How to Solve a 4x4 Cube- the Rubik's Revenge

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1/19/18, 12(51 PM
How to Solve a 4x4 Cube- The Rubik's Revenge
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”Solving the Rubik's Cube made easy... „
How to solve a 4x4 Rubik's Cube
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1/19/18, 12(51 PM
How to Solve a 4x4 Cube- The Rubik's Revenge
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[ r ]
[ 2R ]
The 4x4x4 cube is the next puzzle in the Rubik's cube series, known as
the Rubik's Revenge. Although seems to be much more difficult than the famous 3x3, solving the
4x4 Rubik's revenge is very similar to it and requires only few more algorithms to learn.
Learn how to solve a 3x3 cube first
In order to solve the 4x4 cube you will need to know
how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube
first. If you are
not familiar with the soluFon or do not remember it, please go and review the 3x3 soluFon before
you conFnue. It is best to master the 3x3 soluFon before going for the 4x4, though it's not a must.
Move Nota9ons
Same move notaFon rules apply for the 4x4 cube as well, with only 2 differences:
1. Lower-case leMers mean turning 2 layers of the corresponding face.
2. "2" before the face leMer (e.g. 2R) means moving only the internal layer of the corresponding

1/19/18, 12(51 PM
How to Solve a 4x4 Cube- The Rubik's Revenge
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The 4x4 mechanics is a bit different from the classic 3x3 Rubik's cube. There is no single center
piece, but 4 center pieces per color; therefore they are not fixed in their posiFons.
No fixed Center pieces: There are no fixed center pieces in the 4x4 cube, meaning
these center pieces can move around the cube, and replace places with each other (unlike the 3x3
where yellow will always remain opposite to white, for example). That means we cannot determine
the cube color-scheme by looking at the center pieces (we'll use memory, or corner pieces). As
menFoned, there are 4 center pieces for each color. For 4 center pieces solved together we call a
center block. (In the image: example of a solved red center block)
MulFple edge pieces: every edge piece in the 4x4 cube has an idenFcal edge piece
around the cube, meaning there are 2 edge pieces of every type (e.g. 2 yellow-red edge pieces). In
the 2nd step we are going to pair them up together. For 2 idenFcal edge pieces paired-up together
we call an edge block. (In the image: example of a paired red-blue edge block)

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