• To allow a better understanding of the structure of international relations;
• To provide a general understanding of the major international organizations, with
particular emphasis on the analysis of its powers and areas of operation;
• To promote further study of the European Union and the United Nations.
I. Some aspects of the general theory of International Organizations (IO)
1. The emergence of IO
2. The concept of IO
2.1. Elements of the concept of IO
2.2. International Organizations and similar categories
3. Creation, modification and extinction of IO
4. Classifications of IO
4.1. General and specialized organizations
4.2. Universal and regional organizations
4.3. Interstate and supranational organizations
5. Membership of the IO
6. The legal status of the IO
II. The European Union (EU)
1. Overview on the process of European integration
2. The Institutional framework of the European Union
2.1.1. The European Parliament
2.1.2. The European Council and the Council
2.1.3. The Commission
2.1.4. The Court of Justice and Court of First Instance
2.1.5. The European Central Bank
2.1.6. The Court of Auditors
2.2. Auxiliary organs of EU action
III. The United Nations (UN)
1. Genesis
2. Acquisition and loss of membership of the UN
3. Structure
3.1. The General Assembly
3.2. The Security Council
3.3. The Economic and Social Council
3.4. The Trusteeship Council
3.5. The International Court of Justice
3.6. The Secretariat
4. The United Nations System
4.1. The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
4.2. The World Bank Group
4.3. The World Trade Organization (WTO)
Two forms of assessment are available: final assessment and continual assessment.
Continual assessment is based on the following criteria:
(i) A written test (40% of the grade);
(ii) And a written research paper with oral presentation (60% of the grade), focusing
on a subject framed in the study of international organizations.
A list of possible topics for papers will be distributed to the students.
Available at the Library of ISCAP
BARNARD, Catherine – The Substantive Law of the EU. The Four Freedoms. Oxford,
Oxford University Press, 2007.
CRAIG, Paul & De BÚRCA, Gráinne – EU Law. Text, Cases and Materials. Oxford,
Oxford University Press, 2007.
ZORGBIBE, Charles – Les Organizations Internationales. 4.ed. Paris, PUF, 1997.
Not available at the Library of ISCAP
BORCHARDT, Klaus-D. – The ABC of European law. Brussels, Publications Office of the
EU, 2010. (
HURD, IAN – International Organizations. Politics, Law Practice. 2ª ed. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Online resources/International Organizations
European Union,
International Monetary Fund,
United Nations,
World Bank Group,
World Trade Organization,
Online resources/Working Papers and Journals
European Integration online Portal,
European Journal of International Law
German Law Journal,
The Jean Monnet Center,