What does the word “essential” mean? It means “veryimportant,highlycritical,necessary” The skills that you learn for part 1 speaking are 100% the foundation of part 2 and part 3 speaking. If you do a poor job in part 1 speaking, the examiner will be supposed to give you just a 5.0 before you have done part 2 & part 3 speaking.
When it comes to part 1 speaking, I would say that you need to remember these things:
Number 1:Never answer with only one word . Always use complete sentences or phrases .
If they ask you “doyouliketoread?” If you just say: yes Well, your answer has no grammar, no pronunciation, no vocabulary. All they know is “youliketoread”. What is the better answer of “doyouliketoread?” Answer:Yes,Iwouldloveto…
Or: no, reading is boring. I think that people who read are quite stupid. Frankly, I think they should be doing more fun things like motorbike racing or knife fighting…
This answer is better . You might disagree because the answer sounds a bit rude, and it talks a lot about a bad lifestyle (motorbike racing, knife fighting).
However, the examiner is not going to give you a band score based on how nice a person you are, they will give you a band score based on your English ability. So be sure that you give them what they want.
Number2: you need to show the examiner something or some things about your English, and that can be something about your grammar, something about your vocabulary, something about the organization of your answer, and maybe something about your pronunciation.
For example, if they ask you “doyoulikewatchingTV?” And you say: ofcourse,IlovewatchingTV. When you say “Ilove...”you stressedtheword“love”. That means you’ve shown something about your pronunciation.
These are things you need to think about: answer the question and extend youranswer . Show something about your English ability. For each question, try to produce your answer in different ways to show different things about your speaking. There are some basic things you can do right away. First of all, you add details by using those basic questions in English:“who”,“what”,“when”,“where”,“why”,“how”,“howoften”,“howmuch”,etc. So if they ask you “doyoulikewatchingTV?” You can say: Yes, I love watching TV. I really love Mr. Bean. He is my favoriteTVcharacter.IoftenwatchTVwithmyfamilyinthelivingroomontheweekend. Or if they ask you “doyoulikereadingbooks?” You can say: yes, I really love reading books mainly because it’s so relaxing. Iremember when I was in high school, my teacher gave me a really good bookandinspiredmetoreadmoreandmore. Before answering the question, make sure you pay attention to the question type, the verb tense (“doyouliketoread?”or“didyouliketoreadwhenyouwereachild?”Or“whatbookwouldyouliketoread?”). Be careful about this.
Forexample:“Doyoulikereadingbooks?” What’s the verb tense of this question? Presenttense. Answer:Yes, I really love reading books mainly because it’s so relaxing. IrememberwhenIwasinhighschool,myteachergavemeareallygoodbookandinspiredmetoreadmoreandmore. Did I answer the question?
Yes , and then I switchedfrompresenttensetopasttense . That is something else you can do. You can do a lot of things when it comes to extending your answer; you can use non-definingrelativeclausestoaddextrainformation about anything you want to say. So think about this.
I can say “Ireallyenjoyreadingcomicbooks.Thesebooksareveryentertaining.”(2 sentences)
But I can combine them and make 1 sentence by using a non-definingrelativeclause.
“Ireallylovereadingcomicbooks,whichareveryentertaining.” Like I said, you can change the verb tense.
If they ask you “didyouenjoyreadingbookswhenyouwereachild?” What’s the verb tense of this question? Pasttense, right?
So, be sure you answer the question, but go ahead and switch the verb tense if you want.
You can say: To be honest, I didn’t really likereading so much when I was a kid .Butnowadays,I’mprettykeenonreadingmysterynovels.Actually,I’mgoingtothebookstoreaftertheclasstonight,andI’llbuysomemysterynovels. So I just gave the examiner the answer using pasttense, presenttenseand futuretense.
You can use the adverbs of frequency. You can talk about how oftenor howrarelyyou do something. Use a range adverbs of frequency and be careful not just giving the adverb back to the examiner.
For example, if they ask you “whatdoyouusuallydoontheweekend?” You shouldn’t say: ontheweekend,Iusually. That’s fine, proper grammar, but if you want to get a high score, you should change “usually”into “frequently”or “often”. You shouldparaphrase it .
Stayawayfrom using 100%and0%statement like always,never, etc. Example1:“Whatdoyoudoontheweekend?” Answer:Ialwaysgotothemallandtalktoeveryone “ Always go to the mall?” does this sound like accurate communication? Is itpossibletoalwaysgothemalleveryweekend?That soundsalittlestrange. Example2:“Whatdoyoudoontheweekend?” Answer:Ialwaysdomyhomework. Never haveaweekendoff?Alwaysto100%ofthetimeontheweekendyoudoyourhomework?That doesn’tsoundlikeaccurate.
Example3:“doyoulikefastfood?” Answer:Tobehonest,it’sdisgusting,Inevereatit.Nevereatfastfood?Thatdoesn’tsoundlikeaccurate.
So I would say that you should be very careful of using these adverbs of frequency always and never in your answers.
Paraphrasing: you can use synonyms and parallelexpressions to paraphrasethequestion in your answer.
For example, if they ask you “whatdidyouliketoreadasachild?” It’s very easy to get into the bad habit if you say “Asachild,Iliketoread.” Your grammar is ok, however, yourvocabularyscoreislow because you didn’t show the examiner your vocabulary , you borrowed his vocabulary, and you used it in your answer.
So if they ask you “whatdidyouliketoreadasachild?” You should paraphraseyouranswer like “whenIwasakid,Ilovereading…” it’s much better.
Or you can say “back then, I enjoyed reading… ”“Backthen”in this case means “whenIwasachild” Or you can paraphraseyouranswer by saying: Yes,Iloveit.Infact,Ihaveenjoyereading.IhavebeenreadingmysterynovelswhenIwasateenager. (I used present, present perfect, present perfect continuous in my answer).
Let me give you another example here.
If they ask you “whatdoyoudoinyourfreetime?” You should paraphraseyouranswer by saying: “Inmyleisuretime/inmysparetime,Ilovetoplaygames…” Or you can say “whenIamnotworking,Iliketoreadbooks.”Or you can say “well, one of my hobbies is fishing.”Paraphrasingstatementsaboutfavoritethings/people If they ask you “What’syourfavoritefoodtoeat?” If you answer like this “MyfavoritefooddefinitelyisXbecause…”, you willnotgetahighscore because you don’t paraphrase .
Instead, you can use this structure “ TheXIlovethemostis…”to answer this question “what’syourfavoriteX…?” Example:what’syourfavoriteTVshow? You can say: TheTVshowIlovethemostis…Whatisyourfavoriteplacetovisit? You can say: ThecityIlovethemostisNewYork… So you need to practice this structure, because if the examiner gives you a
“favorite”question, then you know how to answer it excellently.
On the other hand, if they ask you “What’syourleastfavoritefoodtoeat? You would say: TheXIlovetheleastis…or Ireallydislike… “What’syourleastfavoritefoodtoeat? You can say: Well,thefoodIlovetheleastisKimchi,Igenerallydon’tlikeKoreanfood…. SynonymsforLikeandDisliketoparaphrasethequestions: LIKE: Like,tobekeenon,tobefondof,tobecaptivatedby,tobefascinatedby,tobetemptedby,fancy,tobeattractedto,tobepassionateabout.
Dislike,tobenotkeenon,tobenotfondof,detest,hate,loathe,can’tstand,can’tbear,tobenotcaptivatedby. Summary: You will not get a high score (7.0+) if you don’t paraphrase your answer. You have to do it. You might be going to be slow at first. I know this, but the more you practice your paraphrasing, the easier it will get. You will be programmed like a computer.
Comparison: You can answer the question by using comparisonlanguage . Comparison language is so useful. This is something the examiner is expecting you to be able to do. They want you to be able to compare things. What tocompare? Compare what you want, many things you can compare.
Doyouliketoread?Compare what you liketoread with what you don’tliketoread . Compare what you like to read now with what you used to like to read whenyouwereachild .
Compare what you like to read now with what you would like to read inthefuture .
Compare what youliketoread with what yourfriends/yourparents/peopleinyourcountryliketoread .
If the examiner gives you a question withonetotwochoices . They are inviting you to do something, they are hoping that you will be giving them a certain kind of language.
First of all, you are going to PARAPHRASE . If they ask you “Wouldyourather…?”, you are going to answer “Iwouldpreferto…” Example:Wouldyouratherownadogoracatasapet? Your answer should be “Iwouldprefertoownadog/Iwouldprefertoownacat If they ask you “Wouldyouprefertoownadogoracatasabet?” Your answer should be “Iwouldratherownadog/Iwouldratherownacat.” Always note that comparison language is the thing that the examiner really wants you to do in your speaking. I promise to you that if you want to get a high score in the exam, you need to be able to compare. They want you to be able to compare. Also, they need you to use non-definingrelativeclauses, dependentclauses, and make sure that each sentence should have a purpose.
If this, then…however if this, then…Giventheoption,Iwouldpreferto…Mypreferencewouldbe…..