1. Ular hozir juda ham band. 2. Siz bugun b o ‘shmisiz?
3. M uhandislar hozir zavodda. 4. Biz hozir darsdamiz.
5.D irektor mitingda. 6. U ingliz. 7. Buxoro qadimiy
shahar. 8. U tajribali quruvchi.
Exercise 9. Change the following
nouns with personal
Cats, marble, Karim, Lola, 1 and my friend, waiter,
headmistress, waitress, computer,
engineers, building,
engine, office, wheel, machine, industry, food, oil, paper,
register, teachers.
Exercise 10. Find out the pair o f antonyms among the given
expressions and write them down.
To be ill,
to be wet through, to be glad, to be happy,
to be single,
to be busy, to be married, to be angry, to be
late for, to be in, to be well, to be out,
be in time, to be
dry, to be free, to be unhappy.
Exercise 11. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences.
1. Am, today, busy, I. 2. Of, he, fond, sports, is. 3.
Have, a mother, I,
a father, and. 4. Not, in, they, French,
interested, are. 5. Uzbekistan, am, and, live, Uzbek, in, I.
6. Is, of, his, he, native, proud, town. 7. You, free, today,
are? 8. Book, not, is, this, interesting.
Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences into English
using the active vocabulary o f the lesson.
Men kasb-hunar kolleji talabasiman. 2. U sportga
qiziqadi. 3. Men sport bilan shug‘ullanaman. 4.
Biz ingliz
yozuvchilarining kitoblarini o ‘qishni yaxshi ko‘ramiz.
5. Ular hozir bo‘sh, lekin men bo‘sh emasman. 6. Men
televizor k o ‘rishdan rohatlanaman. 7. U uylanmagan
(turmushga chiqmagan). 8. Siz ingliz tiliga qiziqasizmi?
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