Introduction сhapter I advantages and disadvantages of grammar-translation method


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Modern techniques in teching comminicative grammar at secondary school

2.1 Communicative competence in teaching foreign language as a second language
Leading methodological principle of a foreign language discipline is the principle of communicative orientation in learning. This principle defines all the components of the educational process in a foreign language. Considering language as a social phenomenon (it provides communication for people) highlights learning for a communicative purpose — learning how to communicate in it using both audio and graphic code, highlighting reading in the first place. The principle of communicative orientation determines the content of training - the selection and organization of linguistic material, the specification of areas and situations of communication. And also, what communicative skills are necessary in order to enter into communication, to carry out it in oral and written forms, and with the help of what means one can ensure mastery of the communicative function of the language. The principle of communicative orientation calls for the appropriate organization of training, the use of various organizational forms for the implementation of communication. The communicative goal of teaching English as a general learning strategy. The implementation of the main directions of reform in the teaching of foreign languages implies ensuring the unity of training and education of students, their firm mastery of the basics of a foreign language, the ability to put it into practice. Thus, the practical - communicative orientation of the educational process in a foreign language is once again emphasized. The program on foreign languages speaks of increasing attention to the labor and moral education of students; The independent work of students in the classroom and after school hours is highlighted, the need to use the language laboratory is emphasized The specificity of the subject “Foreign Language” is that, firstly, the language - whether native or foreign - serves as a means of communication, a means of receiving and transmitting information about the surrounding reality in the natural conditions of social life. Secondly, the teaching of this subject does not imply a special addition of knowledge about the surrounding reality, at least in conditions of the university, as it happens when students study other subjects, such as botany, biology, physics, chemistry, but the ideas about foreign language are expanding. the culture of the country of the language being studied, and the general outlook is expanding. Learning a foreign language gives students only the opportunity to master the means of perception and expression of thoughts about objects, phenomena, their connections and relationships through a new language for them, which acts in 2 forms: oral and written. Mastering these forms of education should be part of the communicative goal of teaching the subject “foreign language”. Thirdly, the language, being a means of learning, needs to be “kept in working condition,” that is, always ready for use in situations of communication that arise. Therefore, the mastery of this discipline is necessarily connected with purposeful, well-organized practice in the use of seeded material in oral and written forms of communication in the conditions that students have. Goals of learning a foreign language: - The development of foreign language communicative competence in the totality of its components - speech. Language, sociocultural, compensatory, educational;
Speech competence - development of communicative skills in 4 main types of speech activity: speaking, listening, reading, writing;
- Language competence - mastering new language means: phonetic, spelling, lexical and grammatical. In accordance with the themes, areas and situations of communication selected for primary school: mastering knowledge of the linguistic phenomena of the language being studied, different ways of expressing thoughts in the mother tongue and the language being studied; -
Socio-cultural competence - introducing students to the culture, traditions, realities of the countries of the language being studied, within the framework of topics, areas and situations of communication that meet the experiences, interests, psychological characteristics of students at different stages, the formation of the ability to represent their country. Her culture in the context of foreign language intercultural communication;
- Compensatory competence - Development of skills to get out of the situation in the context of a shortage of language means in receiving and transmitting information;
- Educational and cognitive competence - further development, familiarization of the available students with methods and techniques of independent study of languages and cultures using ICT; - Development and education of students understanding the importance of learning a foreign language in the modern world and the need to use it as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization, and social adaptation; education of the qualities of a citizen, a patriot, the development of national identity. Striving for mutual understanding between people from different communities, tolerant attitude to manifestations of a different culture. The trends of globalization, world integration in various areas of economic, technical, cultural, social and individual life place high demands on practical knowledge of English. In the context of changing the content of education, information and communication technologies play a priority role in the educational process. The use of information and communication technologies reveals the enormous possibilities of the computer as a means of learning. Computer tutorials have many advantages over traditional teaching methods. They allow you to train different types of speech activity and combine them in different combinations, help you understand language phenomena, form linguistic abilities, create communicative situations, automate language and speech actions, and also provide the ability to account for the leading representative system, the implementation of an individual approach and the intensification of students' independent work[3]. The computer is considered as a tool to increase motivation, develop strong language skills and improve English proficiency. The computer allows the student to use all three channels of perception: auditory, visual and kinesthetic. This allows you to increase the volume and strength of learning the material studied, significantly increases the status of students in the learning process, increases the cognitive activityof students and maintains interest in the subject, and also expands the field for independent activity of students, allows you to create situations that are personally important for each student, allows you to use the Internet as virtual space immersion tool. In the multimedia educational programs in English, various methodical techniques are used, which allow to introduce, train and control students' knowledge and skills. The use of multimedia programs does not exclude traditional teaching methods at all, but is harmoniously combined with them at all stages of education. Language laboratories features: The language lab is a special classroom with sound engineering equipment that promotes the acquisition of oral speech skills in any language. The use of a linguaphone study allows you to increase the efficiency of the learning process, determine the degree of material learning by students, and reduce the time spent studying and securing educational material. Listening to broadcast programs develops students' listening skills while deepening their knowledge of the subject.
The relevance of this study is determined by the needs of modern society for qualified specialists, which leads to the necessity of improving the system of higher education. This dictates the need for a high-quality preparation of the teacher of English who is able to act as an active subject of the professional activity and who has high levels of communicative competence. A future teacher of English must be fluent in a foreign language and must demonstrate high foreign language communicative competence. However, not all the students of language faculties and specializations reach this level. Thus, there arises the question about a search for new approaches, methods and means of formation of foreign language communicative competence of future teachers of English at the University. At the same time, the student’s foreign language communicative competence is an integrative personal quality, it is a tone which mediates along with other kinds of personal and professional development competence and defines its effectiveness in greater or lesser degree.
Interactive learning within the English language teaching provides a full communication between the students and the formation of skills of solving communicative tasks. The communicative competence defined as a significant component of the key competencies and the result of modern education includes linguistic, discourse, sociolinguistic and sociocultural competences as well as socio-personal interactive component correlated with cooperation and tolerance of the student bases and the complex of pedagogical conditions for its formation in the system of the high school education. The distinguished contradiction helped to define the research problem: what are the forms, methods and pedagogical conditions of the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students as future teachers of the English language through an interactive learning. Literature Review The analysis of scientific studies has shown that the problems of formation of communicative competence arouse a constant interest in the field of foreign language education. Most researchers attribute the formation of communicative competence with the formation of professional competence of specialists (A. I. Kurpesheva, L. R. Mkheidze). The various aspects of the development of communicative competence of students as future teachers were studied in recent years (M. A. Gryaznova, V. V. Gromova, & Y. A. Belyakova). There are conceptual elaborations in the field of teaching foreign language (I. L. Bim, G. A. Kitaygorodskaya, A. A. Leontyev, Y. S. Passov, W. M. Rivers, and others), as well as the works dedicated to the technologies of teaching foreign language (I. L. Bim, G. A. Kitaygorodskaya, R. P. Milrood, E. S. Polat, G. V. Rogova, O. M. Shiyan, G. Neuner, J. C. Richards, W. M. Rivers, E. M. Rogers, M. West and others). One of the most effective means of providing the high level of preparing specialists is an interactive learning. The didactic principles of the use of the forms of interactive learning in the educational process are developed by R. M. Abdulov, M. V. Boguslavets. The theoretic-methodological foundations of the research are the following: - Works on the theory of professional education (H. E. Belozertsev, I. Ph. Isaev, A. D. Goneev, A. G. Pashkov, and others); - Researches on the problems of the realization of the competence approach (I. A. Winter, I. Ph. Isaev, R. P. Milrood, V. A. Slastenin, A. V. Hutorskoy, A. V. Shadrikov, and others); - Works on the theory of foreign language education (P. D. Gurvich, G. A. Kitaygorodskaya, R. P. Milrood, R. P. Passov, V. V. Safonova and others); - Researches on the individual components of foreign language communicative competence (V. V. Safonova and others); - Works on the technologies of teaching foreign language (I. L. Bim, G. A. Kitaygorodskaya, and others). Thus, the activity on the development of communicative competence undergoes in the practice of professional education, it is sufficiently developed in the pedagogical theory. The researchers note its high potential for successful teaching result. The possibility of using interactive teaching methods in the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students remains less investigated. Therefore, the lack of theoretical and practical development problems led to the choice of the research topic: “The formation of students’ foreign language communicative competence during the learning process of the English language through interactive learning technologies”

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