I lost my sense of smell four years ago. The doctors told me that it is natural and that it is not a sickness

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case 0394

I developed a sense as if something was burning or foul in my bedroom. I would ask people to come and see if there was something odd smelling in the room. No one ever found anything. Then I went to visit family overseas and found the smell there as well. This went on for almost one and a half years. Then slowly my sense of smell has almost vanished. I can still smell strong smells. My taste has also diminished somewhat.

case 0395

Two years ago I first noticed my failing sense of smell. I could no longer smell the fragrance of wild roses on foggy evenings that I loved. Subsequently my sense of smell has deteriorated further. I have reported this to my family doctor but he made no big deal of it and suggested possibly using a steroid. My aunt of 82 years has reported to me a similar condition which makes me wonder if this is genetic or environmental. My sense of taste has suffered as well and I cannot get the same enjoyment of food as I once did.

case 0396

I seem to be the only person nearby (within or outside my home) who notices a distinct odor of ammonia. It varies in intensity and is usually present but not always. I have had the house checked out by people with sensors and have asked others to tell me if they can detect the odor but no one but me notices. It is very disconcerting. I don't notice it away from my home. I still think it may have something to do with the house but also have tried to research to see if there is a connection to any internal health condition but so far no such information has come my way. Until now, I always have considered my ability to detect off-odors, rancidity, etc. to be good.

case 0397

I used to be able to wear perfumes. Now I get the taste of it on my lips and down my throat and my eyes feel like I am wearing glasses that weren't prescribed for me. I also sneeze repeatedly. The worst is the weak swooning dizzy spells that come with this.

case 0398

I first realized that my sense of smell had diminished when I could no longer smell the aroma of coffee from upstairs in the morning. Even as I stand in the kitchen now by the coffeepot I do not smell the coffee. Only ten years ago I could walk into my daughter's preschool building and smell the aroma of hazelnut coffee. I miss that wonderful aroma of coffee when I walk into a coffee shop.

case 0399

When I was a baby I had numerous surgeries for my cleft palate. Today, I can hardly smell anything.

case 0400

Eight years ago I had radiation treatment for breast cancer. Soon afterwards I noticed that my senses of smell and taste were distorted. Over time I completely lost these senses. My doctors said it was not from the radiation. I can taste salt and sugar and that is all. I had many colds and often used an unapproved homeopathic nasal spray, so I wonder if that created my problem. I have resigned myself to never smelling or tasting again but I keep hoping for a miracle.

case 0401

I had heart surgery at the age of 79. One year later I bought my favorite perfume and realized that I could not smell it. I bought some other perfumes but could not smell those either. This is a dangerous situation.

case 0402

About a year ago I began to notice that my sense of smell was lessening to such a degree that I could not smell my perfume, coffee, bacon, or anything else. At first it was just a little, but has now increased to the point that if a gas stove was emitting gas, unlit, I would probably die. Aside from the pleasure of these aforementioned smells, and the danger of dangerous odors, I am also not aware of personal body odors. My life is changing because of this minor, but possibly dangerous condition. I have mentioned the problem to my primary care doctor, and he just sort of brushed it off.

case 0403

I've had allergies and nasal infections for many years. I've had two nasal surgeries to remove nasal polyps. I've had my sense of smell come and go over the years, but recently I haven't been able to smell at all for at least a year.

case 0404

I had craniotomy to remove a tumor three months ago. After the surgery my sense of smell was completely gone. The neurosurgeons tell me that it is highly unlikely that it will return. As a consequence my sense of taste is limited to sweet, salty, sour and bitter and even those four are not too clear. It is certainly very sad to lose one's sense of smell.

case 0405

In the past year I have noticed that when people complain about smells, I do not smell anything. It has to be very strong, like strong perfume, before I can smell it. I really miss being able to do this.

case 0406

I have no sense of smell. I used nasal spray regularly for almost 30 years and I firmly believe that my loss of smell is due to the misuse of the nasal spray.

case 0407

Last summer I had very bad hay fever and it took me two weeks to get better and during this time I started noticing that I couldn't taste what I was eating. I still had a stuffy nose even when the cold was over. When I went see my doctor he said that it does take time. However, later I was diagnosed with a chronic sinus inflammation. I still do not smell or taste things. This condition is stressful, especially when someone asks me if I can smell something bad.

case 0408

In the last seven years, from time to time, I start thinking I can smell diesel fumes and taste them!! Most unpleasant! I used to work in the motor trade and used to believe that this was a real smell. Since I have left the motor industry, I have experienced the same thing on at least three occasions.... I have it at the moment. It started last Tuesday, when I had to sit near the back on the bus going to work and it is still with me one week later. I know now there is no smell of diesel, but I still smell it and I feel that I can taste it at the back of my throat.... Vile.

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