It is an act of reserving the domain names of someone else‟s trademark with intent to sell it afterwards to the organization who is the owner of the trademark at a higher price.
Logic Bombs
These are malicious code inserted into legitimate software. The malicious action is triggered by some specific condition. If the conditions holds true in future, the malicious action begins and based on the action defined in the malicious code, they either destroy the information stored in the system or make system unusable.
Web Jacking
The hacker gain access to a website of an organization and either blocks it or modify it to serve political, economical or social interest. The recent examples of web jacking are some of the websites of the educational institutes were hacked by Pakistani hackers and an animation which contains Pakistani flags were flashed in the homepage of these websites. Another example is Indian hackers hacked website of Pakistani railways and flashed Indian flag in the homepage for several hours on the occasion of Independence Day of India in 2014.
Internet Time Thefts
Hacking the username and password of ISP of an individual and surfing the internet at his cost is Internet Time Theft.
Denial of Service Attack
It is a cyber attack in which the network is chocked and often collapsed by flooding it with useless traffic and thus preventing the legitimate network traffic.
Salami Attack
It is an attack which proceeds with small increments and final add up to lead to a major attack. The increments are so small that they remain unnoticed. An example of salami attack is gaining access to online banking of an individual and withdrawing amount in such a small amounts that it remains unnoticed by the owner. Often there is default trigger set in the banking website and transactions below say, Rs. 1000 withdrawal are not reported to the owner of the account. Withdrawing amount of Rs. 1000 over a period of time will lead to total withdrawal of a large sum.
It is a practice of changing the data before its entry into the computer system. Often, the original data is retained after the execution on the data is done. For example, DA or the basic salary of the person is changed in the payroll data of an individual for pay calculation. Once the salary is calculated and transferred to his account, the total salaryis replaced by his actual salary in the report.
It is aprocess ofchangingtheheaderinformation ofan e-mail so that its original sourceis not identified and it appears to an individual at the receiving end that the email has been originated from source other than the original source.