Social media have become an evident part of our life. We share out updates with our friends, family and anyone who is concerned using social media. But the hackers can use this information to steal sensitive data and hack your account. Given below are some of the general tips on using social media.
Always ask the questions:
Who can access the information I am putting online?
Who controls and owns the information I put into a social networking site?
What information about me are my contacts passing on to other people?
Will my contacts mind if I share information about them with other people?
Do I trust everyone with whom I'm connected?
Always make sure you use secure passwords to access social networks. If anyone else does get into your account, they are gaining access to a lot of information about you and about anyone else you are connected to via that social network. Change your passwords regularly as a matter of routine.
Make sure you understand the default privacy settings offered by the social networking site, and how to change them.
Consider using separate accounts/identities, or maybe different pseudonyms, for different campaigns and activities. Remember that the key to using a network safely is being able to trust its members. Separate accounts may be a good way to ensure that such trust is possible.
Be careful when accessing your social network account in public internet spaces. Delete your password and browsing history when using a browser on a public machine.
Access social networking sites using https:// to safeguard your username, password and other information you post. Using https:// rather than http:// adds another layer of security by encrypting the traffic from your browser to your social networking site.
Be careful about putting too much information into your status updates – even if you trust the people in your networks. It is easy for someone to copy your information.
Most social networks allow you to integrate information with other social networks. For example you can post an update on your Twitter account and have it automatically posted on your Facebook account as well. Be particularly careful when integrating your social network accounts! You may be anonymous on one site, but exposed when using another.
Be cautious about how safe your content is on a social networking site. Never rely on a social networking site as a primary host for your content or information. It is very easy for governments to block access to a social networking site within their boundaries if they suddenly find its content objectionable. The administrators of a social networking site may also decide to remove objectionable content themselves, rather than face censorship within a particular country.