Introduction into the Infectious Diseases. Infections with fecal-oral mechanism of transmission. Infections with droplet mechanism of transmission. Tests

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Introduction into the Infectious Diseases. Infections with fecal-oral mechanism of transmission. Infections with droplet mechanism of transmission.

  1. A suspected case of typhoid fever of 1st week is admitted in the hospital. What specific examination (laboratory diagnosis) do you suggest for this patient?

    1. Biochemical blood analysis

    2. Reaction of agglutination of Vidall

    3. X-ray

    4. Urinoculture

    5. * Hemoculture

  2. A suspected case of typhoid fever of 1st week is admitted into the hospital. What examination (laboratory investigation) do you prescribe for this patient?

    1. * Hemoculture

    2. Reaction of agglutination of Vidall

    3. Indirect hemaglutination test with О-, Н-, Vi-аntigens

    4. Urinoculture

    5. Coproculture

  3. A suspected case of typhoid fever of 3-d week is admitted in the hospital. What examination (laboratory investigation) do you prescribe for this patient?

    1. Coproculture

    2. Reaction of agglutination of Vidall

    3. Urinoculture

    4. Hemoculture

    5. * All enumerated

  4. A suspected case of typhoid fever of 2-nd week is admitted in the hospital. What examination (laboratory diagnosis) do you suggest for this patient?

    1. Coproculture

    2. Reaction of agglutination of Vidall

    3. Urinoculture

    4. Hemoculture

    5. * All enumerated

  5. About what does the diagnostic titre of reaction of Vі-haemaglutination testify?

    1. * About typhoid bacterial-carrier

    2. About the period of height of the epidemic typhus

    3. About meningococcaemia

    4. About a malaria

    5. About the latent period of brucellosis

  6. After salmonellosis chronic carrier state.

    1. Not formed

    2. * Formed in 0,1-1 % of the cases

    3. Formed in 8-10 % of cases

    4. Formed in 20-30 % of cases

    5. Formed in 50-80 % of cases

  7. All laboratory and instrumental examinations are needed to confirm the diagnosis of food poisoning, except:

    1. * Blood analysis

    2. Coproculture

    3. Investigation of washing waters

    4. Stool test

    5. Serum researches with the autoculture of substance

  8. All laboratory and instrumental examinations are needed to confirm the diagnosis of food poisoning, except:

    1. * Urinoculture

    2. Coproculture

    3. Investigation of washing waters

    4. Stool test

    5. Serum researches with the autoculture of substance

  9. All the laboratory and instrumental examinations are needed to confirming the diagnosis of food poisoning, except:

    1. * General blood analysis

    2. Coproculture

    3. Stool test

    4. Food debris

    5. Serum researches with the autoculture of substance

  10. At the typical form of typhoid fever temperature of body rises to 39-40 °C. The temperature curve likes to 2 waives (during 3-4 weeks of disease). How is such temperature curve named?

    1. The temperature curve as Vunderlihs

    2. * The temperature curve as Botkin

    3. Temperature curve as Kildushevsky

    4. Temperature curve as Ellers

    5. Intermittent temperature curve

  11. At the typical form of typhoid fever temperature of body rises to 39-40 °C. The temperature curve likes to 2 waives (during 3-4 weeks of disease). How is such temperature curve named?

    1. Febris intermittent

    2. * The temperature curve as Botkin

    3. Febris recurrent

    4. Temperature curve as Kildushevsky

    5. Normal temperature

  12. At the typical form of typhoid fever temperature of body rises to 37-37,5 °C. How is such temperature curve named?

    1. The temperature curve as Vunderlihs

    2. * The subfebrile temperature curve

    3. Temperature curve as Kildushevsky

    4. Temperature curve as Ellers

    5. Intermedium temperature curve

  13. At the typical form of typhoid fever, temperature of body rises like to stairs from a day to the day to 39-40 °C.

    1. * The temperature curve as Vunderlihs

    2. The temperature curve as Botkin

    3. Temperature curve as Kildushevsky

    4. Temperature curve as Ellers

    5. Intermedium temperature curve

  14. At the typical form of typhoid fever, temperature of body rises like to stairs from a day to the day to 39-40 °C at the end of 1st week, and then slowly during 2-3 weeks gradually going down, comes to the norm. How is such temperature curve named?

    1. The temperature curve as Vunderlihs

    2. The temperature curve as Botkin

    3. * Temperature curve as Kildushevsky

    4. Temperature curve as Ellers

    5. Intermedium temperature curve

  15. Bacteria typhoid, painted by Gram, look like.

    1. The blue-violet rods

    2. * Red rods

    3. Blue-violet cocci

    4. Red cocci

    5. Brown vibrio

  16. Bacteria typhoid, painted by Gram, looks like:

    1. The yellow rods

    2. Black vibrio

    3. Blue cocci

    4. Red cocci

    5. * Red rods

  17. Bacteria typhoid, painted by Gram, looks like:

    1. Pink protozoa

    2. Red fungi

    3. Violet cocci

    4. * Red rods

    5. Green vibrio

  18. By which method is it possible to diagnose typhoid fever?

    1. All enumerated

    2. Coproculture

    3. Bilicultura

    4. * Hemocultura

    5. Reaction of Vidal

  19. By which method is it possible to find out bacterial carrier in case of typhoid fever?

    1. Coproculture

    2. Reaction of agglutination of Vidall

    3. Indirect hemaglutination test with О-аntigen

    4. Indirect hemaglutination test with a Н-antigen

    5. * Indirect hemaglutination test with a Vi-antigen

  20. By which method is it possible to find out bacterial carrier in case of typhoid fever?

    1. * Indirect hemaglutination test with a Vi-antigen

    2. Reaction of agglutination of Vidall

    3. Stool test

    4. Indirect hemaglutination test with a Н-antigen

    5. Swab from oropharynx

  21. Convalescent of typhoid fever may be discharged from clinic after:

    1. Non-permanent negative bacteriologic examination of feces

    2. * 21-th day of normal temperature of body and 3-multiple negative bacteriologic examination of excrements and urine

    3. 14-th day of normal temperature of body and 2-multiple negative bacteriologic examination of excrements and urine

    4. Clinical convalescence and normalization of rectoscopic picture

    5. Normalization of rectoscopic picture and decreasing of titre of antibodies in RNGA

  22. Convalescent of typhoid fever may be discharged from clinic after:

    1. * 21-th day of normal temperature of body and 3-multiple negative bacteriologic examination of excrements and urine

    2. Normalization of rectoscopic picture and decreasing of titre of antibodies in RNGA

    3. 3-th day of normal temperature of body and 2-multiple negative bacteriologic examination of excrements and urine

    4. Clinical convalescence and normalization of rectoscopic picture

    5. 14-th day of normal temperature of body and 2-multiple negative bacteriologic examination of excrements and urine

  23. District doctor suspected typhoid fever in a patient M., 15 y.o. For rendering harmless of patient as the sources of infection it follows to conduct the following measures, except:

    1. * Introduction to the patient of antityphoid monovaccine

    2. Hospitalization in the infectious department during 3-6 hours

    3. Introduction etiotropic antibacterial treatment

    4. Conducting of controls bacteriological researches of excrement and urine (triply) and bile before the discharge

    5. Clinical supervision after the discharge during 3 months

  24. Duration of incubation period at typhoid fever?

    1. 3-7 days

    2. * 9-21 day

    3. From a few hours to 2-3 days

    4. From 12 to 100 days

    5. From a few hours to 17 days

  25. Duration of incubation period at typhoid fever?

    1. 30-45 days

    2. 3-7 days

    3. From a few hours to 2-3 days

    4. * 9-21 day

    5. From a few hours to 12 days

  26. Entrance of causative agent at typhoid fever?

    1. Mucous membrane of amygdales

    2. Mucous membrane of nasopharynx

    3. Epithelial cells of skin

    4. Mucous membrane of colon

    5. * Mucous membrane of digestive tract

  27. For proven of Salmonella typhus infection use:

    1. Test of Cuverkalov

    2. RA with O- and Н-antigen

    3. PCR

    4. Bacteriologic examination and reaction of Vidal

    5. * Bacteriologic examination and RNGA with a Vi-antigen

  28. For identification of transmitter of Salmonella typhi utilize:

    1. * Bacteriologic examination and RNGA with a Vi-antigen

    2. RIHA with Н-antigen

    3. Bacteriologic examination and reaction of Vidal

    4. General blood analysis

    5. Test of Paula- Bunnela

  29. Greatest epidemiological role in the salmonellosis belongs.

    1. * Ducks eggs

    2. Gray rats

    3. Pigs

    4. Fish

    5. Man

  30. Greatest epidemiological role in the salmonellosis belongs to:

    1. * Cattle

    2. Gray rats

    3. Mice

    4. Fish

    5. Man

  31. The main epidemiological role in the salmonella belongs to:

    1. * Cattle

    2. Rodents

    3. Birds

    4. Fish

    5. Horses

  32. In a patient development of clostridial gastroenterocolitis is suspected. What is it necessary for bacteriological confirmation of diagnosis?

    1. Endo‘s medium, thermostat

    2. Ploskirev‘s medium and blood agar

    3. Blaurock‘s medium, thermostat

    4. Endo‘s medium, anaerostat

    5. * Blaurock‘s media, anaerostat

  33. In epidemic focus of typhoid fever has be done, except:

    1. Daily thermometry

    2. Coproculture

    3. Reaction of Vidal

    4. * Hemoculture

    5. Urine culture

  34. At epidemic outbreak of typhoid fever has be done, except:

    1. Daily thermometry

    2. Coproculture

    3. Reaction of Vidal

    4. * Hemoculture

    5. Urine culture

  35. In epidemic focus of typhoid fever has be done:

    1. * All enumerated

    2. Coprologic culture

    3. Reaction of Vidal

    4. Daily thermometery

    5. Urine culture

  36. In order to prevent salmonellosis should be.

    1. Disinfection

    2. Vaccination

    3. Chemoprophylaxis

    4. * Sanitary and epidemiological control over food

    5. All these measures are not undertaken

  37. To prevent salmonellosis should be done:

    1. Disinfection

    2. Vaccination

    3. Chemoprophylaxis

    4. * Sanitary and epidemiological control over food industry

    5. All these measures are not undertaken

  38. In order to prevent salmonellosis should be.

    1. Disinfection

    2. All these measures are undertaken

    3. Chemoprophylaxis

    4. * Sanitary and epidemiological control over food industry

    5. All these measures are not undertaken

  39. Medical workers at salmonellosis must to work in protective clothing:

    1. * Type I

    2. Type II

    3. Type III

    4. Type IV

    5. Type V

  40. Name of the basic factors of pathogen of typhoid rod?

    1. * Vi-antigen and endotoxin

    2. Exotoxin

    3. Vi-antigen

    4. Enzymes of pathogenicity

    5. Endotoxin

  41. Enumerate the basic factors of pathogen activity of typhoid bacteria?

    1. Vi-antigen

    2. Exotoxin

    3. * Vi-antigen and endotoxin

    4. Enzymes of pathogenicity

    5. Endotoxin

  42. The basic factors of pathogen activity of typhoid bacteria are:

    1. Endotoxin

    2. Exotoxin

    3. Vi-antigen

    4. Enzymes of pathogenicity

    5. * Vi-antigen and endotoxin

  43. Nowadays in Ukraine salmonellosis.

    1. Not registered

    2. Reported in the form of epidemics

    3. * Reported sporadically

    4. Reported in the form of annual outbreaks

    5. Reported only in endemic focus

  44. One of methods of diagnostics of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever is the selection of hemoculture. For that in a fever period at 1-st week sowing of blood from a vein on bilious bulione or Rappoport medium

    1. 0,5 ml of blood

    2. * 10 ml of blood

    3. 15 ml of blood

    4. 20 ml of blood

    5. 25 ml of blood

  45. One of methods of diagnostics of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever is the selection of hemoculture. For that in a fever period at 3-d week sowing of blood from a vein on bilious bulione or Rappoport medium

    1. 5 ml of blood

    2. 10 ml of blood

    3. 15 ml of blood

    4. * 20 ml of blood

    5. 25 ml of blood

  46. One of methods of diagnostics of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever is the selection of hemoculture. For that in a fever period sowing of blood from a vein on bilious bullion or Rappoport‘s medium in correlation 1:10 is made. What volume of blood must be taken on the 2nd week of disease?

    1. 5 ml of blood

    2. 10 ml of blood

    3. * 15 ml of blood

    4. 20 ml of blood

    5. 25 ml of blood

  47. What volume of blood must be taken on the 1st week of typhoid fever for sowing of blood from a vein on bilious bulione or Rappaport‘s medium.

    1. 0,5 ml of blood

    2. * 10 ml of blood

    3. 15 ml of blood

    4. 20 ml of blood

    5. 25 ml of blood

  48. What volume of blood must be taken on the 3-d week of typhoid fever for sowing of blood from a vein on bilious bulione or Rappaport‘s medium.

    1. 5 ml of blood

    2. 10 ml of blood

    3. 15 ml of blood

    4. * 20 ml of blood

    5. 25 ml of blood

  49. Patient K., applied to the infectious department suspecting food poisoning (maybe staphylococce). What methods can confirm the diagnosis?

    1. Diagnostic confirmation requires isolating staphyloccocci from the urine

    2. Diagnostic confirmation requires isolating staphyloccocci from the stool

    3. Diagnostic confirmation requires isolating staphyloccocci from the liquor

    4. * Diagnostic confirmation requires isolating staphyloccocci from the suspected food

    5. All enumerated

  50. Convalescents of typhoid fever may go out from clinic after:

    1. Non-permanent negative bacteriologic examination of defecating

    2. * 21th day of normal temperature of body and 3-multiple negative bacteriologic examination of excrement and urine

    3. 14th day of normal temperature of body and 2-multiple negative bacteriologic examination of excrement and urine

    4. Clinical convalescence and normalization of rectal manoscopic picture

    5. Normalisations of rectal manoscopic picture and in default of title of antibodies in RNGA

  51. Salmonella adapted to humans.

    1. * S. typhi

    2. S. newport

    3. S. cholerae-suis

    4. S. abortus-ovis

    5. S. gallinarum-pullorum

  52. Salmonella is classified by:

    1. * O-antigen and H-antigen

    2. O-antigen and J-antigen

    3. H-antigen and Vi-antigen

    4. O-antigen, H-antigen and Vi-antigen

    5. O-antigen, H-antigen, Vi-antigen and HBsAg

  53. Salmonella is classified by:

    1. * O-antigen and H-antigen

    2. O-antigen and Vi-antigen

    3. H-antigen and Vi-antigen

    4. Z-antigen, H-antigen and Vi-antigen

    5. HBsAg, O-antigen, F-antigen, Vi-antigen

  54. Salmonella typhi contains:

    1. Only O-antigen and Н-antigen

    2. Only J-antigen and Vi-antigen

    3. Only H-antigen and T-antigen

    4. * O-antigen, H-antigen and Vi-antigen

    5. O-antigen, HCV, Vi- antigen and HBsAg

  55. Salmonella typhus contains:

    1. Only O-antigen and Н-antigen

    2. Only O-antigen and Vi-antigen

    3. Only H-antigen and Vi-antigen

    4. * O-antigen, H-antigen and Vi-antigen

    5. O-antigen, H-antigen, Vi- antigen and HBcAg

  56. Site of causative agent entrance at typhoid fever?

    1. * Mucous membrane of small intestine

    2. Mucous membrane of nasopharynx

    3. Epithelial cells

    4. Mucous membrane of genital organs

    5. Mucous membrane of esophagus

  57. Site of causative agent entrance at typhoid fever?

    1. Mucous membrane of amygdales

    2. Mucous membrane of pharynx

    3. Epithelial cells of skin

    4. Mucous membrane of colon

    5. * Mucous membrane of small intestine

  58. The etiologic diagnosis of acute intestinal infections can be confirmed thus, except:

    1. Separation of pathogen from patients and from food debris

    2. To obtain identical cultures of bacteria from a few patients from those which consumed that meal

    3. * Separation of identical cultures from different materials (washings, vomiting mass, excrement) at one patient at the bacterial semination no less than 105/g and diminishing of this index in the process of convalescence

    4. Presence at the selected culture of Escherichia’s and staphylococcus enterotoxin

    5. Positive agglutination reaction or other immunological reactions with autostrains of possible pathogen, which testify to growth of title of antibodies on the blood serum of patient in the dynamics of disease

  59. The kind of immunity after salmonellosis.

    1. Passive

    2. Not formed

    3. Short term

    4. * Type specific

    5. Inherited

  60. The kind of immunity after salmonellosis.

    1. Inherited

    2. * Type specific

    3. Short term

    4. Not formed

    5. Permanent

  61. What immunity formed after salmonellosis.

    1. Inherited

    2. * Type specific

    3. Short term

    4. Not formed

    5. Passive

  62. The part of reproduction of typhoid bacterium in the organism of human is:

    1. Stomach

    2. * Lymphatic formations of colon

    3. Blood

    4. Bilious ways

    5. Mucous membrane of colon

  63. Place of reproduction of typhoid bacterium in the organism:

    1. Stomach

    2. * Lymphatic formations of colon

    3. Blood

    4. Bilious ways

    5. Mucous membrane of colon

  64. The part of reproduction of typhoid bacterium in the organism of human is:

    1. Oral cavity

    2. * Lymphatic formations of colon

    3. Blood

    4. Nerve ganglions

    5. Mucous membrane of colon

  65. The rules of discharging from a hospital of salmonellosis patients.

    1. One-time negative bacteriological investigation of stool

    2. * Three negative bacteriological investigation of stool

    3. 14 days normal body temperature and the double negative bacteriological study stool and urine

    4. Clinical recovery and normalization rectomanoscopy picture

    5. Normalization rectomanoscopy picture and in the absence of antiserum to RNGA

  66. The rules of discharging from hospital of salmonellosis patients.

    1. Two-time negative bacteriological investigation of stool and normalization rectomanoscopy picture

    2. * Three negative bacteriological investigation of stool

    3. 21 days normal body temperature and the double negative bacteriological study stool and urine

    4. Normal temperature and clinical recovery

    5. Normalization rectomanoscopy picture and in the absence of antiserum to RNGA

  67. The source of the causative agent of salmonellosis are.

    1. Urine of patients

    2. * Farm birds

    3. Rodents

    4. Soil

    5. Feces of patients

  68. The source of the causative agent of salmonellosis is:

    1. Sick person

    2. * Farm animals

    3. Rats

    4. Environment

    5. Stool of patients

  69. At salmonellosis the source of the causative agent is:

    1. Soil

    2. Feces of patients

    3. Rodents

    4. Sick person

    5. * Farm animals

  70. Typhoid bacilli are usually cultured from:

    1. * Blood, stool, urine

    2. Blood, urine, sputum

    3. Stool, liquor, urine

    4. Blood, stool, sputum

    5. Stool, liquor, sputum

  71. Typhoid bacilli are usually cultured from:

    1. Blood, stool, sputum

    2. Blood, urine, sputum

    3. Stool, liquor, urine

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