a) to introduce possible frameworks for making notes while reading newspaper articles
b) to let students practice summarizing newspaper articles
1. Greenall, S. & D. Pye (2007), Reading 4. Cambridge Skills for Fluency. Cambridge: CUP
2. Naomi Styles (2007), Reading. B2+Upper intermediate. Cobuild
Charts, laptop with speakers, audio recordings, handouts, video clips, white board
Activity 1: Brainstorming Objective: to let students brainstorm their background knowledge about Wales by filling in the Essential Wales fact file
Time: 10 min
Materials: Handout 1
Handout 1. The Essential Wales Fact File How much do you know about Wales? How much of the Essential Wales Fact File can
you complete?
Motto ___________________________________________________________
Population ______________________________________________________
Capital City
Major cities/towns _________________________________________________
National sport _________________________________________________
Famous people _________________________________________________
Traditional Food
National Emblem _________________________________________________
Highest mountain __________________________________________________
National day _________________________________________________
Major industries
Festivals ______________________________________________________
National anthem _________________________________________________
Economy ______________________________________________________
Film locations
Unusual facts_____________________________________________________________
Ask students to complete the file and tell them there is no need to complete every line if they don’t know the answer