnancy. By the time I got into surgery,
the tube had broken and I was bleeding out.
I‘ve come to the conclusion that the
abortion must have left a lot of scar tissue
inside me, making it hard to get pregnant,
and causing the tubal pregnancy.
I've been on the birth control pill from
that day on, even to this day...for over 20
years. I'm horrified of pregnancy again after
the last experience. H
... Ever since
the abortion, I've never been able to want
too afraid to get pregnant again.
We tried for 3 years to get pregnant.
Funny, it was pretty easy to do the first
time! I finally did get pregnant with my
daughter Jess.
In late 1987, my boyfriend—the same
one I had had the abortion with—and I got
married. In 1989, we got pregnant, and
boy,v were we happy! But our baby girl was
stillborn at seven and a half months along.
We named her Faith Maryam. It was while
I was in labor with her, knowing she was
dead, that I consciously remembered my
abortion. And it was there, in the hospital,
that I named my aborted baby Jamie.
…I had a miscarriage in 1999, and I
named that baby Mary Joseph.
Sometimes when one of my children did
something I thought was adorable, guilt
would kick in and I would think of the
baby I aborted. What would it be like?
What would it have done so adorable? How
could I let myself feel good with these
subconsciously pushed them away from me
because I didn‘t feel worthy to have them. I
didn‘t feel like I deserved them. A wall of
guilt stood between me and affected my
ability to bond with the other two children
I birthed. They deserved better. A choice I
made before they were born affected them
without their even knowing it.
I am now happily married with 3
beautiful, healthy kids and often think
about how they would‘ve enjoyed a big
Mentally I was a wreck. I was very over-
protective of the kids, afraid they would get
hurt in an accident. I had frequent thoughts
of terrible accidents or fatal diseases. I was
so afraid God would take them from me. I
tried to make up for failing my unborn
children by being super mom. I was always
room mother, field trip chaperone, and
tried to give them everything they wanted.
I‘m over the rape now; but because of
the abortion, I‘m not able to have any
—―Vanessa Landry‖
Reason #29
―Abortion could emotionally or
physically affect your fertility‖
Reason #30
Abortion carries
But I haven‘t heard of any
The Planned Parenthood Position is That
Abortion Poses No Demonstrated Health
—Planned Parenthood Affiliates of New Jersey
peaking of abortion, it has been said
that ―there has been almost a
conspiracy of silence in declaring its
Indeed, the risks are not well
known to the public, yet they are very real
for those who experience them.
If they are real why haven‘t we heard
much about them? There are quite a few
reasons, notably the fact that clinics are not
required by law to inform women of those
risks. (See
Reason #4: Abortion Clinics Are
Allowed to Lie to You
) Besides that, even
the clinics themselves do not possess
complete records of the complication rates
for a number of reasons. Let me explain:
Women often don‘t return for the free
check-up, and not surprisingly — who
wants to remember that event a second
time around?
Women who experience problems don‘t
always come back for follow-up either
— hey, would you go back to the place
that injured you in the first place?
Complications may only be noted if a
woman makes a complaint. It is
certainly not in the best interests of the
clinic to generate negative publicity or
increase their complication rate.
Long term or indirect consequences are
not likely to be known right away, and
even the woman herself may not be
aware of the connection.
Here are
some possible scenarios:
A woman with a past history of
abortion in her college years now
desires to start a family. Her efforts
are met with frustration after
frustration as doctors tell her, ―Sorry,
it‘s just bad luck.‖ Depending on the
circumstance, infertility can be a
direct result of abortion.
After an abortion a young woman
finds out the truth of fetal
development and realizes she paid
someone to kill her own baby. She
becomes so distraught that she takes
her own life. It‘s directly related to
the abortion, but the suicide is not
recorded as such.
A couple of years after an abortion a
woman discovers just in time that
she has a risky ectopic pregnancy.
She doesn‘t know it, but studies have
abortion and increased risk for
ectopic pregnancy.
A woman hemorrhages after an
abortion and requires a blood
transfusion. Unfortunately she was
just ‗one of the unlucky‘ to receive
blood tainted with the HIV virus,
though she won‘t discover it for
years. The connection is there, but
What is the risk today?
This clinic says it‘s low:
―Most doctors today have never seen a
complication of an abortion because
they are so rare since abortion became
legal after Roe v. Wade.‖
—Fayetteville Women‘s Clinic
This abortion malpractice representative
says it‘s high:
―Mr. Alexander said that in the
past month, he has received calls
from eight women who suffered
perforated uteruses, five who required
hysterectomies, and 25 who developed
infections as a result of fetal tissue left
behind in an incomplete abortion.‖
—Quoting Tim Alexander of the American
Rights Coalition,
Washington Times
Shout Out!
The risks of abortion should be made
public just like the warnings for
smoking cigarettes or the side effects of
What you don‘t want to hear
―We want to make sure that everything
is normal after the abortion. We ask that
you come back to the clinic for a follow-
up visit.‖
—Choice Medical Group
A 1996 article in the Miami Herald says
―Major complications occur in 1 of every
Contraceptive Technology, a reference
book written by physicians.‖
One abortion clinic is willing to say the
number is closer to 1 in 100 women —
―Fewer than 1 woman in 100 will have a
serious complication following an early
Yet, that means for the 3,700
abortions each day in America,
around 37
women suffer a serious complication,
according to the judgement of abortion
clinics themselves!
―Alright, so they happen — give me a
list of the risks!‖
Following is a list of the main types of
complications possible. It is not intended to
describe every possible reaction.
Confessions from pro-choice
―In medical practice, there are few
surgical procedures given so little
attention and so underrated in its
potential hazard as abortion…It‘s no
wonder that abortion complication rates
are sometimes higher than they should
be...abortion is a blind procedure that
proceeds by touch.‖
—A training manual for abortionists by one!
n occasional but permanent side
effect which affects a small number
of abortion patients. (To read more
on this risk turn to
Reason #63: Women
have died from abortion
Uterine perforation
f the woman is not dilated enough or
the pregnancy is misjudged, the
abortion instruments may be pushed in
too hard or too far, resulting in a puncture.
It is actually possible to rip right through
the uterus and start suctioning out parts of
the intestines or bladder! While these cases
are exceptionally rare, it has happened and
I would not like to be one of the
exceptions. The estimates on perforation
risk vary. An abortion clinic says the risk
for a perforation with possible damage to
organs is 2 in 1000
while pro-life groups
believe the risk is 20-30 in 1000.
A less
hazardous risk would be a tear, maybe
requiring stitches, maybe not. An abortion
clinic proffers that this occurs for 1 in 100
First trimester perforation leaves
woman sterile
One clinic offers these non-reassuring
words regarding their 1
―Obviously, complications, which result
And an actual example:
In 2007, a 40-year-old woman who was
8 weeks pregnant went to a Nebraska
Planned Parenthood clinic for a suction
abortion. During her abortion the uterus
was accidentally punctured. It was
probably around that time that she
―complained of excruciating pain‖ and
asked them to stop. They kept going and
three employees held the woman down.
If this sounds horrific to you, I agree.
While the abortion had to be finished,
the operating staff could at least have
comforted her and given adequate pain
relief. Pain is a sign of injury, and
should be responded to. In recovery the
woman experienced pain, bleeding and
nausea. On a trip to the bathroom she
passed out and was taken to hospital.
There the attending physician called
another doctor in for an emergency
hysterectomy. A doctor at the hospital
said she had a ―catastrophic perforation‖
and ―Had she not received emergency
care when she did, it is my professional
opinion that the patient could have
hemorrhaged to death.‖ Her lawsuit is
claiming that she lost four liters of
blood, which is equivalent to 80% of an
average woman‘s blood volume. So
much for her safe early abortion — and
no, it wasn‘t because of her age — it was
because of medical error. Hopefully she
already had a family, because she
certainly can‘t have any kids now.
Lincoln Journal Star
ecause it‘s a blind procedure and you
don‘t want to create a uterine
perforation, it‘s also easy to not go
far enough and to leave bits of fetal tissue
inside, on which bacteria can thrive.
abortion clinic says the risk for both
incomplete abortion and infection is 1 in
Besides bacteria growing on rotting
fetal tissue (yuk!), bacteria can also be
introduced during the procedure, whether
from the clinic environment or simply from
the outer part of your cervix.
While one abortionist training manual
admits that ―each abortion, no matter how
contaminated uterine cavity,‖
this can
hardly be helped by practicing abortionists
such as Dr. Hodari, who confesses in
improper grammar that he doesn‘t always
wash his hands because ―after I do twenty
abortions my hands were awful because,
washing and scrubbing for five minutes.‖
Other unpleasant conditions such as
infection of the area) and endometritis
(inflammation caused by infection) can also
be caused by infection.
While an
infection can be treated with antibiotics,
the risk is that infection can actually create
scar tissue which can block fallopian tubes,
impairing future fertility. Infections in the
uterus are a major cause of abortion-
induced infertility.
Infertility and Sterility
s we just mentioned, the repro-
ductive organs are sensitive to
damage and scarring. Today there
is a rising level of infertility in America.
Not enough children are available for
adoption (a side-effect of abortion), and
many women are paying out large sums of
money to undergo costly and only partially
successful IVF treatments. Could this rise in
infertility have any connection with the
large population of women today who have
undergone abortions? One study found that
a woman with one or more induced
abortions had a 3-4 times greater chance of
becoming sterile afterwards, compared to
those who had never aborted.
Abortion leaves woman minus
Dinkins is suing the popular abortion
clinic in New Jersey that performed her
procedure Dinkins had returned home
where she became shaky and ultimately
passed out. Her family called the
ambulance and on the way to the
hospital her heart had to be restarted.
Blood loss caused a stroke and required
that she undergo blood transfusions. She
was in a coma for four weeks and only
recently regained her ability to speak.
She suffered a collapsed lung and, to top
it all off, also had her uterus removed
(hope she never wanted kids). All this
triggered by the abortion she under-
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