Questions 14-24 Questions 25-26 Complete the timeline diagram below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer. 1876 No longer is criminality confined to a 14
Italian scientist, Lombroso proposes a 15
to criminality.
A biological theory of criminality presupposes that such a condition is 16
Criminal types are claimed to be 17
distinctive ‘atavistic’ or primitive features.
1949 In common with Lombroso, Sheldon proposes a 18
to criminality.
Body types are 19
particular dispositions.
Mesomorphs are types considered to have 20
1960s 21
is now implicated in a biological disposition towards criminality.
An additional ‘Y’ chromosome is associated with more 22
The proposed link between criminality and genotype is 23
Epps’ study of 1995.
Today A purely biological basis to criminality is discredited.
Genetic factors arc thought to be moderated by 24
Choose two two letters, A-E. A-E. A B
C Overwhelming evidence exists in support of a biological predisposition
towards crime.
Lombroso’s experimental work has been completely discredited by
modern scientists.
Modern criminologists believe that Lombroso hindered rather than helped
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D E the advance of criminology.
Recently there has been a shift away from the emphasis of biological
factors as a basis of criminality.
Biological evidence may partially support Sheldon’s theory of
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