How to Solve a 4x4 Cube- the Rubik's Revenge

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Solu9on: [ D' r2 D2 r2 ]
green (& blue!) center block!. (See example below)
BoWom looks like: (x rota9on)
That’s it! You had solved all 6 center blocks correctly to each other. I recommend you to stop here
and pracFce on solving all center blocks of the 4x4 cube Fll you feel comfortable in doing so
intuiFvely. It shouldn't be too hard for an experienced 3x3 Rubik's cube solver to do so in a day or
Step 2- Pairing-up all edge pieces
The second step is about pairing-up all the edge pieces with their idenFcal twins on
the 4x4 cube, into edge blocks. There are 12 edge-blocks to solve, meaning 24 edge pieces in total.
At the image to the right you can see an example of 2 white-blue edge pieces matched-up together
into one edge block (a white-blue edge block)
The edge blocks permutaFons around the cube are completely meaningless at this step.
Solving the first 4 edge blocks:
The way to go here is by pairing-up the edge pieces into blocks and storing them on the top &
boMom faces (=8 available places. We'll start with the 4 on top). Remember you are free to make
any U/D/B/R/L/F moves you want, as non on them affect the center pieces.

1/19/18, 12(51 PM
How to Solve a 4x4 Cube- The Rubik's Revenge
Page 12 of 18
Algorithm: [ d R U R' d' ]
Solu9on: [ L' U L ]
Here is how it's done:
Look for 2 idenFcal edge pieces that are posiFoned like in the image, then execute the next
This algorithm is pairing-up the two edge pieces into a block and storing them on the top face,
without harming any center piece. Here's how: by doing a d move, the 2 edge-pieces will pair-up.
Then using the R move the formed edge-block will move upwards into the top layer. Next we'll
make a U/U'/U2 move to secure the block on the top (so it won't go back down in the next move -
R'). We'll do the U/U'/U2 according to the edge blocks on the top, if there are no solved edge-
blocks then it doesn't maMer. If there are already solved blocks- we want to make sure not to take
them down instead. Finally we'll make R' d' to bring back all other pieces into place.

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