‘’If only’’ / [umid,qilmoq, afsuslanmoq] a] If only + present / future tense=[hope]

* “noun + of + which/ whom” for example: The cause of / the name of + which

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* “noun + of + which/ whom” for example: The cause of / the name of + which

-The building was destroyed in a fire . The cause of which was never established.

-We stayed at a beautiful hotel , the name of which I can’t remember now.

12. Clause with + ‘’ing’’ and ‘’ed’’

Clause + ing

Clause da ing kelsa aniq bir payt da yoki doimiy sodir boluvchi ish harakatlarni ifodalaydi.

- The woman talking to tom is my aunt .

-The road connecting the two villages is very narrow.

Clause with ‘’ed’’’’m.v3’’ [passive]

- He showed me some pictures taken by his brother .

- The police never found the money stolen in the robbery.

13. all, everything, little, much, none, no хамда орттирма даражадаги сузлардан сунг which эмас that кулланилиши керак.

All the apples that fall are eaten by pigs.

This is the best hotel that attracts most tourists in this town.







object / subject (people)

A neurologist is a doctor who (subject) specializes in the nervous system.

The man who (complement) I (subject) saw told me to come back today.


object (people)

This is the patient whom (complement) the doctor (subject) treated.

Various people whom (complement) we (subject) weren't expecting turned up at the meeting.


possessive (people / things)

People whose rents have been raised can appeal.

The film is about a spy whose wife betrays him.

The book whose cover is very beautiful is mine.


subject / object (things)

That is topic which (subject) interests me.

That is the topic on which (object of preposition) I will write.

I tried to suggest ways in which (object of preposition) the plans could be improved, but he slapped me down.


subject/object (people/ things)

Art that (subject) is in public places can be enjoyed by everyone.

The painting that (complement) Ms.Wallace (subject) bought was very expensive.



The site where the bank plans to build its new head quarters is in a seismic zone.



I will never forget the day when I met you.

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