I lost my sense of smell four years ago. The doctors told me that it is natural and that it is not a sickness

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case 0800

Four months ago I became ill starting in my sinuses. It turned into bronchitis and then pneumonia. I recovered, but now I smell a horrible sweet smell. Even my lipstick has this horrible smell. It is as though my brain cannot distinguish smells. I smell it as soon as I wake. If I take medication to loosen the mucus in the lung it eases, but then comes back strongly.

case 0801

Over a year ago I suffered a series of upper respiratory infections, followed by a very bad bout of influenza. During that time I lost my sense of smell. My sense of taste was also significantly affected. I assumed that I would fully regain these senses when I returned to full health but this did not happen. An ear nose throat specialist informed me that the cause of my anosmia was probably the repeated infections I had suffered and that my sense of smell and taste may return gradually, or not at all. He also said that there was nothing he could do to treat the problem. I am one of four girls and two of my sisters as well as my maternal grandmother also have lost their sense of smell after infections.

case 0802

I noticed a progressively diminishing sense of smell about a year and a half prior to my diagnosis of benign meningioma which was located in part in the olfactory groove. Subsequent to my craniotomy I have no sense of smell. I have been told by the neurosurgeon that it will not return.

case 0803

I am suffering from bad smells from my left nostril for the past year. I had sinusitis and my doctor cleared the sinuses with a nasal wash. After that a bad smell started to irritate me.

case 0804

I had an enormous amount of dental work on my upper teeth. Afterwards, my sense of taste and smell began to gradually deteriorate. Everything I eat tastes like paper and glue and it has a very negative impact on the quality of life. I want to get back my enjoyment of food and help others in this situation.

case 0805

The other day, I woke up in the morning smelling and tasting bacon, but have had neither, nor do I have any in the house. The taste was so strong, as if I'd just eaten it. A little while later, maybe 30 minutes or so, I smelled pizza with bell peppers and onions. I could not tell if it had any other toppings. I have not had a pizza in a very long time. I've also noticed, over the past several months, a heightened sense of smell, but these are not phantom smells, unlike the bacon and pizza.

case 0806

I have been aware for about two years that I am losing both my sense of taste and smell. I have pursued medical help to no avail.

case 0807

My sense of smell started to decrease at a young age. When I was in my 40s I noticed even less smells. About a year ago, at the age of 55, I noticed I couldn't smell anything at all. I finally told my doctor about it when I went in because of increasing headaches, slight sensation of something stuck in my throat.

case 0808

I was diagnosed to have obstructive sleep apnea three months ago and I have been using a continuous positive airway pressure machine since. I have noticed that my smell sensation diminished slowly and since last fortnight I can't smell anything.

case 0809

I lost my sense of smell. With prednisone it returns after about three days. When I get off it, I lose the sense of smell about three days later. I had sinus surgery which helped with the sinus but not with the sense of smell.

case 0810

I have had polyps since I was 18 years old. As a consequence, I lost my sense of smell.

case 0811

I abruptly lost a lot of my sense of smell about two years ago roughly around the time I quit smoking. Accompanying that loss, as you would expect, was a change in my sense of taste. Most notably, I used to drink a lot of coffee but it just doesn't taste the same anymore and I'm down to a cup in the morning. I have not completely lost my sense of smell, but it is impaired. I don't smell odors that other members of my family do.

case 0812

I fell down and had a concussion and a small crack in my skull. Since then I cannot smell anything.

case 0813

About five months ago I had a severe respiratory infection and since then I have had problems with my sense of smell. The first two hours in the morning I can smell but then I lose it. When I take a deep breath I can smell.

case 0814

About a month ago I started to develop an acute sense of smell that is very disturbing. I am becoming hypersensitive to all smells. It is making me feel sick and smells have become very strong. Even the nicest scents have become unpleasant. Pretty perfumes that I previously enjoyed, the smell of Tide detergent that I've always loved, clean, fresh scented cleaning supplies... everything! Unpleasant odors are driving me crazy. I have had acute sinusitis for many years and I'm wondering if this may have anything to do with it. I would just like an answer. Good or bad, smells seem to cling to my clothing. I take them with me wherever I go. This is most unpleasant.

case 0815

I always had a very good sense of smell. About 7 months ago, when I was 59 years old, I started to experience bad odors that no one else noticed. Then I noticed that I couldn't smell a lot of things. Now I cannot smell anything and my sense of taste is decreasing, too.

case 0816

I had a severe upper respiratory infection and quickly lost my sense of smell. Unbelievable!

case 0817

I lost my sense of smell following a cold two years ago. After about six months I suddenly smelled something but then it would go away again immediately. Also if I try to smell something, i.e. sniff at it, I can never smell it but I can walk along and suddenly I can smell say a flower or someone cooking but it is very fleeting. This year I went to Colorado (USA) and within a couple of days my sense of smell came back quite strongly and stayed with me for about a fortnight but as soon as I returned to the UK it went again within a day or so.

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