c = [s] before front vowels ( [i, e] ).
g = [g]
c = [k] before back vowels ( [a, o, u] ).
y = [j] – at the beginning of the word;
= [u] – in the words that have [Λ] sound in Modern English (e.g. some, love)
j = [dζ]
H/w: 1. § 292-295, p. 156-157; § 302-308, p. 160-163 in “История английского языка” by Т.А. Расторгуева (copies).
2. Using your knowledge of the Middle English spelling and the rules of reading (Lecture 8) read an abstract from the “Canterbury Tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer (lines 1-14) on p. 33-34 in “A Reader in the History of English” by Е.К. Щука and try to identify the peculiarities of the Middle English spelling and rules of reading.