Texas Journal of Medical Science 2 202 - 12 - 7 0 Date of Publication:
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A Bi-Monthly, Peer Reviewed International Journal [2] Volume 15 Material and methods Sample collection Samples were collected from the clinics of the Dentistry College-University of Dhi-Qar. After obtaining the
consent of both the patient, the doctor taking two swabs from the same patient, the first swab from the
patient’s mouth and the second from the Alginate impression. Where it took time to collect from (15
December to 11May),they were saved and transferred to the laboratory of Al- Hussein Teaching Hospital.
Isolation and identification of bacteria Each sample specimen's was inoculated onto appropriate plates, such as blood agar and MacConkey agar for
standard aerobic development, and incubated at 37°C for 24 to 48 hours, depending on the type of plate
used. The biochemical characterization and identification of these isolates at genus and species levels was
confirmed using the analytical profile index (API) assays (BioMerieux, France), (Towner and Chopade,
1987), and then the automated device VITEK 2 (BioMérieux, France) was used to identify the isolated
species. The identified isolates were stored in glycerol stock at -20ºC. Statistical Analysis The Statistical Analysis System- SAS (2018) program was used to detect the effect of difference factors in
study parameters. Chi-square test was used to significant compare between percentage (0.05 and 0.01
probability) in this study (Gharban and Yousif, 2021;
Razooqi et al., 2022