uniqueness condition is fulfilled in the context:
Move the chair over!
will be
felicitous in a situation in which there is only one free chair in the room and the
addressee is aware of that. Anaphoric expressions generally admit deictic use, while
anaphoric use of inherently deictic terms is usually more restricted. True time-deictic
expressions apparently cannot be used anaphorically at all, and neither can
genuine first or second person pronouns. The English demonstratives
can both be used anaphorically, though under slightly different conditions (see
Fillmore 1997), and so can the proximal and distal place adverbs
. In
contrast, in Yukatek Maya, only the distal demonstrative forms and adverbs can be
used anaphorically (Hanks 1990). The combined impact of the rather weak deictic
anchoring of demonstratives in some languages and the pervasiveness of their non-
spatial uses has led some researchers to propose
non-spatial analyses of the
underlying meanings. Similarly, Wilkins & Hill (1995) show that
g o
and its
equivalents in other languages only acquire a
deictic reading pragmatically,
through the contrast with a truly deictic
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