63 ■
Hold down the left mouse button while on the highlighted text, and move the
cursor to the desired location. Then, release the button. This is known as “drag
and drop.”
Change case ■
In the “format” menu, click on change case, select the desired change, and
click on “ok.”
HOW TO MOVE OR CHANGE TEXT USING KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Keyboard shortcuts are favored by professional editors, primarily because they are faster
than using the mouse. They are simply combinations of keys that manipulate text. Short-
cuts are listed in the word processing program’s help files, and may be searched or printed.
To find them:
Press F1 (the shortcut key for Help).
Click on the “Index” tab.
In the field labeled “type the first few letters” type “Shortcut keys” or “Key-
board shortcuts.”
A list of topics will appear; double-click on the one that seems closest to the
You may also click on “viewing and printing shortcut keys” to get the entire
list, and print it for easy reference.
A Few Helpful Shortcuts:
1. To highlight words, press “control” and “shift” simultaneously, and while holding
them down, press an arrow key to move the highlighting to the left or right.
2. To change case, press shift + F3.
3. To find and replace, use ctrl + f and ctrl + h, respectively.
4. To delete a word, hit ctrl + del.
5. To move text, use F2.
6. To save changes, press ctrl + s.