Exercise 10. Repeat the following words after the announcer
and try to read them correctly.
Some, somebody, front, rasp, other, love, ask, fast,
mask, craft, brass, path, glass, some, basket-ball, after,
somebody, afternoon, basket, front, govern, government,
grass, lasting, peace, pass, someone, sometimes, son,
glove, something.
Exercise 11.Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Bu sizning qalamingizmi? 2. Yo‘q, bu mening
qalamim emas. 3. Bu Salimning soati. 4. Singlimning
sumkasi oq, meniki esa qora. 5. Menda soat y o ‘q.
6. Sizning soatingiz qani? 7. 0 ‘zbekistonning kelajagi
buyuk. 8. Bizning uyimiz shahar markazida joylashgan.
Exercise 12.Translate the following phrases into English.
Dugonamning oyisi, ukamning qalami, xolamning uyi,
opamning qizi, fakultetning a ’lochi talabasi, institutning
faxri, kompyuter xotirasi, 0 ‘zbekiston tarixi.
Exercise 13. Change the following sentences into interrogative
and negative sentences.
1. His father works at the office. 2. He knows English
better than his brother. 3. They have practical lessons
every day. 4. We usually speak Uzbek. 5. Our lessons
begin at 8 .3 0 a.m. 6. Many students study at our Institute.
7. She always does her lessons in the evening. 8. Mike
speaks English very fluently.
Exercise 14.Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Men har kuni kollejga boraman. 2. Ular, odat-
da, tajriba-amaliyotlarini korxonalarda o ‘tkazishadi.
3. Bizning kollejimizga chet ellik mehmonlar tez-tez
kelib turadi. 4. U hech qachon darslami qoldirmaydi.
5. U sport bilan shug‘ullanadi. 6. Tom ingliz.tilini yaxshi
biladi. 7. Men uni tez-tez valuta almashtirish shoxobchasi
oldida ko ‘raman. 8. U hech qayerda ishlamaydi.