Лексикология английского языка

XI. Complete the following similes. Translate the phraseo­logical units into Russian. If necessary, use your dictio­nary

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lexicology Вишнякова С.М.

XI. Complete the following similes. Translate the phraseo­logical units into Russian. If necessary, use your dictio­nary.

A. as black as----------------- B. ------ as a loon

as green as ------as a lamb

as cold as ------as a mouse

as white as ------as a cat

as old as ------as a kitten

as changeable as ------as an eel

as safe a s ------as an owl

as brown as ------as a wolf

as clean as ------------------ ------as a cricket

as dull as ------as a bee
XII. Complete the following sentences, using the words from the list below. Translate the phraseological units into Russian.

1. She was so embarrassed that she went as red as a . 2.1 can carry the suitcase easily, it's as light

as a ——. 3. The room is as warm as . 4. My sis­ter does so many things that she's always as busy as a ——. 5. He is as proud as a of his new car. 6. It's as cold as -— in that office. 7. Once he's made up his mind, he'll never change it, he's as stubborn as a --------- . 8. She was so frightened that her face went as white as a . 9. The postman always calls at 8 o'clock, he's as regular as . 10. However much he eats, he's always as thin as a .

ice, beetroot, mule, feather, sheet, toast, clockwork, bee, rail, peacock

XIII. In the examples given below identify the phraseolog­ical units and classify them on the semantic principle.

1. The operation started badly and everyone was in a temper throughout. 2.1 know a man who would love meeting you. The perfect nut for you to crack your teeth on. 3. I wish I had you for Maths (my favourite subject). But alas, we cannot have our cake and eat it too. 4. He said: "Well, never mind, Nurse. Don't make such heavy weather about it." 5. Did you know that 50% of the time I've been barking up all the wrong trees. 6. However, while appreciating that the best way to deal with a bully is to bully back, I never quite had the nerve. 7. What is it — First Aid? All you need know is how to treat shock and how to stop haemorrhage, which I've drummed into you till I'm blue in the face. 8. Don't let them (pupils) lead you by the nose. 9. But I thought he was afraid I might take him at his word. 10. Ruth made no bones about the time she was accus­tomed to have her dinner. 11. Poor Eleanor — what a mess she made of her life, marrying that man Grey! 12. There was a list of diets up in the kitchen, but Aun­tie had it all at her finger-tips. 13. "Bob, give me a hand with the screen," Diana said. "Now be very careful, won't you, sweetie?" 14. My common sense tells me that I'm making a mountain out of a molehill. 15. She thought, he's obviously a very sensitive man, he can read between the lines. 16. Oh, said Arthur, someone might've bought the things cheap at an auction and put them by for a rainy day. 17. "I played like a fool," said Guy, breaking a silence. "I'm feeling a bit under the weather."

XIV. Read the following jokes. Classify the italicized word-groups, using Professor Smirnitsky's classification system for phraseological units.

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