Asgerzade Lutviyya
Baku. Az-1143. Huseyn Javid Avenue, 115 Academy city Main building, V floor
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Literature The lead researcher, philology
For citation: Asgerzade Lutviyya. The author of the "kromoy teymur" Tragedy is Huseyn Javid Historical.
International Journal of Word Art. 2018, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 33-38
Êåëèá òóøãàí ñàíà 20 ÿíâàð, 2018
Ýúëîí ³èëèíãàí ñàíà 20 ôåâðàë, 2018.
The article is about, Javid's appealing to historical and human themes and his expedient approach to
history, in "Topal Teymur" bringing to the stage turk history "nationality" feeling, modern for idea
"Peygamber", "
blis", Sayavu
" tragedies deals his propogate freedom, panturkism, truth and justice idea
and shows the considerable reason of history and historical rules in his activity.
While writing Javid's works, he cited more historical truths, gave wide coverage to historical issues in
his work, and along with his pride, beauty and majesty, the Orient also enriched with glorious history
and cunning, warlike, fearless, irreplaceable, proud rulers. In the art of Hawaii, the Eastern theme was
not only a fable, but also a literary-artistic trend. The essence of the practice of co-ordination is that it is
not the subject of the East. In this sense, great stories, such as stories written by great artists, cunnings,
stories in their works, and especially the heroes, are able to embody the moral and spiritual princi ples of
the East. The subject of Islam serves to the artistic expression of the East theme for the monkeys. He
emphasized that Islam is the subject of Islam as well as one of the key pillars of Turanism in the art of
Ja'viddin, who emphasized the subject of Islam as an expression of the Orientalism, the unity and
integrity of the Turkic world.
In general, talking about the art of Ja'vid, you can do it, in fact, from history. Because of the fact that
he has a look at his paintings, there are historical figures such as East Fate, Eastern Thinker, Eastern
Prophet, Oriental Lover, Eastern Singer.
Keywords: The author of the tragedy of "Kromoy Teymur", Huseyn Javid, "Kromoy Teymur", "Prophet"
and "Khayyam" in "Siyavush", historian.
Àñãåðçàäå Ëóòâèÿ,
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Ìà³îëà òàðèõèé ìàâçóëàðãà ³èçè³èø áèëäèðãàí ¥óñàéí Æàâèäíèíã "γñî³ Òåìóð",
"Ïàé²àìáàð", "¥àé¸ì" âà "Ñè¸âóø" êàáè òàðèõèé âà òàðèõèé øàõñëàðíè ´ðãàíèøèãà áà²èøëàíãàí.
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áó Øàð³íèíã òàáèàòè ýìàñ. Áó ìàúíîäà áóþê ðàññîìëàð, ³àµðàìîíëèê, àñàðëàðèäà âà àéíè³ñà
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´çèäà ìóæàññàìëàøòèðà îëàäè. Èñëîì ìàâçóñè ìàéìóí ó÷óí Øàð³ ìàâçóñèíèíã áàäèèé èôîäàñèäèð.
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óñòóíëàðèäàí áèðè ýêàíëèãèíè òàúêèäëàäè.
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Óíèíã ñóðàòëàðèãà íàçàð òàøëàéäèãàí á´ëñàê, "Øàð³ ìóòàôàêêèðè", "Øàð³ µîôèçè", "Øàð³
ïàé²àìáàðè", "Øàð³îíà îøè³" êàáè òàðèõèé øàõñëàð áîð.
Êàëèò ñ´çëàð: "Êðîìîé Òåéìóð" òðàãåäèÿñèíèíã ìóàëëèôè, ¥óñàéí Æàâèä, "Êðîìî Òåéìóð",
"Ïàé²àìáàð", "¥àé¸ì" âà "Ñè¸âóø" òàðèõèé.
¹1 (2018)
 ñòàòüå ðàññìàòðèâàþòñÿ èñòîðè÷åñêèå è èñòîðè÷åñêèå ëè÷íîñòè "Êðîìî Òåéìóð", "Ïðîðîê"
è "Õàéÿì" "Ñèÿâóø".
Âî âðåìÿ íàïèñàíèÿ ðàáîò Äæàâèäà îí ïðèâîäèë áîëåå èñòîðè÷åñêèå èñòèíû, øèðîêî îñâåùàë
èñòîðè÷åñêèå âîïðîñû â ñâîåé ðàáîòå, à íàðÿäó ñ åãî ãîðäîñòüþ, êðàñîòîé è âåëè÷èåì Âîñòîê
òàêæå îáîãàùàë ñëàâíóþ èñòîðèþ è õèòðûå, âîèíñòâåííûå, áåññòðàøíûå, íåçàìåíèìûå, ãîðäûå
ïðàâèòåëè.  èñêóññòâå Ãàâàéåâ âîñòî÷íàÿ òåìà áûëà íå òîëüêî áàñíåé, íî è ëèòåðàòóðíî-
õóäîæåñòâåííîé íàïðàâëåííîñòüþ. Ñóòü ïðàêòèêè êîîðäèíàöèè çàêëþ÷àåòñÿ â òîì, ÷òî îíà íå
ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïðåäìåòîì Âîñòîêà. Â ýòîì ñìûñëå âåëèêèå õóäîæíèêè, òàêèå êàê ðàññêàçû, èñòîðèè,
èñòîðèè â ñâîèõ ïðîèçâåäåíèÿõ è îñîáåííî ãåðîèíñêèé ãåðîèí, ñïîñîáíû âîïëîùàòü ìîðàëüíûå
è ìîðàëüíûå ïðèíöèïû âîñòî÷íîé òðàäèöèè. Òåìà èñëàìà ñëóæèò õóäîæåñòâåííîìó âûðàæåíèþ
âîñòî÷íîé òåìû äëÿ îáåçüÿí. Îí ïîä÷åðêíóë, ÷òî èñëàì ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïðåäìåòîì èñëàìà, à òàêæå
îäíèì èç êëþ÷åâûõ ñòîëïîâ òóðàíñòâà â èñêóññòâå Äæàâèääèíà, êîòîðûé ïîä÷åðêíóë òåìó èñëàìà
êàê âûðàæåíèå âîñòîêîâåäåíèÿ, åäèíñòâà è öåëîñòíîñòè òþðêñêîãî ìèðà.
 îáùåì, ãîâîðÿ îá èñêóññòâå Äæàôèäà, âû ìîæåòå ýòî ñäåëàòü, ïî ñóòè, èç èñòîðèè. Èç-çà
òîãî, ÷òî îí ñìîòðèò íà ñâîè êàðòèíû, åñòü òàêèå èñòîðè÷åñêèå ôèãóðû, êàê "Âîñòî÷íàÿ ñóäüáà",
"Âîñòî÷íûé ìûñëèòåëü", "Âîñòî÷íûé ïðîðîê", "Âîñòî÷íûé ëþáîâíèê", "Âîñòî÷íûé ïåâåö".
Êëþ÷åâûå ñëîâà: Aâòîð òðàãåäèè "Êðîìîé Òåéìóð", Ãóñåéí Äæàâèä, "Êðîìîé Òåéìóð", "Ïðîðîê"
è "Õàéÿì" "Ñèÿâóø", èñòîðèê.
The great artist Hü
seyn Javid wrote his works
in history and wrote valuable historical works. As
the subject of his imprisonment was denied by
the East-Islam, the writer was exposed to
persecution, pressure and criticism, and repressed
against him.
In Azerbaijan in the 1930s, which was
considered as the peak of ungodliness, God and
the prophet had been replaced by Stalin in his
artistic literature. That was the case in real life. In
such controversial and difficult times, the
mujahideen, the "messenger of Javid", who did
not betray his conscience, had the Prophet, the
Ñ´ç ñàíúàòè æóðíàëè / Journal of Word Art / Æóðíàë Èñêóññòâî Ñëîâà
Asgerzade Lutviyya
Amir Te ymur in "Kr omoy Teymur " a nd
"Khayyam" in Khayyam. Undoubtedly, it did not
satisfy the teachers of the time. Javid Efendi,
who created real literature with his valuable
works, turned his back on history to express the
truth of his era. The curiosity of Javid Efendi on
history and historical issues was, in essence, the
words "the author's long history to tell the truth
of the day"
. Political leader Mammad Amin
Rasulzadeh in his "Contemporary Azerbaijani
Literature", he considers the author's historical
and universal appeal as purposeful, in contrast
to Soviet critics who criticize Javid Efendi's failure
to hold the pulse of life, in Turkish "Kromoy
Teymur" as well as promoting the sense of
"nationality by bringing the history back to the
scene, the so-called "Prophets", "Khayyam" and
"Sayavush" tragedies have been promoted as
"freedom", "Turkism" and "patriotism"
The appeal of Javid Efendi to the history, on
the one hand, was needed to express his thoughts
on the other hand, if he came from the love and
the history of the East. For this reason, his work
creates a lot of historical and social issues, because
Javid was primarily in pursuit of truth, justice
and sovereignty. And it is possible to watch these
features in all its creativity. One of the works he
has ever touched on national and human
problems in his creative work is that he never
lost his sense of social responsibility to the people,
his belief in the future, and was one of the works
he wrote in the East in 1926, which he wrote in
his book "Kromoy Teymur", which his Orient
was proud of, his beauty and majesty.
The works of the Soviet era, which had been
unearthed by the revolutionaries of the Solar era
revolution, were not satisfied by the Soviet, and
were criticized by critics. Because the period was
a time when the country itself was in a state of
prolonged revolution from the oppression of the
bourgeoisie. Mustafa Guliyev too, who follows
the writer's adventure, criticized Javid's master
for allegedly dealing with serious human rights
problems, forcing them to escape the most
pressing issues of our time, and for the ignorance
of the theory of art. According to academician
Mammad Jafar Jafarova, "Kromoy Teymur"
appears to be a misfortune, the power of the
masses of people, revolutionary labor and
disobedience, hopelessness, the rule of the
- he deserved the critic. However, in
"Kr omoy Teymur" t he r e wa s ne ith e r
"misfortune", nor "force of the masses of the
people." The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
was bound to the past of his people and did not
believe in the future of the people who had no
past. For this reason, one of the issues that tackled
him was the issue of history and history. The Emir
of the East, Amir Teymur, who captured Javid
Efendi as a key hero in the Kromoy Teymur, is
also one of such historical figures. True, even
before the Javid, Amir Teymur is an English
p la ywrig h t, Chr istop h er M ar l o, "Gre a t
Tamerlan" in the World Literature, and Mammad
Said Ordubadi, two-dimensional "Timurlang and
Yildirim Beyazit" play in Azerbaijani literature.
However, Amir Teymur, from Cavid's "Kromoy
Teymur", is one of the most prominent of the
East Fethiye Amir Teymur Turkish Sultan
Yildirim Beyazid. While characterizing both fateh
with all its features, the new human-minded
practices, as well as the lessons learned from the
teachings of the poets, also involved the idea of
the poet. Two Eastern rulers met each other in
the pyezid. The other heroine of the work, Amir
Teymur, is wise and versatile. Its main focus is
on the political and economic goal. Teymur is
able to estimate the enemy as well as to unite
different countries in his own impetus. The
triumphs that Teymur has done are not staggering.
The line is sometimes fair. On the one hand,
"the most spectacular scenes to see horrors of
the horrors are Teymur. On the one hand, all his
work in Samarkand does not mean conquest and
victory, as a work of art, but on the one hand,
the essence of the Teymur, which is from all
these works. Teymur is a great source of "love
and compassion" from the "love and compassion"
of culture, creativity, tradition, and art to the ,
arts and crafts, Force and horror "is an East
fate, with the power and virtue as great as the
power of astronomy. Beyazit is a brave, handsome
knight, but proud as well as fearless. Unlike Amir
Teymur's palace, "Yildirim Beyazit's rule is
exacerbated by the vicious circle of the opposing
1. Rasulzade M. A. Contemporary Azerbaijan Literature, Baku, 1990, p.35
2. Rasulzade M. A. Contemporary Azerbaijan Literature, Baku, 1990, p.36
3. Jafar M.Huseyn Javid, Baku: Azerneshr, 1960. 240 s
(Jafar M. Hussein Javid, Baku: Azerpress, 1960. 240 p)
powers, and so the hostility of the hostile states
is so intensively functioning. Yildirim Beyazit can
not help his country. "Teymurus, while evaluating
his enemy, Yildirim Beyazit contradicts his
enemy, puts his enemies on the table, insults
him, and insults him. Both are Amir Teymur
and Yildirim, Beyazit. But Teymur believes more
in his power. It exploits immunity and health.
Teymur, who was a bitterly angry when he heard
his letter from Yildirim Beyazit, wrote: "One
day the proud Yildirim is in the city of in Bursa
Kromoy Teymur and is ... the result of the
immense slavery and who I am"
In the work, it
is not possible to be surprised by the captive of
Ja'fid, for all the works he has enjoyed in his
work, see the whole of Kuwait's love for the
Turkish world. Unfortunately, Amir Teymur
Yildirim Beyazit is a letter of insult to his brother
when he sees a brotherhood and respect. And it is
not so difficult to find the Teymur! Amir Teymur
is an Eastern Genius. He believes in his own
strength, and in the power of the earth. An enemy
to the enemy is in the right place. The Teymur
monkeys, who have been integrating the Eastern
Mediterranean into a whole, are quite similar:
"I've just complained about the lives of the
daughters of the deceased. My ohm is only
available to the wild ones. It is a sweet pigeon,
but Teymur is not actually the bark of the dove"
Tauri does not forget the bitter consequences of
the Turkic Turks and the battle of Ç
aldiran. This
insidious insistence is a blasphemy of all Islam
and the East in the East. Here, too, Amir Teymur
is an Englishman who frightens his enemy against
Kara Yusuf. Answering a question from his fellow
countryman, Yildirim, he said, "Do you want
me to sacrifice my enemy, Kara Ka'qoun's Emir
Kara Yusuf?" Sa'butay said: "Ylniz Kara Yusuf,
also called Baghdad's Ahmed Jal
yir" - Teymur
said" Does he want us to fall in love with our
enemies and he wants us to do it?"
Amir wants
Teymur Yildirim to deal with Beyazit from war.
But the insulting letter written by Yildirim Beyazit
to Amir Teymur is causing war. The letter reads:
"Yildirim Bayazit is a Teymurah. Our war is war.
If anyone runs away, let the woman be empty
with three divorces. "By this letter Yildirim
Bayazit" seizes a great responsibility in history"
In the end, the two Ottoman sultans, who were
the victors of many survivors, and Teymur's claim
of "self-determination," go to the East of the two
sovereigns. However, survived the war. This is a
war, Amir Teymur. Although Teymur wins,
captive Yildirim treats Beyazit with virtue, "in
the absence of Yildirim"
- he instructs, exalts,
acts as the true East Conqueror, does not give
up. These events may not have happened.
According to what has been said, Teymur, who
was captivating Yildirim, walked around the cage.
It is noteworthy that in this respect, it is awesome
that the ruler of Kuwait wants a Turkish ruler to
approach another Turkish ruler in captivity. He
is also proud of defeating his Lightning, and he
is also virtuous when he wins the Teymur. It was
derived from the nationalism and humiliation of
Javidine. One of the works of the philosopher
poet is one of the works he has taken from the
Oriental history. He is the "Prophet", whose works
have been published in the World and Oriental
Renaissance Literature, which is the result of
his works of art"
The philosopher of the "Fluffy"
works, the "fleeing work" in Akram's imagination,
brought the martyrs to himself and gave great
work to the title "The Prophet". Even though the
works of the Prophet were preceded by the works
of Hafez, the author did not say "The Prophet".
Because before Muhammad, the Prophet
Mohammed, who had been preaching in the
works of the Prophet, did not take into account
the religious views he preached and did not
conform to the philosophical ideas he wanted to
propagate the image and character of the Islamic
prophet in his own taste. Whether it is in the
works of "The Prophet Muhammad or the
Fait h ful ness" (1740), or "Th e Pr oph e t
Muhammad" and "The One Who Became
Muhammad" in the Hittite City. Javid Efendi's
writing of the Prophet in the Soviet regime was
not well met, critics had different views on work
and the Prophet.
In our opinion, it was such a great prophecy
that the devastation of a brutal tradition of burning
or burning girls who had rooted in the minds of
poor Arabs for many years alone. The works of
1. Javid H. Works. Five volumes, Volume III. Baku: Science, 2007. p.363
2. Javid H. Works. Volume 5, Volume III, Science, 2007, p. 367
3. Javid H. Works. Volume 5, Volume III: Science, 2007. 313 p.
4. Javid H. Works., Volume 5, Volume III: Science, 2007. p. 367
5. Javid H. Works., Volume 5, Volume III: Science, 2007. p. 369
6. Izrafilov H., Development Problems of Azerbaijani Drama, Baku: Elm, 1991. 226.
¹1 (2018)
the Prophet, both of which were written by the
Prophet (peace be upon him), and the words of
the Prophet (peace be upon him), were for the
same time as the victories of Mammad Jafar,
did not want to leave. The true evaluation of the
"prophet" was accepted as a religious propaganda.
At that time, when a pseudonym in the pocket of
an Unleaded manuscri pt had come to us, such
a work would not be accepted as much as our
so-called religious doctrine. However, despite all
the prohibitions, Javid wrote the prophet "The
Prophet" and did not cause any damage to
historical facts while writing his work. While
mentioning the dissemination of the Prophet's
life and the spreading of Islam in the works of
his historical works, his philosophy, thoughts
and attitudes towards society, to the finest of
them; Bats, Invitations, Hijra, Nusrat are divided
into four parts. The Prophet's lifestyle, accuracy
and the distress he has made to spread the religion
of Islam, and the way God communicates with
the angel, are one of the most beautiful portions
of the work. The first step taken by Javid in the
Hirra cave, the first step towards the religion of
Islam, The Prophet Muhammad speaks with the
angel and departs from the Prophet (pbuh) in
fear. it has been written in a unique way. The most
important thing is that his work began as a biblical
episode in the history of the Prophet, and it is
interesting that, as Javed was 40 years old at the
time of Hazrat Prophet (pbuh), Javid also wrote
his " The Prophet" drama forty years"
"deep philosophical, social, political, and moral
significance" was written in the " The Prophet"
and it is not so difficult to feel emotionally
disturbed by what emotions they are writing. The
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) is a
and naqâ
b as a believer himself.
During his time in the Old East, when he was
expelled from a religion, he set out to criticize a
"masterpiece" such as "the prophet" and was
propagated in the propaganda of Islam during the
post-soviet period. In fact, it was not a crime to
instigate Islam to those who live in a Muslim
country, to persuade them to convey their
Prophet. Javid Efendi's guilt is in the face of the
darkness of the face of Javid Efendi. "And" during
the Soviet ignorance, the "Prophet" began to
"leap upon God and start a social uprising"
topic of the "Faith" of the Hawd Prophet was
taken from the Oriental history. The poet's most
famous poem in "Sayavush" was the issue of the
irony-Turan fight and the struggle of the roots of
this struggle and the murder of the hero of the
work, Sayavush, Mehdi Hussein, who distorted
the analysis of the Sayâ
vush faction in a great
masterpiece, wrote that "Javid is about to go out
of his bosom"
, in fact, the guardian of the Hawd
never "dropped from his stomach," for which
he had a long history. In those years, Javid Efendi's
themes and heroes were literally critical. The
Soviet constructor, Ali Nazim, wrote in his essay
"Revolution and Culture" in his article titled "The
fight continues", "When the monk's backdrop is
over, there are some unusual types, shadows,
scenes. I thought their cognac Kromoy Teymur
to the world unspeakable and Lightning Beyazit
proud heads... Both Iran and the kingdom of
Turan hating, cilgn a ehtirasin, intriqalarinin
victims of the palace, in blood issuing Sayavush
he dies... Behold, the prophets, Afet, Maral, Seyda.
Hayyam comes from the very first of his life, said"
Javid Efendi, who reflects on various periods of
history in "Prophet", "Kromoy Teymur",
"Sayavush" and "Khayyam", which is filled with
national feelings, even works in "Sayavush",
referring to the 624 th year of the prehistoric
Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh, who
analyzes the " Kromoy Teymur", "The Prophet",
"Iblis" and "Sayavush" dramas, tells Javid's story
of the day to be a reality in Soviet society"
as. Saving the poetry of Sayavu?, which allows
the Turkish history and society to refer to a more
ancient period, from the turbulence of the thirst
of the Turkish memory and the greatest warfare
of Husein Javid for the sake of awakening national
can even be regarded as a work that
fascinates the tragedy of the 1930s:
1. Turan A. Javid Efendi, 2004, p. 306.
2. Israfilov H., The Development Issues of Azerbaijani Drama, Baku: Elm, 1991, p. 141
3. Turan A. Javid Efendi, Baku: Araz, 2004, p.143.
4. Huseyin M. Works. Ten volumes, IX volumes, Baki: Ye
ici, 1979. 632 s.
5. Garayev Y. Realism, Art and Reality, Baku: Science, 1980, pp. 289-87.
6. Turan A.Cavidname, Baku, Science and Education, 2010. p.208
7. Rasulzade M. A. Contemporary Azerbaijan Literature, Baku, 1990, p.35-36
8. Rasulzade M. A. Contemporary Azerbaijani Literature. Baku, 1990, p.35-36
9. Javid H. Works, Five volumes, IV c., Baku, Science, 2007, p.251
Ñ´ç ñàíúàòè æóðíàëè / Journal of Word Art / Æóðíàë Èñêóññòâî Ñëîâà
Asgerzade Lutviyya
You're crazy, government! "
You have destroyed houses, justice! "
Tell me, is that justice boom?
That's the rumor that you call the government?
One of the reasons for the national essence
of the work is the syllable. Javid wrote the
"Shakhname" written by Firdovsi on the syllable.
It is known that the first examples of the syllable
were created during the period of Sayavush. For
example, at this time, the slanders of the Alp
Er Tonk's death were voiced with sincerity"
One of the works of Sayavush, propagandized
by Javid's National Independence ideology, is
an expression in the literary language of
M.Rasulzadeh's political philosophy, "The
Sea sons of t h e Ce nt ur y. " According t o
Rasulzadeh's resemblance to the Republic of
Azerbaijan, the life of Sairavush Firdovsi, the
hero of Firdovsi, was not shared between Russia
and Iran, and be tween Iran a nd Tur an,
Azerbaijan, which is not distributed among Russia
and Iran, is the same talent as the "The Arrival
of the Century", reflecting the essence of the
national ideology of the Azerbaijan Republic.
Unlike Firdovsi's Officials, Rasulzadeh's idea of
the Republic of Azerbaijan would one day be
freed emphasized. Resulzadeh believes that under
the auspices of Turan, a country named Azerbaijan
called Turan is the key to the new Turan, with
no doubt as to the main role of the Azerbaijani
people as a nation. The New Turkish-Turkish
qua rry is t he old Turkish count ry
Rasulzadeh, Javid also considered the death of
Hero Sayavush, that is, the occupation of
Azerbaijan by Russia for Turan. M. Rasulzadeh
wrote: "Javid's" Sayavush "has deep philosophical
Undoubtedly, at the beginning of these
ideas, Turan lived in the country. It is noteworthy
that M.Razulzade's Javid's "Prophet" is a very good
work to show that the writer is looking for the
opportunity to express his thoughts in the
conditions of Bolsheviks, emphasizing that the
love of the homeland is strongly expressed in the
sense of patriotism. There are many historical
figures in the literature of Azerbaijan: Khayyam,
Alp Arslan, Nizamul-mulk, Malikshah, Sabbah
and others. Javid puts his reader on the
"Khayyam", which he took to the post-Turkish
era. The death of the nation in the terrible,
Godless, uncircumcised soviet society in which
he lived his tragedy was a joke, when he told the
Bolsheviks the Prophet, Islam, and Turan. The
death of the nation in the terrible, Godless,
uncircumcised soviet society in which he lived
his tragedy was a joke, when he told the Bolsheviks
the Prophet, Islam, and Turan. Javid is not only
a philosopher poet-dramatist, he is a great theorist,
and today as they are created with the
language of literature, today serves the national
ideology. "I want the truth, only the truth," wrote
Javid, wrote "the truth to the nation" and wrote
with loyalty to history.
While writing Javid's works, he cited more
historical truths, gave wide coverage to historical
issues in his work, and along with his pride,
beauty and majesty, the Orient also enriched with
glorious history and cunning, warlike, fearless,
irreplaceable, proud rulers. In the art of Hawaii,
the Eastern theme was not only a fable, but also
a literary-artistic trend. The essence of the practice
of co-ordination is not the point of the East. In
this sense, the great stories written by the great
artists, cunnings, their works, especially the
heroes heroin, are capable of embodying the
moral and spiritual princi ples of the Oriental
tradition. In general, talk about the art of martial
arts and its accomplishments, in fact, from
history. Because of the fact that he is dealing with
the syllabus we are looking at historical
personalities such as: East Fateh (Amir Teymur,
Y?ldirim Beyazit), Eastern Prophet (Prophet
M oh a mma d), Ea st e r n Th inke r (O ma r
Khayyam), Oriental Lover (Sheikh Sanan),
Eastern mythology (Satan), Eastern tangerine
(Yildirim Beyazit), Eastern woman (Selma mom).
1. Turan A.Cavidnama, Baku, Science, 2010, p. 114
2. Rasulzadeh M. A. Contemporary Azerbaijan Literature, Baku, 1990, p.61
3. Rasulzadeh M. A. Contemporary Azerbaijan Literature, Baku, 1990, p.62
4. Huseynov R. Forever Javid, Baku, Nurlan, 2007, p.17
¹1 (2018)
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