Grokompas 293)-----
Which of the following is not included in the supply standard of a lifeboat?
Grokompas 294)
Which of the following applies to life-saving appliances?
İşıq şuaları ilə.....(olan cümlə 295)
Which of the following requirement does not belong to life-saving appliances
-30 +15 296)
At what frequency does the marine emergency radio work?
21 – 85 kHz 297)
What are the main dangers for the people meet a disaster in the water?
Wild fish, cold, bleeding 298)
After the accident, should the use of drinking water on board the rescue vehicle be strictly regulated, and should it be drinkable from the first day?
from the first day
Is it possible to drink seawater according to the instructions on board the lifeboat?
no you can’t
From the point of view of survival - what are the advantages of salvation in rescue vehicles?
Helping the weak, people help each other 301)
What is recommended for tremors in the water, pain in the joints?
turn on your back and lie down on the water Intensive exercise is not recommended 302)
According to the requirements of the SOLAS Convention, how often should cargo training be carried out to increase people's ability to live privately?
at least once a month
According to the requirements of the SOLAS Convention, how often should training be conducted on passenger ships to increase people's ability to live privately?
Every week
What should be the lifejacket provided wit?
With whistle and light 305)
How many seconds should a life jacket lift a person who has lost consciousness in the water?
At least 5 second 306)
How many meters height must the life-buoy be able for safely jump into water?
4.5 meters
For how many minutes should a life jacket be dressed?
No more than 1 min
What is the shape and diameter of the floating rescue line (rope) of rescue rings should be?
? shape