It’saseasyaspie=it’sapieceofcake: to be very easy, (not complicated).
Idon'tthinkit'saseasyaspietogetband8.5intheIELTSspeakingtest.It'sapieceofcaketodrivethiscar. Costanarmandaleg: to be very expensive.
Themovieisinteresting,buttheticketscostanarmandaleg.Thecarcosthimanarmandaleg. Paythroughthenose: to pay too much for something.
IusuallyhavetopaythroughthenoseforparkingacarifIbringitintothecity. Hepaidthroughthenosetogetthecarfixed. Makesomeoneblue=bumpsomeoneout : to make someone sad or sick.
Itmadehimbluetohavetostayhomewithhiswifeallday.Hemadehisgirlfriendblueyesterday. Freakout : to become very angry or lose control of your mind because of
somebody or something.
IfreakedoutwhenIsawherwithanotherman.Snakesreallyfreakedmeout. Inthenickoftime : just before it's too late/ at the last possible moment.
Wegottotheairportjustinthenickoftime. Iarrivedatthetrainstationinthenickoftime. ShefinishedherEnglishessayjustinthenickoftime. It’srainingcatsanddogs: it’s raining a lot/ it is raining heavily.
It'swindyandisrainingcatsanddogs. Itwasrainingcatsanddogs,soallflightsweredelayed. (Like)twopeasinapod : very similar, especially in appearance.
Peterandhisbrotherareliketwopeasinapod.Thetwinsareliketwopeasinapod. (As)slyasafox : someone who is clever, cunning, wily, and tricky.
Manypeopledon'tlikehimbecauseheisslyasafox.Mybossisasslyasafox. Pokearound : look around a place, typically in search of something (you can
poke around on the internet, you can poke around on the streets, etc. to look for/search for something).
JustpokearoundtheInternet,you'llfindalotofdatingwebsites.Hepokedaroundinhisdesktoseeifthewalletwasthere. Meanbusiness: to be very, very serious.
Ithoughthewasjokingatfirst,butthenIsawthathereallymeantbusiness . Justlookingathim,Iknewhemeantbusiness. Hitthehay=hitthesack : to go to bed.
I'mprettytired.Ithinkit'stimeformetohitthehay. I'mgoingtohitthesackearlysinceI’vegottogetupearlytomorrow. Sleeplikeababy: to sleep very well; to sleep deeply.
Afteralong,harddayatwork,Isleptlikeababylastnight.Hewasverytired,sohewenttobed,andsleptlikeababy. Onceinabluemoon: very rarely/very seldom/almost never.
MysonlivesinCanadaandheonlycomestoseeusonceinabluemoon. MyfamilyusedtoliveinTokyo,butnowweonlygothereonceinabluemoon. Aceatest: to do very well in a test/ to get a very high score on a test.
Youneedtostudyhardtoaceatest. She had actually aced atest inMath,asubjectthathadnevercomeeasilyforher. Ringabell: to sound familiar.
ThenameLucydoesn'tringabell. I'venevermetSarah,buthernameringsabell. Greenwithenvy: to be jealous/ to be envious.
TomwasgreenwithenvywhenhesawthatIgotanewcarformybirthday.Myexpensivehousemakeshimgreenwithenvy. Drivesomeonecrazy: to make him or her upset or annoyed.
Tomquithisjobbecausehisbossdrovehimcrazyeverytimehewenttowork. Theconstantnoisedrovemecrazy. Thecatthatatethecanary: to look very happy/ very pleased.
That’s the key .
Forget about being perfect, you’re not going to be perfect. Don’t chase perfection, you never get it. So, what can you do? Well, I would say that you should focus on the big mistakes that you are making usually. Those are verb tenses , article and adjectives like “I felt so bored(not boring ). Something likethat.
Another thing you need to pay your attention to is that subject-verb agreement .
Pronunciation is probably the thing you use the most. The fact about pronunciation is that a lot of you need to know how badly it destroys your band score even though your grammar and vocabulary are good. It really does. It kills. So you need to spend time practicing your pronunciation. Pronunciation is by far the easiest thing for you to fix in your English.
Note that pronunciation is 100% physical .
Whatisa word ?
A word is a collection of sounds. For example, the word “MIXED” is a collection of the sounds “M.I.K.S.T”
The problem is that you don’t know where the sounds are, you don’t know how to make the sounds and you don’t do it enough. So try to practice your pronunciation enough.
One of the reasons my pronunciation is so clear is that I have focused years for years on finishing my sounds (like , because ). My pronunciation is not accidentally clear, my pronunciation is clear by being designed because I am extremely precise with every sound that I have made. You can learn the same thing. It’s not magic, it’s not intelligent, it’s just focused , focused and focused . You have to be precise, and you have to practice pronunciation often.
Work at it every day. Don’t try to pronounce the words too fast.